Goals of the New Year
It is common when starting a new year, make a balance of what happened in the period just ended and goals to achieve in the next twelve months.
There are those who, in times like these, most relate to the objectives of material existence, and few of those - along with these concerns - take care also of the metaphysical or spiritual aspects of human experience.
At such times it is important to remember the purpose of our presence in the world. The reason is simple: if we do not take into account why our passage on Earth, how will we set goals to be achieved?
It has been said here, more than once, that our passage through the experience reincarnation aims, ultimately, progress. Not only individual progress, but the collective improvement, the evolution of society itself in which we operate.
The subject is focused on the issue 132 of The Spirits' Book, when Allan Kardec asked, "What is the purpose of the incarnation of spirits?".
The immortal reply: "God requires them to incarnate for the purpose of getting them to perfection. For some it is atonement, for others mission. But to reach this perfection, they have to suffer all the vicissitudes of bodily existence: it is the atonement in that. Incarnation has another aim: put the Spirit in a position to support its part in the work of creation. To run it, in each world, the Spirit takes an instrument in harmony with the essential matter of this world in order to perform it, from that point of view, God's orders. And so, contributing to the general work, he moves forward. "
After a reincarnation experience is necessary to evaluate, it is marked, then, to fill the gaps, to fight the vices, the work being undertaken in the following experience.
Abel Gomes, in a message psychographed by the medium Francisco Candido Xavier, alludes to the fact, as the reader can check the book Talking to Earth (Falando à Terra), pgs. 34 et seq.
"The existence of the body, we start or restart a particular service. Beyond the grave, we continue the good work initiated or we are slaves of evil that we have done on Earth", it is a segment of the message.
"Much like the remnants of the human struggle - tells Abel Gomes – stagnate in their own homes where they die, stuck to tears, ravings or the thoughts of bitterness and anger, sorrow or indiscipline those who shared their experiences, and nourish yourselves, like natural vampires, in the home body."
According to Abel Gomes, the duties fulfilled within domestic ministry means joining the human redemption. "The few men and women who are absent from the world, keeping a clear conscience to relatives and affectionate, penetrate, immediately, on broader missions in service to humanity."
However, we call the reader's attention to these three important information where Abel Gomes entered in the above message:
• Not everyone retire on Earth in the position of heroes.
• The perfect sublimation is incessant work of centuries.
• The loss of the minutes should be considered as the most unfortunate and damaging of all.
Considering the above warnings, let’s take care that 2012 will not re-edit the mistakes of previous years, but a helpful year in our walk in the direction of sublimation which does not suffer setbacks or detours from our own fault.