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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 244 - January 22, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Fence's Stake

That afternoon, when the whole family gathered for the Gospel at Home, the theme was Charity. The evangelic text said we should love everyone as brothers, and that the best way to do it was by doing good to others, that is, charity.

Eddie went to sleep with a thousand projects in his little head. The next morning he got up determined to change his behaviour.

On the way to school, Eddie saw two boys fighting. They were his neighbours and he tried to stop the fight wanting to separate them but ended up taking a punch. Soon after, he saw a dog burying a bone and wanted to help it, but the dog attacked him and scratched his arm. He gave up and went to school all dirty with dirt. Seeing him, the teacher asked if he had fought.

The boy explained to her everything that had happened, while his colleagues laughed at him.

At recess, Eddie, while eating his lunch, saw Isabel pulling Bella's hair, which sparked a row. He ran there and tried to stop them.

- Do not fight! You have always been friends!

Hearing him, they were angry, and Isabel said that he had nothing to do with it.

- You're right, Isabel! The problem is ours. In addition, Eddie, just the other day you were fighting too! Now you want to give us a moral lesson? - Bella completed.

Upset, the boy replied that he just wanted to help and walked away with his head low.

When the class ended, Eddie left school with two friends, who lived near his house. One of them, angry, complained about everything: school, the teacher, homework, classmates and even his family. The other also commented pessimistically:

- You are right. No one is good. The world is doomed - he said, no doubt repeating what he heard at home.

Eddie, who listened in silence, could take no more:

- What an ugly thing! You should not talk that way about anyone, especially your family!

The boys looked at each other and then turned against Eddie.

- That's funny! Just the other day you were complaining about your brothers!

He lowered his head, ashamed. Indeed, he had quarrelled with his two brothers and they went days without talking. And whenever he could, he spoke ill his brothers to friends.

At home, Eddie was sad. His project to help others had not worked. He left his rucksack in the living room and went to the backyard. There was a favourite spot between two trees where he went when he wanted to think.

His neighbour Leticia, seeing him through the fence, walked around to talk to him.

- Hi, Eddie! Are you upset?

- Do not bother me! I'm no good to talk to today – he said rudely.

Then, seeing her sad face, he said:

- It is just that all the good I tried to do today went wrong. I wanted to help people and they did not accept!

- Oh! Maybe they did not want to be helped! As you did to me now. I saw you sad and came here to cheer you up, but you treated me bad - the girl said.

- Could be. I am sorry, Leticia.

Leticia heard her mother call her and left. Eddie decided to go in, feeling worse. His mother was in the kitchen and hugged her son with tenderness.

- What happened, son?

The boy said with moist eyes:

- Nothing went right today, Mom. I learned with the Gospel at home that we should help others, but I could not do it. And I even hurt Leticia, who had nothing to do with it.

And he told his mother all that had happened that day. She thought for a moment and then gently considered:

- My son, to give advice, trying to help people, just good will is not enough. You must first set the example. Otherwise, it will go as you saw today: the words do not ring true, they sound false and no one believes you!

- You're right, Mom. But I still want to help people!

- That is an excellent goal, baby. So try to improve your behaviour, act always for the good, and you will.

Looking out the open kitchen door, from where one could see the backyard, the mother said:

- Look, dear! Observe the small wooden fence where your brother is talking to the neighbour. What do you see?

- A wooden fence! ...

- Take a closer look. At regular intervals, between the thinner and narrower boards, there are stakes that support the whole. So, Eddie, he who already has the Gospel of Jesus in  his mind and his heart must become like that stake in the

lives of others, by showing the example.  

There are many people that need help, assistance, information.

- Mom, there are colleagues at school who want to vandalise everything! I can show them that we must preserve what is for use to all, right? - he recalled with enthusiasm.

- Yes, my son. And what about the unruly who do not obey the teacher?

- Show them that we must be disciplined and obedient in the class, after all, the teacher is there to teach us – he said after some thought.

- Very good! And what about the naysayers who see nothing good, seeing darkness in  everything?

- Well, I think we should show them that the world is beautiful and that God helps us always. Anyway, turn on optimism and hope in their hearts!

His mom hugged him happily and concluded:

- You got it right, Eddie. But do not forget that only through directing our actions to good we can do that.

- With our example! Mommy, I want to be a “stake” for people!

At that time, the mother was sure that her son was on the right track and mentally thanked God.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 14/11/2011.)


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