Why is it so hard to
transform us?
A well-known colleague, in a seminar taught years ago in Camboriú, proposed to the audience the following question: - Why, as everyone knows, does the intellectual progress happen quicker than the moral progress?
The veracity of the content of the question is unquestionable. A young man totally ignorant of the laws governing certain science can, after five or six years in college, dominate much of the secrets of this or that discipline, becoming, in a relatively short time, a respected professional in medicine, engineering or of law.
Alongside this, there are people who keep in your heart deep sorrow for what happened to them 20, 30, 40 years ago. If they were jealous when youth, they are still jealous if they were attached to the money, their attachment to matter persist, and this behavior is repeated in various forms that present themselves to human being throughout life.
In our midst is something that is well known and has done so much harm to individuals and spiritists institutions. We speak of squeamishness, this ease of hurt that many people of different ages and social classes present.
Clearly, no one resents because wants to. In many cases, it is likely that the individual would like to behave differently, regardless of the fact that hurt him. But the tendency to be offended - due to the evolutionary level that is - is stronger.
In the seminar which we have referred the public issued several opinions in response to the question presented.
In general, the most common thought is that learning a new discipline is easier than educating the feelings, which it would explain what we all see on Earth, which offers us every day inventive ideas and extraordinary technological innovation, however, it has not been able to eradicate from its face war, corruption and many moral ills that the Church has enrolled them as so-called seven deadly sins - greed, lust and anger, just to name a few.
After hearing the different opinions, the speaker examined the proposed problem and its various nuances and, in conclusion, he said the main factor that determines the slow moral progress it is because we do not have been giving it the importance it deserves.
He remembered then that many parents often enroll their children in better schools, with a view to a promising future in a major college, but they do not find time to pray with them, guide them and even take them to schools of Christian morality that churches and spirits houses offer gracefully.
Of course that this fact alone is not sufficient to determine the moral transformation of a person, because even among so-called religious spirit or not, the problem of sensitivity and many of the ills mentioned also occur, but worry about the moral education of our children is undoubtedly an important step.
The moral transformation is a goal that all of us, adults and children, should pursue, and we must keep in mind that it will come only if we strive for it, as indeed occurs in different walks of life, as the young, to join a college, has to work hard, pointing to such a goal all his energy and time.
After all, it is worth remembering that, according to Kardec, the true spirit is recognized for his moral transformation and by his efforts to tame his lower slopes, which implies that those who call themselves spirits cannot be satisfied with moral stage in they are, while we are here because there will still be time.