We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
A. Whence comes for a man to fear death?
B. Whence comes the sorrow of life that, without reasonable cause, takes hold of certain people?
C. We know that man has no right to dispose of his life: only God watching this right. What, then, about the state of the Spirit, the general consequences of suicide?
D. What dominates is the feeling that most people at the time of death, doubt, fear, or hope?
E. There is the so-called doomsday?
Text for reading
569. The Spirit is sensitive to the memory and the longing of those who were dear to him on earth, but an incessant and unreasonable pain touches painfully, because he sees it, this excessive pain, lack of faith in the future and trust in God, which is an obstacle to the progress of the cry and, perhaps, to its meeting with them. (L.E., 936)
570. The disappointments arising from the ingratitude are a source of bitterness, but you must, solely, pity the ungrateful and the infidels, they will be much more unhappy than yourselves. Ingratitude is the daughter of selfishness, and selfish come across later with unfeeling hearts, as his own was. Remember all that will do more good than you and who had paid for their ingratitude. Remember that Jesus himself was, when the world reviled and despised. Be good to your deeds your reward on earth, and not look at what they say will receive your benefits. Ingratitude is a testament to your perseverance in doing good, you will be taken into account, and that you are ungrateful be punished the more the higher they have been ingratitude. (L.E., 937)
571. It is a mistake to harden their hearts because of disappointment coming from ingratitude, because the man whose heart always feels happy for the good it does, and he knows that if the property is forgotten in this life, will be remembered in another, and that the ungrateful if will be ashamed and remorseful of his ingratitude. (L.E., 938)
572. Regrets those who use a procedure unto you that ye have not deserved, well sad if they present the reverse of the medal. Do not grieve, but this: you will be placed above the middle of them. (L.E., 938-A)
573. How can the love that unites two beings move into dislike and even hatred? This is a punishment, albeit fleeting. Moreover, those who are not believers to love madly, because only judge by appearances, and forced to live with loved ones, not slow to recognize that only experienced a spell stuff! Not just one person is in love with another that you like and who assumes good qualities. Actually living with it is that you can enjoy it. (L.E., 939)
574. There are two kinds of affection: the body and soul, often going to take up for each other. When pure and sympathetic affection of the soul is lasting, the ephemeral body. Hence it is that often the thought that love with eternal love to hate to go, as long as the illusion falls apart. (L.E., 939)
575. A source of bitter disappointments lack of sympathy among beings destined to live together. This, however, is one of the unfortunate things that are, more often than not, the main cause. (L.E., 940)
576. Suicide is not always voluntary: the madman who kills himself does not know what does. (L.E., 944-A)
577. Poor spirits who do not have the courage to endure the miseries of existence! God helps those who suffer, not those who lack the energy and courage. The tribulations of life are trials or expiations. Blessed are those who support them without complaint, they will be rewarded. (L.E., 946)
578. Woe to those who have led the unfortunate suicide! As an answer for murder. (L.E., 946-A)
579. It is suicide to let himself die of hunger, when it is facing the greatest hardship, but you were concerned or which would have prevented this, are more guilty than he who expects leniency. However, do not think that is totally absolved if he lacked firmness and perseverance, and if not used all his wits to get out of the quagmire. Woe to him, especially if your desperation born of pride! (L.E., 947)
580. There are people who would rather die of hunger give up what they call their social standing! There will, however, a thousand times more grandeur and dignity to fight against adversity, which succumb to it in the name of pride. (L.E., 947)
581. Suicide does not clear the fault. The man who kills himself to escape the shame of a bad action, rather than a committed two fouls. When you had the courage to do evil, you must have the will to suffer the consequences. God, who is the judge, may, as the cause, mitigate the rigors of his justice. (L.E., 948)
582. He who commits suicide to avoid shame fall on the children or the family, do not do well. But, how do you do, God will take this into account, since it is an atonement that he imposes on himself. The intention attenuates him miss, however, it is nevertheless there is a shortage. (L.E., 949)
583. He deceives those who are killed in hopes of reaching soon to a better life! What do the most good and be sure to get there, because, killing himself, delays entry into a better world and will have to ask to be allowed to return to complete the life that ended under the influence of a false idea. A foul, whatever, no one ever opens the sanctuary of the elect. (L.E., 950)
584. The sacrifice of their lives to save others, or similar to be useful, it is sublime and - if this is really intended - is not suicide. But if the sacrifice is tainted with pride, God cannot see him willingly. Only the lack of interest makes the sacrifice worthwhile, and often, who does keep hidden a thought, it decreases the value in the eyes of God. (L.E., 951)
585. The man who dies, victim of his passions, which he knew were to hasten his end, but could not resist, for being a habit, commit a moral suicide. In this case, it is doubly guilty, because it is so lacking in courage and bestiality, plus the forgetfulness of God. (L.E., 952)
586. This is guiltier than it takes the life out of desperation, as it has time to reflect on his suicide. In one who commits it instantly, there is often a kind of wildly, that something is madness. (L.E., 952-A)
587. It's always guilty one who does not wait for the word that God had marked him for life, even shorten their sufferings for a moment. Who can be sure that, despite appearances, this end has come? (L.E., 953)
588. Although death seems inevitable, and that life is shortened only a few moments, suicide is always a lack of resignation and submission to the will of the Creator. (L.E., 953-A)
589. The consequences of such an act of atonement will be provided, as always, the seriousness of the offense, according to circumstances. (L.E., 953-B)
590. There's no guilt in not having intention, or consciousness of wrongdoing perfect. (L.E., 954)
591. Very different than they expect to reap the result is those who kill themselves, hoping to find loved ones brought bodily death. Rather than meet those who were the object of their affections, their move away for a long time because it is not possible that God rewards an act of cowardice and insult that make the doubt of his providence. Those who commit suicide will pay just that moment of madness with greater distress than those who think short, and will not have to compensate them, the satisfaction they expect. (L.E., 956)
592. The man has instinctively horror of anything, because there is nothing. (L.E., 958)
593. The instinctive feeling of the future life is explained thus: before incarnating, the Spirit knew all these things and keep vague recollection of what he knows or what he saw in the spiritual state. (L.E., 959)
594. The belief that we face among all peoples, the existence of future rewards and penalties resulting from the feeling of reality, brought to man by the Spirit in him incarnate. It is in vain that an inner voice tells us. Our mistake is to not pay him enough attention, because we would be better if we thought about it much, and often. (L.E., 960)
595. The number of skeptics is much smaller than you think. Many are made from strong spirits, during life, just for pride. At the time of death, however, are not so bucks. (L.E., 962)
596. They tell us that reason and justice, sharing the happiness we all aspire, cannot be mistaken for the good and the bad. It is not possible that God wants one to enjoy, without work, goods that others can only attain with effort and perseverance. (L.E., 962, Kardec comment)
597. God deals with all created beings, no matter how tiny they are. Nothing, for your kindness, is valueless. (L.E., 963)
598. God's laws governing our actions. If violated, it is our fault. When a man commits no excess, no God makes against him a trial. He drew a limit: the sickness and death are often the result of the excesses. Here is the punishment, the result of the violation of law. So at all. (L.E., 964)
599. All our actions are subject to the laws of God. No there is, however insignificant it may seem, that cannot be a violation of those laws. If we suffer the consequences of this violation, we complain about only ourselves, because in this way, we have established the cause of our future happiness or unhappiness. (L. E., 964, Kardec comment)
Answers to questions
A. Whence comes for a man to fear death?
The source of the fear of death results in the first place, teaching traditional religions practiced by millennia whereby, after bodily death, there are only two alternatives for the individual: hell or paradise. People who believe this, being aware of its imperfections, of course fear the eternal fire that will burn, unlike what happens with the righteous, that the death does not inspire any fear, because with faith, he has the certainty of the future and hope does have a better life, once the bodily existence. As for the materialistic, more attached to the bodily life than to spiritual life, their happiness is often fleeting satisfaction in all his desires, so, death is frightening, because doubts of the future and know that the world will have to leave their affections and hopes. The moralistic man, who stood above the needs created by the factitious passions, pleasures this world has experienced the unknown material. The moderation of his desires gives his Spirit calm and serenity. Blessed by good you do, there is disappointment for him, her setbacks and slip over the soul, leaving no painful impression, which is why there is no reason to fear what awaits him beyond the grave. (The Spirits' Book, 941.)
B. Whence comes the sorrow of life that, without reasonable cause, takes hold of certain people?
This dislike stems from laziness, lack of faith and also satiety. (Ibid., question 943.)
C. We know that man has no right to dispose of his life: only God watching this right. What, then, about the state of the Spirit, the general consequences of suicide?
Very different are the consequences of suicide. There are certain penalties and, in all cases, always correspond to the causes that produced it. But there is a consequence of the bomber can not escape: it is the disappointment. But luck is not the same for all, depends on the circumstances. Some atone for the lack immediately, others in new existence, it will be worse than that interrupted its course. (Ibid., 957 question. See also questions 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 955 and 956.)
D. What dominates is the feeling that most people at the time of death, doubt, fear, or hope?
The question, in the petrified skeptics. The fear, for the guilty. The hope, in good men. (Ibid., 961 and 981 questions. See also issue 941)
E. There is the so-called doomsday?
No. God has its laws to abide all our actions. If violated, it is our fault. Undoubtedly, when a man commits any excess, God do not utter a trial against him, telling him, for example: "You were greedy, I will punish you." He drew a limit; sickness and death often result from our excesses. Here is the punishment: it is the result of the violation of the law. So at all. But the Creator is sighted, because it reminds us at every moment, we're doing good or evil, and sends us the Spirit to inspire us. It also provides always the man, giving him new stocks, resources to repair their past mistakes and thus return to the path of moral rectitude. (Ibid., questions 963 and 964.)