We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
A. Feathers and enjoyments are in the spiritual life, something material?
B. What is the happiness of really good spirits?
C. What are the sufferings of inferior spirits?
D. The liability of the Spirit guilty results only from the evil that has committed, or beyond?
E. When a good spirit sees his dearest relatives suffering cruel sufferings and sorrows, this fact disturbs you happiness?
Text for reading
600. One of the characteristics of the good spirits of happiness is the absence of material needs, whose satisfaction is for the common man, a source of enjoyment, in fact, typical of animal enjoyment, and whose deprivation is a torture for the man. (L.E., 968)
601. The expression found in the bosom of God, and he engaged in chanting is an allegory that should not be taken literally. Everything in nature, since the grain of sand, sings, that is, proclaims the power, wisdom and goodness of God. Do not think, however, that the blessed spirits are in contemplation for all eternity. Is this a stupid beatitude and monotonous. They are exempt from the tribulations of corporeal life: it is already a joy. Also, know and know all things and give useful employment to the intelligence gained, helping the progress of other spirits. This is your occupation, that is, at the same time a joy. (L.E., 969)
602. The influence that the spirits exert on each other is part of good spirits, always good. Have the wicked seek to divert the path of good and the repentance which seem likely to get caught and are often the ones who dragged themselves to evil during his earthly life. (L.E., 971)
603. The spirit communications have resulted in showing the future state of the soul, no longer in theory but in reality. Show us all the vicissitudes of life beyond the grave, as perfectly logical consequences of terrestrial life. Infinite is the variety of these consequences, but in general thesis, we can say each one is punished for what he has sinned. So is that the one constant is the vision of the evil they have done, others with grief, fear, shame, for sure, the insulation, the darkness, the separation of the more expensive ones, etc.. (L.E., 973, Kardec comment)
604. The doctrine of eternal fire is an image, an allegory, like many others, taken as reality. (L.E., 974)
605. The fear that fire does not, however, good results? Obviously not, because it does not serve the brake even for those who teach. If you are taught things that later come to repel the reason, cause is an impression that will not last, nor healthy. (L.E., 974-A)
606. The belief in eternal fire date of the most remote antiquity, having inherited a modern peoples of the oldest. That is why also the man says, in his figurative language: the fire of passions, scorch of love, jealousy, etc.. (L.E., 974, Kardec comment)
607. Since spirits can not hide their thoughts to each other, and reciprocally, the culprit is perpetually in the presence of his victim. (L.E., 977)
608. The memory of the misconduct in the past did not crowd the happiness of the souls that were purified, because then we have rescued these faults and were victorious in the tests that were submitted for this purpose. (L.E., 978)
609. Constitute a cause of painful apprehension at the evidence by which a Spirit still has to pass tainted. That is why he can not enjoy perfect happiness, but when it is completely purified. For that, however, already raised, there is nothing painful to think about the evidence that there are still suffering. (L.E., 979)
610. The soul that has reached a certain degree of purity enjoys happiness. Mastered to a feeling of great satisfaction. She feels happy and everything you see around. Lift the veil that shrouded the mysteries and wonders of creation and the divine perfections in all the splendor will appear. (L.E., 979, Kardec comment)
611. Just ensure good luck in the future. And the good is always good, whatever the path that leads to it. (L.E., 982)
612. The belief in Spiritualism helps men improve themselves, for teaching him to stand the test with patience and resignation, departs the acts that may slow you happiness, but nobody says that, without it, she can not be achieved. (L.E., 982, Kardec comment)
613. When the soul is reincarnated, the tribulations of life you are suffering, but only the body suffers materially. Speaking of someone who died, we say that left to suffer, but not always express the reality. As Spirit, is free from physical pain, but, as the fouls that are committed, may be subject to moral pain more acute and may become even more miserable in a new existence. The evil rich will have to beg and be seen grappling with all the hardships arising from the misery, the proud, with all the humiliation, the abuse of authority and that comes with contempt and harshness to his subordinates will be forced to obey a superior more harshly than he was. All the pains and tribulations of life is the atonement of the faults of another existence, if not the consequence of the present life. (L.E., 983)
614. The man who feels happy on earth, because they can satisfy their passions, it employs the least effort to improve. Often begins his atonement has this same ephemeral life of happiness, but there certainly atone another material such as that. (L.E., 983)
615. The vicissitudes of life are tests imposed by God, or we choose as spirits before incarnation, atonement for the sins committed in another existence, because it never goes unpunished violation of the laws of God and especially the law of justice. If not punished in this life, be it to another necessarily. That is why one, which seems fair, often suffers. It is the punishment for his past. (L.E., 984)
616. Reincarnated in a less crude is the result of purification of the soul, since, as you will Debugging, spirits come to embody in worlds ever more perfect, until they have stripped completely of raw and washed of all impurities to enjoy forever the happiness of pure spirits, in the bosom of God. (L.E., 985)
617. In worlds where there is less material than this, less coarse and needs are less acute physical sufferings. There, men are unaware of the evil passions which, in the lower worlds, make them enemies of each other. (L.E., 985, Kardec comment)
618. A spirit that has progressed in his earthly existence can reincarnate in the same world. Since it has not succeeded in completing his mission, he can request it be given to complete it in a new existence. But, then, is no longer subject to an atonement. (L.E., 986)
619. What happens to the man who is not doing evil, also does nothing to free himself from the influence of matter? Now, since any step gives to perfection, he has to start a similar nature to the existence of precedent. Being stationary, can prolong the suffering of atonement. (L.E., 987)
Answers to questions
A. Feathers and enjoyments are in the spiritual life, something material?
As the soul is not matter, common sense says that can not be material. Nothing has, therefore, these feathers and these carnal enjoyments, however, are a thousand times more alive than we experience on Earth, because the Spirit, once released, is more impressionable and you should no longer dulls the sensations. (The Spirit's Book, 965, 966 and 968.)
B. What is the happiness of really good spirits?
In knowing all things, not to feel hatred, jealousy, envy, ambition, nor any of the passions that cause the misery of men. The love that unites them is a source of supreme happiness. No experience requirements, the griefs and anxieties of material life, and are happy for the good they do. (Ibid., questions 967 and 980.)
C. What are the sufferings of inferior spirits?
They are as varied as the causes which determine and proportionate to the degree of inferiority, as they are the enjoyments of superiority. Can be summarized thus: envy what they lack to be happy and not getting, seeing the happiness and can not reach it, feel sorrow, jealousy, anger, despair, motivated by preventing them from being fortunate, remorse, anxiety moral indefinable. Moreover, they want all the joys and can not meet: that is what the torture. (Ibid., questions 970 and 973.)
D. The liability of the Spirit guilty results only from the evil that has committed, or beyond?
Your responsibility goes beyond, because the Spirit suffers from all the evil that he has done, or because it was voluntary for all the good that there had been able to do and did and all the evil that results from not having done good. (Ibid., questions 975 and 982.)
E. When a good spirit sees his dearest relatives suffering cruel sufferings and sorrows, this fact disturbs you happiness?
That is not to good spirits cause of distress, because they consider another point of view our sufferings. They know that they are useful to our progress, if endure with resignation. Grieve, so much the lack of encouragement that slows us than with the sufferings considered in themselves, they all passengers. (Ibid., questions 976 and 976-A.)