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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 247 - February 12, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Learning How To Deal With Problems

Robert was a boy who was always struggling in school. When it was time to do his homework, he would only complain. He would get angry, cry, stomp his foot, break the pencil ... and get nothing done.

One day, when the boy was finding it harder than usual, his mother approached him when he cried making a huge drama. Full of patience, she asked him what was happening.

The boy took the opportunity to cry even more, claiming:

- I can't stand it, mom! Every day is the same thing! The tasks are very difficult and I can't do them! I can't learn! ... - and he burst into tears.

The mother, who knew her son well, sat near him and said:

- Robert, of course you can learn. All children have difficulties! What you lack is a little more willingness and patience to solve your problems.

- But I can't, mom! - he insisted.

The woman thought for a moment, put him on her lap, and said softly:

- My son, you're in second grade. How do you think you made it this far?

- Because I passed the previous grade! - he replied, calmer.

- It is because you learned, Robert! Remember how much difficulty you found to be able to read and write?

The boy smiled, now more excited, remembering the past:

- But now I know it! And I also know how to do maths!

The mother smiled and continued:

- And there's much more you've learned! You could not tie your shoelaces, remember?

- Yes, mom, but now I know how! I can also go cycling, roller-blading, I play soccer, swim...- he remembered, admired.

The mother agreed with him and went on to get a book on the shelf. Opening it on a certain page, she showed the child an interesting image that contained the human evolution through time, completing that explanation by saying that we are always progressing.

- My son, everything progresses! Look at this picture. It represents the scale of human evolution. They are quite different from us, uh? But we've been as these primitive beings!

- You mean I've been like a monkey ?!... - said the boy looking at the picture, amazed.

- Yes, all of us! That's because we are spirits; intelligent beings created by God for evolution. Therefore, we are reborn many times, always evolving. Mankind has progressed a lot materially through the discoveries in science and technology, improving the living conditions of the population. Got it?

- Oh ... More or less. What do you mean, mom?

- Well, when you built a home for your dog with the boards from that box of apples, you were inventing, creating something useful for someone, right?

- That's true, mom!

- And you, Robert, had to measure the boards, do the calculations, nail it together. Dad helped, but you built the house!

The boy's eyes were wide open with amazement by realizing his achievement. The mother continued:

- But that's not all. We also have to progress morally, Robert. The Spirit does it by acquiring knowledge, improving its feelings, its ways. Thus, people, cities, countries, planets progress. The Earth, our home planet, has progressed a great deal and is already well advanced into a transformation to become a better world.

- Got it, Mom. You mean that when I treat people well, do not fight at school, share my lunch with someone who is hungry, I'm doing good, doing my "homework "!... What is the book that brings these so important lessons?

With a smile, the mother added:

- The book is the Gospel of Jesus, where we learn the law of love: how to love others, not hold grudges, learn to forgive and help those who are suffering or in difficulty. Got it?

- Yes, mom. I will not complain about my homework anymore because I know that soon I will learn. And when I don't understand something, I'll ask my teacher!

Robert looked at his notebook. Now with another disposition he took the pencil, trying to understand the questions. He discovered that with a little goodwill, it was not difficult to understand those questions. Focused, he lowered his head and began to answer them.

Seeing him attentive to the task, his mother left without him noticing. An hour later, the boy appeared in the kitchen lifting up the notebook in his hands like a trophy. There was in his face a different expression of contentment, a sense of good capacity for being able to do everything himself:

- Mom, I did it! ... I did everything! ...

Full of joy, the mother wrapped the child with her arms, grateful to God for that moment.

- Well done, my son! If everyone does their share, for sure our planet will be a better place to live!

Robert grew up, and throughout his life he never again found it difficult to solve his problems, because he had learned that, with goodwill and determination, nothing would be impossible. And all that he learned was an achievement that would not only serve him in this lifetime but forever, because it would never be forgotten. 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 07/11/2011.)


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