We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.
A. What happens to lazy to search only in this life, rest and relaxation, doing nothing useful to the similar?
B. We know that repentance can take place both in body condition, and in the spiritual state. What are the consequences of repentance and spiritual state in which the consequences when it occurs in the body condition?
C. Atonement is fulfilled in body condition or state of mind?
D. Just repentance for the sins of the Spirit to go off?
E. What, according to Paul of Tarsus (Spirit), the ultimate goal of mankind, and things are necessary to achieve it?
Text for reading
620. People who, although not bad, become unhappy, for his character, all around them, should atone for their sins before taking a view of those whom infelicitaram, which will cost them a reproach. Then, in another existence, suffer what they did suffer. (L.E., 989)
621. Every spirit is progressing steadily. He who in this life only has the instinct of evil, will have another of the well and that is what is reborn many times as needed is for everyone to progress and achieve the goal. The only difference is that each spend more time than others because so wish. He only has the instinct of good, already purified, since he may have had the evil in a previous existence. (L.E., 993)
622. The wicked man did not recognize their faults in life, always recognized after death, and then suffer most, because he feels in himself all the evil that he has done or has been voluntarily cause. Repentance, however, is not always immediate. There are spirits who insist on staying in a bad way, despite the suffering they undergo. Sooner or later, however, recognize that they have taken the wrong path and repentance will come. To enlighten them work good spirits and you too can work. (L.E., 994)
623. There are spirits of anything useful to carers. Are pending, but in this case suffer proportionately. Everything should be no progress, progress in them is manifested by pain. (L.E., 995)
624. These spirits also want to shorten their sufferings, but they lack sufficient energy to want what can relieve. How many individuals are counted among you who would rather die of misery to work? (L.E., 995, "a")
625. The spirits who, though disembodied, evil and practice good way away from the men in them do so because repentance is too late. It may also happen that one Spirit, after having repented, let drag back to the path of evil spirits by others later than him. (L.E., 996)
626. Prayer is effective only on the Spirit who repents. As to who, driven by pride, rebel against God and persist in their madness, prayer nothing can and nothing can, but on the day a glimmer of repentance to produce them. (L.E., 997)
627. You should understand that the Spirit does not become suddenly after the death of the body. The death does not immediately become perfect. It can therefore persist in their errors, in their false opinions, their prejudices, until there is clear through study, reflection and suffering. (L.E., 997, Kardec comment)
628. We can go rescuing, even in this life, our faults and repairing them. But nobody believes that through some hardships redeem puerile, or distributing in alms what we have, after death, when nothing but need. God gives no value to a sterile repentance, easy and cost only the effort to beat his chest. The loss of a finger when it is providing a service, deletes more faults than the punishment of the flesh supported for years, aiming exclusively personal. Only through the well to repair the evil, and repair has no merit, it does not reach the man nor his pride, not in their material interests. That serves you deprive yourself of some frivolous pleasures, remains integral to the data caused? That serves to humble himself before God, before men to retain their pride? (L.E., 1000)
629. Give useful employment to the assets we have, after our death is better than nothing. The problem, however, is that which gives only after death, is almost always more selfish than generous. Want to have the fruit of goodness without the work of practicing it. Double profit hath he who, in life, deprive yourself of something: the merits of the sacrifice and the pleasure of seeing you happy should happiness. Ah! lastimai who know the joy of giving; think he truly is deprived of one of the purest joys and smooth. Submitting it to the test of wealth, so slippery and dangerous for your future, God has seen fit to grant it, as compensation, the happiness of generosity, that already in this world can enjoy. (L.E., 1001)
630. God never work neatly and everything in the universe is governed by laws, in which his wisdom and his goodness is revealed. (L.E., 1003)
631. The duration of the sufferings of the guilty on the time required is a need to improve. Ò as it progresses and that the feelings you debug, your suffering diminish and change in nature. (L.E., 1004)
632. The Spirit sufferer time seems longer: for him there is no sleep. Just to the spirits who have reached some degree of purification, the time, so to speak, goes out before the infinite. (L.E., 1005)
633. The sufferings of the Spirit could last forever, if he could ever be bad, that is, if ever repent and improve, suffer eternally. But God did not create beings having voted by destination remain perpetually evil. Only all created simple and ignorant, all of whom, however, that progress in shorter or longer time as the course of the will of each one. (L.E., 1006)
634. Eminently wise and magnanimous, therefore, the law governing the length of sentences, because this term makes the efforts of the Spirit. She never denies his free will, if this is abuse, suffers the consequences. (L.E., 1006)
635. There are spirits that repentance is too late, but you never want to improve out to deny the law of progress. (L.E., 1007)
636. There are penalties that may be imposed for a specified time to the Spirit, but God who only wants the good of his creatures, always accepts repentance, and is never fruitless desire that the Spirit manifests to improve. (L.E., 1008)
637. Interrogai your common sense, your reason and ask them if a life sentence, motivated by some moments of error, there would be a denial of God's goodness. That is, in effect, the duration of life, though at a hundred years, in the face of eternity? (...) The justice does not exclude the goodness and God would not be good, be condemned to eternal punishment and the most horrible creatures. (L.E., 1009, St. Augustine)
638. Liken you, by all means in your power, to fight, to annihilate the idea of eternal punishment, blasphemous idea of justice and goodness of God, fruitful germ of unbelief, materialism and indifference that have invaded the human masses, provided that the intelligence started to develop. (L.E., 1009, Lamennais)
639. What we now mean by eternity is not what the ancients understood and designated by this term. See the theologian sources and there find, as you all, that the Hebrew text did not attach that meaning to the word that the Greek, Latin and translated by the modern feathers worm, irremissíveis. Eternity of punishment corresponds to the eternity of evil. Yes, while there is evil among men, the punishment stand. It is important that the sacred texts to interpret the relative sense. The eternal punishment is therefore relative and not absolute. (L.E., 1009, Plato)
640. Gravitate to the divine unity, that is the end of Humanity. To achieve it, three things are necessary: Justice, Love and Science. Three things you are opposite and contrary: ignorance, hatred and injustice. Well! I tell you, in fact, that mentis to these fundamental principles, undermining the idea of God with him exagerardes severity. (...) The idea of hell, with its fiery furnaces, with their boilers to boil, might be tolerated, that is forgivable in a century of iron, but in the nineteenth century, is just going to ghost itself, if anything, to frighten little children and they growing a little, cease to believe. If you still persist in this terrifying mythology, engendrareis unbelief, mother of all social disorganization. (L.E., 1009, Paul, an apostle)
Answers to Questions
A. What happens to lazy to search only in this life, rest and relaxation, doing nothing useful to the similar?
Maybe this person has chosen such an existence, but when the leaves, he realizes that he has served to advance. So laments the lost time. It is known that the Spirit can not acquire knowledge and to rise only by performing the activities that will compete. If you fall asleep in sloth, not good. We also know that each one will have to voluntarily give an account of the futility of his existence, worthlessness always fatal to future happiness. For each, the total of future happiness is the sum of the good he has done, while the unhappiness in proportion to the evil that played there and those for whom there is disgraceful. (The Spirit's Book, 988.)
B. We know that repentance can take place both in body condition, and in the spiritual state. What are the consequences of repentance and spiritual state in which the consequences when it occurs in the body condition?
The consequence in the spiritual state of repentance is wanting a new incarnation sorry for purification. If repentance takes place in the state body, the individual already looking ahead in this life, if you have time to repair his faults. When the conscience reproaches and shows him an imperfection, the man can always improve themselves. (Ibid., questions 990-992. See also items 999 and 1002.)
C. Atonement is fulfilled in body condition or state of mind?
In both states. The atonement is accomplished during the bodily existence by the evidence that the spirit is submitted and, in the spiritual life, the moral suffering, inherent to their condition of inferiority. (Ibid., questions 998, 1004, 1006, 1008 and 1009.)
D. Just repentance for the sins of the Spirit to go off?
No. Repentance contributes to the improvement of the Spirit, but he has to atone for his past. But do not imagine that through some hardships redeem puerile, or distributing in alms what we have, after we die, when nothing but need. God gives no value to a sterile repentance, always easy, and it only costs the effort to beat his chest. The loss of a finger when it is providing a service, deletes more faults than the punishment of the flesh supported for years, aiming exclusively personal. Only through the well to repair the evil, and repair has no merit, it does not reach the man nor his pride, not in their material interests. (Ibid., questions 999, 1000, 1002 and 1007.)
E. What, according to Paul of Tarsus (Spirit), the ultimate goal of mankind, and things are necessary to achieve it?
Gravitate to the divine unity, that is the end of Humanity. To achieve it, three things are necessary: Justice, Love and Science, and three things you are opposite and contrary: ignorance, hatred and injustice. (Ibid., question 1009, a message signed by Paul, the apostle.)