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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 249 - February 26, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 41) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.


A. As Spiritism looks the dogma of the resurrection of the flesh?

B. Disembodied authors have referred in their works to the Threshold and the Darkness. There is therefore confined places, like heaven, hell and purgatory, for penalties and pleasures of spirits, according to their merits?

C. What is meant by purgatory?

D. In what sense are we to understand these words of Jesus: "My kingdom is not of this world"?

E. The reign of the good will one day be deployed on Earth?

Text for reading 

641. Hell and paradise, such as man thinks, allegories are simple: everywhere there are spirits and inditosos fortunate. However, as already said, the spirits of the same order come together in sympathy, but may meet where they want, when they are perfect. (L.E., 1012, "a") 

642. Purgatory means: physical and moral pain, time of atonement. Almost always, on earth is that you do your purgatory, and that God requires you to expiate your sins. (L.E., 1013) 

643. What men call Purgatory is also an allegory, must be understood as such, not a particular place, but the state of imperfect spirits, who find themselves in atonement until they achieve complete purification. Operating this purification through several incarnations, purgatory is the evidence of bodily life. (L.E., 1013, review of Kardec) 

644. When they are inferior and not yet fully dematerialized spirits retain a portion of their earthly ideas, and to give their impressions, make use of the terms they are familiar. They are found in medium only imperfectly allows them to probe the future. That the cause of some wandering spirits, or newly disembodied, talking as they would if they were embodied. Hell can be translated by a life of hardship, extremely painful, with the uncertainty of having a better one, purgatory, also for a life of hardship, but with the awareness of a better future. (L.E., 1014) 

645. Alma languishing mean: a wandering soul, suffering, uncertain of their future and to which you can provide relief, which often calls come to communicate with you. (L.E., 1015) 

646. The word heaven must be understood as the universal space, planets, stars and all the higher worlds, where the spirits of his faculties fully enjoyed without the tribulations of material life, nor the anguish peculiar inferiority. (L.E., 1016) 

647. These words - fourth and fifth heavens - express different degrees of purification and therefore happiness. It's just like when we asked if a spirit is in hell. If you are unhappy, say "yes", because for him, hell is synonymous with suffering. He does, however, that this is not a furnace. Would be on a heathen Tartarus. (L.E., 1017) 

Answers to questions 

A. As Spiritism looks the dogma of the resurrection of the flesh?  

This dogma is, according to Spiritism, the consecration of reincarnation, doctrine consistent with the righteousness of God, because only she explains that without it, is inexplicable. If we take literally the idea of ​​resurrection of the body, ie the assumption that someone who has died can relive one day with the same body, we must recognize, first, that science demonstrates the impossibility of it, since a body reduced to dust can never reconstitute itself and serve back to life. Rationally, therefore, can not admit the resurrection of the body but as a symbolic figure of the phenomenon of reincarnation. (The Spirit's Book, questions 1010 and 1011.) 

B. Disembodied authors have referred in their works to the Threshold and the Darkness. There is therefore confined places, like heaven, hell and purgatory, for penalties and pleasures of spirits, according to their merits?  

No. The feathers and pleasures are inherent in the degree of perfection of the Spirits. Each strip itself the principle of their happiness or their misery. And as they are everywhere, anywhere there is limited or closed, especially to one thing or another. As embodied beings, these are more or less happy or unhappy, as is more or less advanced in the world they inhabit. Hell and heaven are simple allegories. Everywhere there are spirits and inditosos fortunate. However, as also mentioned above, the spirits of the same order come together in sympathy, but may meet where they want, when they are perfect. (Ibid., questions 1012, 1013, 1014, 1016 and 1017.) 

C. What is meant by purgatory? 

Purgatory means physical pain and moral, the time of atonement. Often we do on earth is our purgatory, and that God requires us to atone for our faults. What men call Purgatory is also an allegory, must be understood as such, not a particular place, but the state of imperfect spirits who are in atonement until they achieve complete purification, which will raise the category of the blessed spirits . Operating this purification through several incarnations, purgatory is the evidence of bodily life. (Ibid., question 1013.) 

D. In what sense are we to understand these words of Jesus: "My kingdom is not of this world"?  

Saying these words, Christ was speaking figuratively. He meant that his reign is exercised solely on hearts pure and disinterested, and that is where he wants to dominate the love of good. Eager, however, the things of this world and attached to the goods of the earth, men are not with him. (Ibid., question 1018.) 

E. The reign of the good will one day be deployed on Earth?  

Yes, the reign on earth as well, among the spirits who come to live the good predominate, because then there will make love and justice reign, the source of goodness and happiness. By means of moral progress and practicing the laws of God that man is to attract good spirits and the Earth it will remove the bad. These, however, not to leave, but when there are banished pride and selfishness. This transformation will occur through the best incarnation of spirits, which constitute a new generation on Earth. Then the spirits of evil, that death will mowing every day, and all who try to stop the march of things there will be excluded, because that would be displaced between good men, whose happiness disturb. Iran to new worlds, less advanced, perform arduous tasks, working for their own advancement, while the work of their brethren further behind. (Ibid., items 1018 and 1019.)


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