Why do we believe that
God exists?
One issue addressed recently in this journal concerns the foundations of our belief - the spirit belief - the existence of God. The theme was suggested by a reader.
Spiritism gives us consistent and substantial arguments regarding the belief in the existence of God, which is, as we know, the first so-called fundamental principles of spiritist doctrine.
It consists in elementary principle that is by effects they can judge a cause, even when this cause is hidden from us. If a bird is hit by a bullet, soon as it takes flight; it becomes evident that the gunman shot, while he was not seen by anyone. It follows therefore that it is not always necessary that we see something to know that it exists, because in many situations is the observation of effects that it comes to the knowledge of the causes.
Another basic principle equally and that has passed the condition axiom is that every intelligent effect arises from an intelligent cause.
If we ask the name of the author of an exquisite screen, what would we think if someone said: "There is no painter, the painting was done by itself"?
Everywhere you can recognize the presence of man by his works. The existence of antediluvian men not only proof through of fossils that were found. It is well established, and with much certainty, by the presence of objects made by those individuals in the land of that time. A fragment of a vase, a carved stone, an instrument is enough to attest his presence. Moreover, the perfection of the object or its rudeness, it recognizes the degree of intelligence or progress of the people who produced it.
If we're on an island inhabited only by wild and discover there a statue of perfect lines, all will admit that, savages being unable to get it done, the statue was made by someone of intelligence superior to theirs.
With reference to God, just that we look around us, whether upward, or downward, and we'll look at providence, wisdom, harmony governing the works that were not made by men, and none of that do not exceed limits of the most portentous human intelligence, or examine the stars that roll through space, whether we pain attention to microorganisms that live inside our bodies.
Some well-known data give us an idea of the greatness and perfection of these works.
The rotation of the Earth is what makes our planet to rotate around its own axis, counterclockwise to a clockwise. A complete rotation of the Earth lasts exactly 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds and nine hundredths, a speed which is at the equator of 1674 km/h. Our planet also plays, as we know, another movement - the translation around the Sun - an orbital velocity of 106,798 km/h.
A 38 gun spears bullets to 650 km/h. Comparing this speed to the two most popular movements of our planet, and we have a clear understanding of the creative power, which is infinitely beyond the capacity of the wisest men, and therefore a product of superior intelligence to mankind, unless it is believed effects may exist without a cause.