We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. That role falls to the spirit of truth?
B. To teach spiritualism, which method is best?
C. At the time of the codification of Spiritualism in numerous systems, refuting the spiritual doctrine. What are these systems?
D. What are the general consequences of the polyspiritist system or multispiritist system ?
Text for reading
11. Spirit can communicate with the man? Why not? Well, the man is a spirit trapped in a body. Why the Spirit whem free could not communicate with the spirit captive? The reality of the manifestations of Spiritualism is evidenced by point, not only by reasoning, but by facts. (Items 5 and 6)
12. Thought is an attribute of the Spirit, the possibility to act on the matter, to impress our senses and, therefore, to convey his thoughts, the result of his physiological constitution. (Item 7)
13. The existence of spirits is not a preconceived system, imagined a hypothesis to explain the facts, is the result of observation and natural consequence of the existence of the soul. (Item 9)
14. The science is acquired only with time and study. For those who do not want to stay on the surface, not hours, but months and years are needed to probe all the arcane science of spirit. (Item 13)
15. In its primitive meaning and etymology, the word miracle means something extraordinary, wonderful thing to see, but today it has deviated from original meaning and, according to the Academy, it is understood as "an act of divine power against the common laws of nature" . The phenomena spirit not derogate in any way such laws and therefore have no miraculous character, are wonderful or supernatural. (Item 15)
16. The hidden beings that inhabit the space are one of the powers of Nature, whose power this action is constant over the material world, as much about the moral world. (Item 15)
17. Spiritualism, explaining most of the reputed miraculous facts, comes to the aid of religion and shows that God is not smaller or less powerful, because there is no departure from its laws. That the taunts were levitations of St. Cupertino object! However, the ethereal suspension of heavy bodies is a fact explained by science spirit; it were an eyewitness personally and Mr. Home, and others of our knowledge the phenomenon repeated several times produced by San Cupertino. (Item 16)
18. Among the materialists we must distinguish two classes: those who are for the system and those who are materialistic through indifference, that is, for lack of anything better. The second class is more numerous, because the true materialism is an unnatural feeling. (Items 20 and 21)
19. There is also a third class of unbelievers: unbelievers grudgingly, that does not want to believe anything that they might disturb the peace of material pleasures. And there is a fourth category, which we will call unbelievers concerned or in bad faith, they do not want to stick in Spiritualism and condemn for reasons of personal interests. (Items 22 and 23)
20. We can not omit a category we call unbelievers disappointments, which covers people who have an exaggerated belief to unbelief, because they have suffered disappointments in the middle and often spiritualist spiritualistic practice. Who is mystified by the spirits, because they usually ask what they should not or can not say, or because it lacks sufficient information to discern truth from falsehood. (Section 25)
Answers to questions
A. That role falls to the spirit of truth?
The true spiritist will never miss the opportunity to do good, to relieve afflicted hearts, to distribute consolations, calm despair, moral reforms to operate - this is his mission, which also find their true satisfaction. (The Mediums' Book, item 30.)
B. To teach spiritualism, which method is best?
The best method of teaching is spirit drove him to reason before you drive it in sight. That's what Kardec did with their lessons. The preliminary study of the theory has another advantage which is to immediately show the greatness of purpose and spirit of the reach of science. He who begins to see a rotating table is more or hit led to mockery, because hardly be persuaded that it could leave a table regenerating a doctrine of humanity. Starting with the theory allows us to pass in review all phenomena, explaining them, understand them the possibility, the conditions under which may be produced and obstacles that may be found. Whatever the order under which he appears later, will have nothing that can surprise, saving you who want to work a series of disillusions. (L.M., items 31 and 32.)
C. At the time of the codification of Spiritualism in numerous systems, refuting the spiritual doctrine. What are these systems?
In all, the systems designed to refute the Spiritism account for 13 titles: denial systems, ie systems of the opponents of Spiritualism; system of quackery, which attribute the phenomena to cheat; systems madness; systems hallucination muscle system clicking, the system of physical causes; reflex system, system of collective soul; somnambulistic system; system demonic; optimistic locking; monospiritist system, and system of the material soul. (L.M., items 37 to 50.)
D. What are the general consequences of the polyspiritist system or multispiritist system?
All 13 systems mentioned in the preceding question is the result of a partial observation of the phenomena or their misinterpretation. Here are the general consequences that were deduced from a complete observation and education are the University of spirits, which Kardec drew polispírita system: 1.) The spiritualistic phenomena are produced by extracorporeal intelligences (spirits), 2.) Spirits constitute the invisible world and they are everywhere, including around us, contact us, 3.) Spirits react incessantly about the physical world and the moral world; 4.) the spirits are not separate beings in Creation : are the souls of those who lived on Earth or on other worlds. The souls of men are incarnated spirits, 5.) There are spirits of all degrees of goodness and wickedness, knowledge and ignorance; 6.) Are all governed by the law of progress and can reach perfection, but as they have free will, reach-in a time shorter or longer, according to their efforts and their will; 7.) they are happy as good or evil they have done during the life and advances to which they arrived. The bliss and without shadows is shared only by the spirits who came to the supreme degree of perfection 8.) All spirits, under given circumstances, can manifest itself to men, 9.) The spirits communicate through mediums that serve as their instruments and interpreters, 10.) it recognizes the progress of the Spirits by their language, the good counsel good, and not only say good things, all of them attests elevation. The poor fool and his words carry the stamp of imperfection and ignorance. (L.M., item 49.)