We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. What is the perispirit?
B. What does the perispirit?
C. What form of perispirit?
D. The perispirit can expand?
Text for reading
41. It is thanks to its sheath fluid properties that the Spirit can take the exact look you had when incarnate, and in fact, even the physical defects that can serve, then, signs of recognition. (Item 56)
42. Spirits are therefore beings like us, who make up around us an invisible population in the normal state - say normal, because this invisibility is not absolute. (Item 56)
43. The intimate nature of the Spirit itself, that is, the thinking being, is entirely unknown to us, she is revealed to us only by their deeds and their actions cannot touch our material senses but by an intermediate material. The Spirit is therefore the matter needs to act on the matter. (Item 58)
44. His instrument is the direct perispirit, as man has his body, now, his perispirit is material, as has been seen. It has subsequently by an intermediary fluid universal type of vehicle on which acts as acting upon the air to produce some effect with the aid of expansion, compression, propulsion or vibration. (Item 58)
45. How can the Spirit, with the help of a matter so subtle act on bodies and lifting heavy objects? Surely a man of science would not make a similar objection, because, not to mention the unknown properties that this new agent may have, we see similar examples right here? Not in rare gases in imponderable fluids, the industry has its most powerful engines? When we see the air knock down buildings, pulling a steam ship, gunpowder carbonated rocks rise, electricity breaking trees, why is it strange that the Spirit, with the aid of his perispirit, can build a table? (Item 59)
46. Tertullian speaks of his work, explicitly, on turning tables and speakers. (Item 60)
47. Through bumps, especially intimate shots of the core of the wood, we get even more clever effects, such as mimicking the sound of drums, the firing of a platoon of gunfire, the creaking of a saw, the strokes a hammer, etc.. They said that since there was a hidden intelligence, she must answer questions, and answered, in effect, using conventional strokes. As the answers were rather insignificant, the idea of making and composing letters designate the way words and phrases. (Item 68)
48. The first manifestations of writing, the phase obtained after the beatings took place adapting a pencil at the foot of a table inn takes a sheet of paper. The table, set in motion by the influence of the medium, began to trace letters, then words and phrases. (Item 71)
49. Such means are successively simplified, making use of a table of size one hand, specifically made for this, having baskets of paperboard cartons and, finally, simple wood boards. The writing was as current as fast and as easy as with the hand. Later, it was recognized that these objects were no more than appendages, true pencil holder, which could be released. (Item 71)
50. From the moment they met the human form and the properties of the perispirit semimaterial as well as the mechanical action that may have on the matter - because they saw the apparitions fluidic hands to pick up objects and carry them - it was thought that the Spirit made use of his hands to turn the table and lift it with the strength of his arms. (Item 73)
Answers to questions
A. What is the perispirit?
The perispirit is the housing material, fluid, the Spirit, which serves as a link between this and the body during incarnation. For the disembodied spirits is the agent by which they communicate with men and constitutes for them a kind of subtle body which has the form of its latest incarnation. (The Mediums' Book, item 51.)
B. What does the perispirit?
The perispirit is the intermediary of all the sensations that the Spirit perceives, and by which he conveys his will to the outside and acts on the organs. To serve as a comparison material, is the conductor wire which serves for the reception and transmission of thought. (Ibid., item 54.)
C. What form of perispirit?
The form of the perispirit is the human form, and when it appears to us is usually the one under which the Spirit knew at the time of its last incarnation, but it can give you the look you want. (Ibid., item 56.)
D. The perispirit can expand?
The subtle matter of the perispirit not have the strength or rigidity of the compact matter of the body, is flexible and expandable and submits to the will of the Spirit, which can give you this or that appearance to your liking. Once rid of the physical body, which pressed the perispirit stretches or shrinks, becomes, in a word lends itself to all metamorphoses, according to the will that acts on it. Thanks to this property perispirit that the Spirit can do when you want to recognize, take the exact look you had when incarnate, and in fact, even the physical defects that may be signs of recognition. (Ibid., item 56.)