The abortion of anencephalic in view of Supreme Court
After two days of debate, the Supreme Court ruled on April 12 that pregnant women without fetal brain may choose to terminate a pregnancy, with the right medical care. By 8 votes to 2, ministers set abortion in cases of anencephaly is not a crime.
The reporter’s argument, Justice Marco Aurelio Mello, was expressed in these terms:
"Abortion is a crime against life. It’s trusteeship a potential life. In the case of anencephalic, life is not possible. The anencephalic fetus is biologically alive, being formed by living cells, and legally dead, not enjoying state protection. [...] The anencephalic never become a person. In summary, do not take care of potential life, but safe death. Anencephaly is incompatible with life. "
One sees immediately that the noble reporter focused on a misconception that, although widespread, could not be committed by a member of the Supreme Court.
Anencephaly is a rare malformation of the neural tube that is characterized by partial absence of brain and skull, from defect of the neural tube during embryo formation. But, unlike what the term might suggest, not only characterizes anencephaly cases of total absence of the brain, but especially the case when we have seen varying degrees of brain damage.
In practice, anencephaly word is often used to characterize a fetal malformation of the brain. In such cases, the baby may have some parts of the brain stem functioning, ensuring some vital functions of the body, which explains the fact, repeatedly demonstrated in anencephalic that lived for a year or more.
Babies with anencephaly are, indeed, very short life expectancy, but we cannot establish the precise time of life that will be alive after its birth. This applies to the Vitória de Cristo girl, now two years old, which surprised the scientific world with her insistence on living, as shown in a report produced by TV Canção Nova, which the reader can see by clicking this link - http://
People argue in favor of abortion in cases of anencephaly that while living a few years, the child will have only vegetative life. However, many adult victims of automobile accidents, and even spills, they also have only vegetative life. We must then kill them?
It is not hard to see that acceptance of abortion in such cases is an important step towards the legalization of euthanasia, as occurred, for example, in Netherlands. But doctors could not in good conscience, ally to conduct this level, since their mission is to save people, not kill them.
Why people are born with such serious injuries?
Interviewed once in Goiânia, Chico Xavier assigned to Emmanuel information that the man or woman who gives a shot in the head need two or more lifetimes to repair the injured perispiritual brain. That person then reincarnate with problems relevant to the area of the brain - mental retardation, paralysis, muteness, blindness, etc. - as the injury produced by his act. Reincarnation would work well, as a kind of reconstructive surgery, requiring, as we know, sacrifice, endurance, patience, selflessness, and all because of a thoughtless act which certainly could have been avoided.
In the spirit field means that cases of anencephaly fall in the situation described by Emmanuel. The Spirit of the child who prays to the earthly scene back in those conditions would have on the spiritual plane, constituting lack of charity prevents it from living among us a few days or a few years only because it was destined to a vegetative life without the possibility to study, work , marry and have children.
These are therefore the reasons why the spiritualists do not approve of abortion practice in any situation - even in cases of anencephaly - excepting only the abortion performed to save the mother's life, if it is endangering with the continuity of pregnancy.