Doctor Xavier and
the abortion
It was in March 1858 that the abortion issue first appeared in the Journal Spiritist when Kardec reproduced a dialogue with Dr. Xavier, doctor recently disembodied, whose words on abortion would be utilized by the encoder in the wording of the questions 358 and 359 that are part of the second and final edition of The Spirits' Book, published in March 1860.
We know that since then, in the spirit vision, the abortion of a child should be avoided except in the event that the continuation of pregnancy could pose a risk to the mother's life.
The spirit basis of restriction to abortion is placed on the section below in bold, contained in the answer to question 358: "A mother, or whomever, whenever commit a crime taking the life of a child before its birth, because of that it hinders a soul going through the evidence that the body would serve as an instrument that was forming."
By stopping, without good cause, pregnancy, anyone who acts like that "it prevents a soul to pass by the evidence" that evidently underwent when it was preparing his schedule of reincarnation.
In answer to question 360 of the same book, about the maintenance of pregnancy is clearly emphasized.
Consider this quote:
360. Is it rational to treat a fetus with the same attention that relieves the body of a child who lived for a while?
"Look to this the will and work of God. Do not treat thus thoughtlessly, things that you must respect. Why do not respect the works of creation, sometimes incomplete by the will of the Creator? Everything happens according to his designs and nobody is called to be his judge." (Bold added is ours.)
The contained recommendation in the transcribed text applies in full to situations where it is estimated that the fetus may have a disability, as occurs in cases of anencephaly and mental retardation.
The years passed and a lot of information from the spiritual plane reinforced the idea that we should initially to Dr. Xavier. So that is the cap. 9 of the third part of the book Obsession/Disobsession, published in 1981 by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, Suely Caldas Schubert said three mediumistic communications related to abortion and its consequences.
The first is a physician who, as incarnate, he devoted himself to this practice. However, abortion - except when performed to save the mother's life endangered - is considered a crime in the eyes of God and there is nothing that justifies it, even though the law of man permits it. The doctor introduced himself disembodied therefore extremely upset and said to be haunted by several spirits. Accusing himself a criminal, he was terrified by his actions. Repentance already had come to him, but he showed great fear of his persecutors, among who were some of the victims of his scalpel.
The second communicator was a woman who had died during an abortion. Plagued with remorse of that action, harbored a special hatred to the doctor who did the abortion, whom she now pursued, eager for revenge.
The third entity to communicate was also a woman who had committed an abortion in her last life on Earth. Being poor and struggling with many difficulties for the maintenance of her children, she was disoriented when she got pregnant and sought a way to abort what would be the sixth child. Committed the crime, repentance was terrible and immediately because she never forgave herself for this gesture and thus suffered twice to burden for the rest of her days the weight of remorse. Her existence was long and difficult. She faced the hardships and difficulties of life and after prolonged illness, passed away.
The spiritual plane although booked her a surprise. When disembody, she met with the Spirit of the rejected son and great was her shock to find that he was a being very dear to her heart, a fellow soldier from the past that would be reborn in her home with the main objective of helping her to make her days less bitter.
Spirit of a certain moral elevation, he had forgiven her long ago the unfortunate attitude, but she never complied with the act done and now, on the spiritual plane, took upon herself the task of helping people seeking to make the same mistake, to show them to the destination is the rugged construction and abortion, far from being the solution to the difficulties of life, will always be the worsening of our evils, if not the door that closes to our best friends.