We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. How to define the phenomenon of transport?
B. An object can be transported to an enclosed area?
C. As the Spirit carries the object?
D. What are the most interesting spiritual manifestations?
Text for reading
101. The spirits who appear to us are in their normal state, elusive to the touch, but may become able to produce print, leaving traces of his presence and even in some cases, become momentarily tangible. (Item 100, 24th question)
102. During sleep all people have the ability to see spirits, waking, no. You see, during sleep, the soul sees without intermediary, and waking think is always more or less influenced by the media. (Item 100, 25th question)
103. The faculty of clairvoyance in the waking state depends on the physical organization and is the more or less easily the fluid that has the seer to combine with the Spirit. So do not just want to show that the Spirit is, we must find the necessary skills in the person you wish to become visible. (Item 100, 26th question)
104. The spirits become visible presenting usually in human form. They can also produce flames, sparks or other effects to certify their presence. The flame is not often a mirage, or an emanation of perispirit. Is never more than a portion thereof. the perispirit not shown fully in the views. (That's how the Lord appeared to Moses for the first time on Mount Horeb, as seen in Exodus 3:2.) (Item 100, question 28, see also the 30th question)
105. The most common apparent manifestations occur during sleep, through dreams, there are the visions. (Item 101)
106. Dreams can be: a current view of things present, or absent; hindsight of the past and in some exceptional cases, a premonition of the future. Also they are often allegorical pictures that spirits put us under the eyes, to give us useful warnings and salutary advice, if they are good spirits, or to lead us into error and to flatter the passions, whether they are imperfect spirits. (Item 101)
107. The Spirit can, in appearances, taking the form in which it is best to make recognizable. Thus, although as a spirit body has no defect, he can show himself crippled, lame, hunchbacked, wounded, scarred, if that is necessary to identify them. (Item 102)
108. Natural thing is that except in special cases, the legs are not always clearly drawn. That is why the spirits are almost never seen to walk, but fly like shadows. As for clothing, ordinarily consists of a bundle of cloth, ending in long pleated floating. The vulgar spirits usually appear with the robes they wore in the last period of its existence. (Item 102)
109. The superior spirits have a beautiful figure, noble and serene, the most inferior denote something ferocious and brutal, it is not uncommon even show traces of the crimes or who have suffered torture. (Item 102)
110. The Spirit takes sometimes more precisely, with every appearance of a solid body, to cause complete illusion to believe and give to those who observe the apparition before them a corporeal being. In some cases, also the tangible can become real, ie, it is possible to touch, feel, appearance felt in the same resistance, the same heat in a living body. (Read the Book of Tobias the story about the apparition of the Angel Raphael.) (Item 104)
Answers to Questions
A. How to define the phenomenon of transport?
This phenomenon differs from the demonstrations in which movement occurs only inert objects intended by the benevolent spirit that runs by the nature of the objects almost always graceful and sweet way and often delicate because they are brought. Is defined as the spontaneous transport of objects that do not exist in the place where you are, are often flowers, sometimes fruit, chocolates, jewelry etc.. For phenomena of this order, we must rely on psychics mediums, ie, endowed with the highest degree of colleges medianímicas of expansion and penetration, because the nervous system of these mediums, easily excitable, enables them, through certain vibrations, design around them with their wealth animalized fluid. Not all spirits can produce them, because we need them between the medium and there is a certain affinity, a certain analogy, a similarity that allows the fluid to the expandable portion of the Incarnate perispirítico mingle, unite, combine with the Spirit who wants to run the transport. Then this may, by means of certain properties of the terrestrial environment, unknown to us, isolate, and to make it invisible to move materials and certain objects themselves embodied. (Items 96 to 98).
B. An object can be transported to an enclosed area?
The Spirit can make invisible objects to be transported, but not make them penetrable, nor break the aggregation of matter, what would be the destruction of the object. Making the object invisible, can carry it when you want and do not unwrap only when convenient to make it appear. The case is however different with regard to objects composed of the Spirit. As this does not make the room except the elements of matter which are essentially penetrable, you can enter an object in place, that is more closed, but it is only in this case. Spirits have the ability to penetrate and go through the more condensed bodies with the same ease with which the sun's rays pass through the glass of a window. (Item 99, in question 20)
C. As the Spirit carries the object?
It surrounds the object with a fluid achieved a part of the medium perispirit and another part of himself, and it is this combination that carries the hidden object and subject of transportation. Once introduced, the object in the room, unwraps the Spirit, that is, takes away the element of fluid that surrounds it, making it visible again. (Item 99, in questions 13 and 19)
D. What are the most interesting spiritual manifestations?
Of all the spiritist manifestations, the most interesting, without contradiction, are those through which the spirits can become visible. Indeed, this phenomenon is no more supernatural than the others, since the spirits may become visible during sleep and even during wakefulness, which is, however, more rare. (Item 100)