We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. The body may die in the absence of the soul?
B. What is the transfiguration?
C. What are the "agénères"?
D. Spirits can make appropriate substances to heal people?
Text for reading
131. The will is an essential attribute of the Spirit. With the help of this lever it acts on the elementary matter, and a consecutive action, reacts upon its compounds, whose essential properties are thus to be transformed. (Item 131)
132. Some spirits may cling to earthly objects. Covetous, for example, who hid treasures and that it is not sufficiently dematerialized, often persist in watching them and mount them guard. (Item 132, question 1)
133. It is wrong to think that spirits have a preference for dwelling in ruins. They like the presence of men, hence the dwellings prefer to deserted places. (Item 132, question 4)
134. There are, for the spirits who usually meet, days and hours preferred. The days and hours of time are measured for use by men. (Item 132, question 6)
135. Should not be considered absolutely false belief in haunted places. Some spirits may feel attracted to material things. May be, therefore, certain places, where they seem to establish domicile, until they disappear circumstances that make them seek such places. (Item 132, question 9)
136. Several circumstances may induce them to seek out these places: a) sympathy for some people who attend, or the desire to communicate with them b) if they are bad, the desire to take revenge on people who hold grievances; c) a punishment that is inflicted on them, especially if there have committed a crime. (Item 132, question 9-a)
137. It is not rational to fear haunted places, because the spirits who want to attend, first of all, have fun at the expense of credulity and fear of men, than to do them harm. (Item 132, question 12)
138. There are ways to expel these spirits, however, most often the process that appeals most to them, rather than away. The best way to drive away evil spirits is to attract the good, which is achieved by practicing all well within reach. As always good, only good spirits have with us. (Item 132, question 13)
139. Every effect that reveals, in its causation, an act - albeit very minor - voluntarily testifies, in this circumstance, the existence of an intelligent cause. (Item 133)
140. Regarding communications serious, we must distinguish the true from the false, which is not always easy, because some spirits or pseudossábios smug look, just the shadow of the elevated language, to achieve the most prevalent misconceptions and most absurd systems. (Item 136)
Answers to questions
A. The body may die in the absence of the soul?
During bodily life, the soul is not never completely disconnected from the body. The Spirits and the visionaries recognize the Spirit of a living person by a streak of light that ends up in your body, a fact that never occurs when the body is dead because then the separation is complete. It is this bond that the Spirit is notified instantly, whatever the distance that is, the need that the body has its presence, and then back with the rapidity of lightning. It follows that the body can never die in the absence of the soul and that can never happen that, in its turn, find the door closed, as some reported fantasy novels. (The Mediums' Book, item 118.)
B. What is the transfiguration?
The Transfiguration is the changing aspect of a living body. The fact may be due, in some cases, a simple muscle contraction that gives the face a different expression, the point of making the person almost unrecognizable. But that does not explain everything. The Spirit can give your perispirit, as we have seen, all appearances, and the effect of a change in molecular arrangement, give him visibility, tangibility and therefore the opacity. This change of state takes place by a combination of fluids. Let us observe the perispirit of a living person, not isolated, but radiating around the body to wrap it as a vapor. Perispirit losing its transparency, the body may disappear, become invisible, as if immersed in a fog. You can change your appearance, become shiny. Another Spirit, combining its fluid with the first, there can print your own appearance, so much so that the physical body disappears beneath an outer shell fluid whose appearance varies according to the will of the Spirit. (Ibid., 122 and 123 items.)
C. What are the "agénères"?
It is a kind of tangible appearance: the state of certain spirits who can briefly take the forms of a living person, to cause complete illusion. Originating from the Greek, the word means "one who was not generated" and applies, therefore, the so-called spirits materialized, this improper denomination which designates the beings whose perispirit became tangible, visible, photographed, like a living person. (Ibid., item 125.)
D. Spirits can make appropriate substances to heal people?
Yes, and this fact is very often. (Ibid., item 128, paragraphs 12 and 13.)