We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. As the phenomena of direct spirit-sounds or Pneumatophony happens?
B. What is the phenomenon of direct writing?
C. Direct writing is recorded permanently or disappear over time?
D. There are haunted places?
Text for reading
151. Nearing the end of the page, the pencil is a spontaneous movement to turn the paper. If he wishes to refer to a passage already written on the same page, or another, looking for it with a pencil point, as anyone would with a fingertip, and underlines it. If the Spirit wants to go to someone, the edge of the wooden rod indicates the person. If he wishes to express anger or impatience, beats repeated blows with a pencil point and often breaking. (Item 155)
152. In place of the basket, some people have used a kind of small table with three legs, made on purpose, measuring 12-15 centimeters in length by 5-6 height. The one foot is adapted a pencil, the other two are rounded or provided with an ivory ball to slide more easily on paper. Others have used only a clipboard triangular, oval or oblong, 15-20 square centimeters, with an iron in the edges oblique to introduce the pencil. Of course, all these devices are not in the absolute: the best is what is most comfortable. All in all, however, almost always have to be two operators: one gifted with psychic ability and the other to balance the object. (Item 156)
153. Indirect call psychographics the writing that is thus obtained, as opposed to direct psychographics or manual, obtained by the medium, without use of any appendix. The process is this: the Spirit communicating acts on the medium that, under this influence, mechanically moves the arm and hand to write, without having most of the time completely unaware of what he writes: the hand acts on the basket and the basket on the pencil. Thus, there is the basket that becomes intelligent, she is just a pencil, an appendix, an intermediary between the hand and pencil. (Item 157)
154. Suppress is the intermediary, put the pencil in hand and the result is the same, since every person who writes with the assistance of a Basket, a clipboard or any other object, you can write directly. (Item 157)
155. From all media, handwriting, which some call involuntary writing, is, without question, the simplest, easiest and most comfortable, because it requires no preparation and lends itself as the writing current to larger developments. (Item 157)
156. So, understand: If communication is through writing, whatever the device that supports the pencil, which is, for us, is psychographics, if by blows, called typtology. (Item 158)
157. The mediumistic faculty is not in itself evidence of a pathological state, because it is incompatible with perfect health. If you have one who has it, that suffering is due to a foreign cause, whence it follows that the means of treatment are powerless to make it disappear. (Item 161)
158. Those who spreads the idea that the agent of psychic phenomena is the devil, do not know the responsibility they assume, because the belief it can kill. Now the danger is not just for the patient but also for those around you, which may be terrified at the thought that his house became a den of demons. This belief is disastrous because it was so many acts of atrocity in the times of ignorance. (Item 162)
159. The invisible beings who reveal their presence by sensible effects are in general spirits of a lower order and can be dominated by the rising morale. Purchasing this ascendant is what you should look for. To achieve it, is that the individual must pass the state of the natural psychic to voluntary medium (Item 162)
Answers to questions
A. As the phenomena of direct spirit-sounds or Pneumatophony happens?
Spiritist sounds or pneumatophonics have two very distinct ways to produce, are sometimes an inner voice that echoes in the consciousness, but even if the words are clear and distinct, it does not, however, have nothing material, other times they are exterior and so distinctly articulated as if they came from a person standing beside us. Either way it is produced, the phenomenon of Pneumatophony is almost always spontaneous and only rarely can be provoked. Further experiments showed that the consolidation in the phenomenon of direct voice, the Spirit speaks through an ectoplasmic throat, your voice can imitate his previous earthly existence. Sounds pneumatofônicos express thoughts, form sentences, and that is why we can recognize that they are due to an intelligent cause, not accidental. (The Mediums' Book, items 150 and 151.)
B. What is the phenomenon of direct writing?
Direct writing or Pneumatography, is that it occurs spontaneously without the assistance or the hand of the medium, not pencil. Just take a white sheet of paper, fold it and put it somewhere in a drawer, or simply on a mobile, and if we are in favorable conditions, after a longer or shorter period, we find characters on paper traces, symbols, words, phrases and even speeches, often with a gray equal to the lead, sometimes with red pencil, ink and even ordinary printing ink. In this type of phenomenon, the Spirit does not serve nor our substances, neither of our instruments: he makes the matter and the tools they need, drawing its materials from the universal primitive element to which he willingly print the necessary modifications to effect to produce. It thus may well make red paint, printing ink and even typefaces quite resistant to highlight the impression that we have seen examples. This is how we explain the appearance of the three words in the hall of the feast of Belshazzar, that the Bible tells us. (Ibid., items 127 and 146 to 148.)
C. Direct writing is recorded permanently or disappear over time?
The traces of direct writing not disappear because they are signs that it is helpful to save and so are preserved. (Ibid., item 128, paragraphs 17 and 18.)
D. There are haunted places?
Yes Some spirits may be attracted to material things. May be attracted also by certain places, which seem to elect a home, until they finish the circumstances that led them there: the sympathy for some people there attend or desire to communicate with them. His intentions are not always commendable, because one may want to pursue vengeance on individuals from whom they have grounds for complaints. Staying in one place can also be, for some spirits, a punishment that is inflicted on them, especially if they committed a crime there, so that this crime have constantly before our eyes. It should not be afraid of the haunted places, because the spirits who haunt certain places and try them before you make noise fun at the expense of credulity and fear than harm. The best way to keep them there is to attract good spirits, which is achieved by doing good. Let us always and we have good spirits and just beside us. (Ibid., item 132, paragraphs 5-14.)