The spirit movement depends on those who direct it
The letters that come to our editor’s magazine, it realizes that the spirit movement does not manages questions uniformly which should be a long time overdue to be resolved, as seen, for example, the different techniques of passes administration and conducting the meetings for psychic indoctrination of the spirits.
Not long ago a reader has informed us that the spirit center that she participates, the mediumship meetings are open to the public, including children, and have other disadvantages mentioned in her letter.
The well-known colleague J. Raul Teixeira once said; the purpose of the spirit movement, which it expresses the level of people who run it. According to the words of esteemed colleague, "when it (the spirit movement) is under inept command and unprepared for this command, will suffer the consequences of that failure." The full text of what Raul said can be viewed by clicking this link:
The same analysis can be applied to the administration of groups and spirits centers. If people who run them are not prepared for this role, or deliberately flout what spirit works recommend, the result will look something like what the reader has reported.
With respect to mediumship meetings open to the public, it is not our call here what it has already been published in this journal in more than one occasion.
One must keep in mind - firstly - that a mediumship meeting, especially when its goal is the clarification of discarnate entities, akin to an infirmary, with funds brought from Spirituality for the treatment of troubled and unhappy creatures who attend there.
Just us this information so we can understand why the session should not be open to the curious, a recommendation that Carlos Imbassahy, Cairbar Schutel and Spartaco Banal made in works published before the advent of the works in Brazil and Emmanuel André Luiz.
It is enough to us this information so we can understand why the session should not be open to the curious, a recommendation that Carlos Imbassahy, Cairbar Schutel and Spartaco Banal made in published works before the advent of the works in Brazil of André Luiz and Emmanuel.
Allan Kardec had also dealt with the matter when he answered to people who proposed to open to the public sessions of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies.
It could not be, although different the understanding of Divaldo Franco on the subject. "It is never too much to recommend - says the distinguished orator and medium - the séance are of private character."
The reason for this warning is too obvious, as it can be checked the view that André Luiz consigned in chapter 21 of his book "Disobsession": "Let us in place of the unbalanced disembodied and understand, at once, the inappropriateness of the presence of any person outside the public welfare of this nature." "The disobsession service is not a working department for social amenities, though respectable, it does not pity with spiritual nursing being developed, in benefit of siblings disembodied that bitter difficulties torment them."