We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. There is a diagnosis to know if someone is medium?
B. Mediumship is a mission?
C. What is the purpose of the mediumistic faculty?
D. Children can also develop mediumship?
Text for reading
178. The mediums of physical effects have many varieties. Thus, they can be: Rapping mediums, Motor mediums, Mediums for displacements and suspensions, Mediums for musical effects, Mediums for apparitions, Mediums for the transport of objects, Nocturnal mediums, Pneumatographic mediums, Healing mediums and Developing mediums. (Item 189)
179. The mediums of intellectual effects, whose varieties are also numerous: Hearing mediums, Speaking mediums, Seeing mediums, Inspirational mediums, Presentient mediums, Prophetic mediums, Somnambulist mediums, Trance mediums, Painting or Drawing mediums and Musical mediums. (Item 190)
180. The Writing Mediums may be classified as: Mechanical writing mediums, Semi-mechanical mediums, Intuitive mediums, Polygraphic mediums, Polyglot mediums and Illiterate mediums. (Item 191)
181. According to faculty development, the writing mediums may be: Novice mediums, Unproductive mediums, Fully formed mediums, Laconic mediums, Explicit mediums, Experienced mediums, Flexible mediums, Exclusive mediums, Mediums for evocations and Mediums who receive spontaneous communications. (Item 192)
182. As the genre of communications, writing mediums can be: Verse-making mediums, Poetic mediums, Positive mediums, Literary mediums, Incorrect mediums, Historical mediums, Scientific mediums, Medical mediums, Religious mediums, Philosophic and moralistic mediums and Mediums for trivial and obscene communications. (Section 193)
183. According to its physical qualities, mediums can be Calm mediums, Rapid mediums or Convulsive mediums. (Section 194)
184. According to the moral qualities of mediums, they fall into Good Mediums and Imperfect Mediums. (Item 195-197)
185. The wicked mediums, those who abuse or bad use of his faculties experience sad consequences. Learn at their own expense which results from applying the interest of their earthly passions a gift that God gave them only to their moral advancement. (Item 197)
186. The synoptic table of mediums should be constantly in full view of everyone who takes care of manifestations of the same scale so that the spirit, which serves as a complement. These two tables together all the principles of the Doctrine and will contribute more than we suppose, to bring the Spiritism to true path. (Item 197)
Answers to questions
A. There is a diagnosis to know if someone is medium?
No, the physical signs by which some people thought see signs do not have anything right. The mediumistic faculty is in children and old, men and women, whatever the temperament, health status, degree of intellectual and moral development. There is only one way to verify whether the ability exists: it is experiencing. (The Mediums' Book, item 200.)
B. Mediumship is a mission?
Yes, it's a mission that the individual is responsible and which is happy, after all, the medium is the interpreter of spirits with men. It occurs, however, that this task is not the privilege of good men and that faculty is given to fallible people who, sometimes, to abuse the resource that was granted. The reason is simple: mediumship is granted to such individuals because they need it for their own betterment, so that they are free to receive good teaching if they did not enjoy, suffer the consequences. (Ibid., item 220, paragraphs 12 and 14.)
C. What is the purpose of the mediumistic faculty?
The mediumistic faculty is not given to a creature to correct only one or two people, your goal is greater, it is of humanity. A medium is a little important instrument as a person, that is why, when the spirits dictated his instructions that should benefit the most people, they serve as mediums that have the necessary facilities. There comes a time on this planet where the mediums are very common, enabling good spirits waive the service of evil instruments. (Ibid., item 226, paragraph 5.)
D. Children can also develop mediumship?
There is a serious problem in developing mediumship in children. Their delicate bodies and still fragile and could be shaken his overexcited imagination. Therefore, prudent parents turn away the children of these ideas, or at least they speak about them only from the point of view of moral consequences. (Ibid., item 221, paragraph 6.)