We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. The animals may be mediums?
B. What are the main varieties that are divided the mediums?
C. How are imperfect mediums?
D. How are the good mediums?
Text for reading
187. Good mediums are the mediums serious, modest, devoted, and insurance. Mediums are devoted to understand the true medium has a mission to accomplish and should, where necessary, to sacrifice taste, habits, pleasures, time and even material interests for the good of others. Mediums that are safe, as well as ease of implementation, deserve all confidence, for his character and nature of the high spirits that watch. They are, therefore, the less exposed to be deceived by the spirits. (Item 197)
188. Can be obtained by writing with the aid of baskets and boards, or directly by hand, which is the easiest and most recommended. The process is simple. Consists solely of the person to take a pencil and paper and put yourself in the position of the writer, without any preparation. (Item 200)
189. It is recommended to automatic writer avoid anything that might embarrass the movement of the hand. It is preferable that it does not rest on paper. The pencil tip must touch this enough to draw something, but not so much to offer resistance. It is immaterial that use pen or pencil. (Items 201 and 202)
190. The desire of every aspiring medium is able to confabulate with the spirits of people who are dear to him. It should, however, temper their impatience, for communication with Spirit presents particular difficulties often materials that make it impossible for the beginner. For a spirit can communicate, there is need between him and the relationship fluidic medium that does not always settle instantly. (Section 203)
191. So, before thinking about getting this or that communications Spirit, it is important that the aspirant take out the development of their college, which should make a general appeal and be directed mainly to their guardian angel. There's about it any sacramental formula. The recall should be done in the name of God, and more important than the way of doing it are calm and recollection, plus the burning desire and determination to get to the goal. (Items 203 and 204)
192. The loneliness, the silence and the removal of anything that might be the cause of distraction favor the gathering. There should be no impatience here febricitação. If the first attempt fails, it is possible to renew each day for ten to fifteen minutes at most, each time for two weeks, a month, two months and even longer if required. Kardec says psychics have known that only formed after six months of exercise, while others are currently able to write right the first time. (Item 204)
193. To avoid futile attempts, please refer to the other medium, a Spirit seriously and early, which may clarify whether the aspirant has the gift of psychographics to develop. (Item 205)
194. One way that often gives good results is to employ themselves, as a helper, a good writing medium, soft, already formed. Putting him to hand or fingers on the hand you want to write, rare is that the latter did not do so immediately. This exercise is very useful when you can use it, since often repeated and regularly helps to overcome the obstacle material and causes the development of the college. Sometimes, just that the medium has formed magnetize, with this intention, the hand and arm that you want to write. (Item 206)
195. Another way that can also contribute heavily to develop the college is to meet a number of people, all animated by the same desire and communing the same intention. That done, all at once, keeping absolute silence and a religious gathering, try to write, each appealing to her guardian angel or any friendly spirit. Or, one may go, by all present, an appeal to the good spirits in general, that the wizards discover the instrument that suits them. This medium may be employed especially in groups spirit mediums which lack or which do not have sufficient. (Item 207)
Answers to questions
A. The animals may be mediums?
No, the mediumistic facts may not be possible without the assistance of conscious or unconscious mediums, and not only among the reds, the spirits of the same kind of invisible beings, we can find the mediums. (The Mediums' Book, item 236.)
B. What are the main varieties that are divided the mediums?
As principais variedades são: médiuns de efeitos físicos; médiuns sensitivos ou impressionáveis; os auditivos; os falantes; os videntes; os sonâmbulos; os curadores; os pneumatógrafos; os escreventes ou psicógrafos. (Obra citada, item 159.)
C. How are imperfect mediums?
Can they be classified into mediums obsessed, fascinated, overwhelmed, careless, indifferent, boasters, proud, capable, mercenaries, ambitious, in bad faith, selfish and jealous. Pride and selfishness, the two scourges of humanity, can make you lose the most precious faculties, through vanity, envy, pique, speculation and all the imperfections they can generate the human creature. (Ibid., items 195 and 196.)
D. How are the good mediums?
They can be classified into mediums serious, modest, devoted, and insurance. Mediums serious not only serve your college for good and for the truly useful things. The modest mediums are not attributed any merit for the communications they receive and do not feel under the mystifications; away to escape the warnings about their college, they request it. The mediums devoted to understand the true medium has a mission and should, when necessary, sacrifice his tastes, his habits, his pleasures, his time and even their material interests for the good of others. The mediums that are safe, and ease of implementation, deserve greater confidence by his character and nature of the high spirits which assist them, and are less exposed to be mistaken. (Ibid., item 197.)