We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. If a medium has various medianimic skills, which should seek to cultivate?
B. What precautions should be taken, the medium, to develop a good mediumistic education ?
C. What is psychographics?
D. That has to be indirect psychographics?
Text for reading
196. Some also suggest a kind of exercise that almost moves the arm and head of the candidate to medium, there is no evidence, however, its efficiency in the development of mediumship, given only the following: if there are no rudiments of college, nothing can produce them, even the electrification, which has been used unsuccessfully in such commitments. (Item 208)
197. In the medium beginner, faith is not rigorous condition. No doubt, faith efforts will secunda, but is not essential, purity of intention, desire and good will suffice. (Item 209)
198. The first indication of willingness to write is a kind of chill in the arm and hand. Bit by bit the hand is pushed by an impulse that she is unable to master. Often, but not insignificant risk mapping, then the characters are drawn more clearly written and ultimately acquire the speed of ordinary writing. In all cases, must deliver to its natural hand and having no resistance or propel it. There are people who write with ease from the beginning, others are real risks and draw calligraphic exercises for a long time. They say that spirits are to hold their hand, may be, however, a spirit who has fun, and it was the medium that Kardec means unproductive. (Item 210)
199. The writing is sometimes legible, the words and bold letters. Other times only the medium is able to decipher them. When a word or phrase is almost completely unreadable, asked the Spirit to consent to start, and he usually acquiesces willingly. When the writing is usually unreadable, even for the medium, it reaches almost always get it sharper, through frequent exercises and time-consuming, calling it a strong and fervently praying to the Spirit that is more correct. (Item 213)
200. Everything that is said above applies to writing mechanics. Is that all mediums seeking to achieve, but the mechanism is very rare pure, because they think often associated with it, more or less intuition. Being aware of what he writes, the medium is naturally inclined to doubt their ability because they do not know if it comes out of the pencil of his own Spirit or another person. It has, however, absolutely to worry about it, but proceed. If you watch yourself carefully, you'll find easily in writing a lot of things that did not passed through the mind and that are even contrary to their ideas, proof that such things do not come from his Spirit. Keep therefore and experience doubt will dissipate. (Item 214)
201. If the medium was not allowed to be purely mechanical, all attempts to reach this result will be fruitless. If it is only endowed with intuitive mediumship, it should be content with this, because it will provide great services, to know avail. If, after futile trials made for some time thereafter, no evidence of involuntary movement of produce, the medium should not hesitate to write the first thought that is suggested, without worrying if that thought flows from your Spirit or a different source: experience will teach you to distinguish. Often, indeed, happen that the mechanical movement develops later. (Item 215)
202. When the medium is made, big mistake on your part is to believe himself exempt from any further instruction, because you only have won a resistance material. That's where the real difficulties begin, when you need more than ever the advice of prudence and experience, if you do not want to fall in the thousand pitfalls that you will be prepared of. (Item 216)
203. It is essential, since the power developed, the medium does not abuse it, remembering that she was given for good and not to satisfy idle curiosity. It is therefore appropriate to use it only on appropriate occasions and not all the time. As the spirits are not at your disposal at all times, in danger of being misled by mystifying. Good is that, to avoid this evil, do the system only work on certain days and hours, because it will deliver to work in conditions of greater recollection and spirits that want to help, being prevented, better be willing to provide such help . (Item 217)
204. If, despite all attempts, the mediumistic faculty not prove in any way waive the aspirant should be a medium, as a waiver to the corner who did not recognize his voice. This does not mean that he will be deprived of the assistance of spirits. Mediumship is a means of spirits to express themselves, but not an exclusive means to be attracted. The affection that we dedicate find themselves on our side, whether or not mediums, and can help us by inspiration. (Item 218)
Answers to questions
A. If a medium has various medianimic skills, which should seek to cultivate?
It is rare that the faculty of a medium is strictly limited in a single genus, the medium may have, for various skills, but there is always a predominant and that he should endeavor to cultivate, if it is useful. Constitutes a serious error in any way want to force the development of a college that does not possess, we must develop those which recognize germs, until revealing the predominant faculty, the medium should apply it in a way particular. Limiting himself to his specialty, the medium can become an excellent performer and get great and beautiful things, while, taking care of everything, do not get anything good. (The Mediums' Book, item 198.)
B. What precautions should be taken, the medium, to develop a good mediumistic education ?
It is an unquestionable point: without proper precautions it may lose the fruit of the finest colleges. The first step consists in placing the medium with a sincere faith, under the protection of God, asking for the assistance of a guardian spirit. This is always good, while the familiar spirits can be frivolous or bad. The second precaution is applied to recognize, by all indications that the experience provides, the nature of the first spirits that communicate and from whom is always wise to be suspicious. If these indications are suspected, you must make a fervent appeal to the Spirit guardian and with all our strength repel the bad spirit, proving that it is not your plaything, in order to discourage him. The preliminary study of the theory is indispensable if one wants to avoid the inconveniences inseparable from inexperience; in this respect, the medium should be examined with rapt attention to the chapters on Obsession and Identity of Spirits of The Book of Mediums. Besides the language, we can take as infallible proofs of the inferiority of spirits all the signs, figures, emblems and all useless or puerile writing weird, irregular, twisted by the way, oversized, or affecting ridiculous and unusual ways. Once developed the faculty, it is essential that the medium does not turn into abuse, so it is necessary to make use of it only at the right times and not at every moment. Not being consistently good spirits at his command, the medium run the risk of being deceived by spirits mystifying. It should therefore be determined for this purpose certain days and hours, because then the medium will be more concentrated provisions and spirits who want to come to find will be prevented. (Ibid., 211 and 217 items.)
C. What is psychographics?
Is the name given to the spirit communication through writing, which can be given directly or indirectly, but always with the intervention of a medium. Of all the media, the handwriting is the simplest, most convenient and, above all, the most complete. Moreover, the possibility is more likely to develop the exercise. (Ibid., items 152 to 156, and 178.)
D. That has to be indirect psychographics?
We call psychographics indirect writing thus obtained, as opposed to manual or automatic writing directly obtained by the medium. The phenomenon goes as follows: the Spirit communicates strange that acts on the medium, that under this influence, mechanically drives the arm and hand to write, act on a hand basket and the basket on the pencil. Thus, there is the basket that becomes intelligent, she is an instrument designed by an intelligence and is no longer in fact than a pencil holder, an appendix of the hand, an intermediary between the hand and pencil. In this process, the most room imagined by men was called basket of peas, in which a pencil was fixed. Later, this appendix is removed and the medium began taking the pencil to write directly to the hand. Being the simplest and most convenient, since it requires no preparation prior material, handwriting, also called involuntary or automatic, is the usual form adopted by psychographics mediums of modern times. (Ibid., 154 and 157 items.)