A chat with Gino Villa
Verde, from Guarujá-SP
This week’s editiorial, "The
controversy surrounding the
teaching of religion,"
examines the decision of the
State-wide Spiritist Council
of Rio de Janeiro (CEERJ) in
relation to religious
education in schools in Rio.
Among the highlights of this
issue, we suggest the
reading of the interview of
our colleague Gino Villa
Verde, a native of São
Paulo-SP and currently
living in Guarujá-SP, where
he is vice-president of the
House of Hope Spiritist
Spiritist since the age of
13, Gino talks in the
interview about his work in
the research field of
spiritist doctrine and the
Another highlight of the
week is the conclusion of
the special article titled "Guilt,
regret and redemption from
the spritist perspective",
authored by Claudia
Gelernter, from Vinhedo-SP.
The first part of this
article was published in the
previous issue of this
The workshop "Spiritist
Centre: administrative and
legal aspects” was
held on the 15th
of this month, at the
headquarters of USE in São
Paulo, promoted by the USE
Regional SP, as shown in the
story by Martha Rios
Guimarães which is also one
of the highlights this
On this date, September 30th,
Leopoldo Machado Barbosa was
born in Cepa Forte (BA). It
happened in 1891. Educator
and great popularizer of
Spiritism, Leopoldo founded
in Nova Iguaçu-RJ, in 1930,
the Leopoldo College, the
first regular teaching
institution in that city.
Author of numerous spiritist
works, Leopoldo was the
mastermind of the so called
Spiritist Youths, which
aimed to encourage youth
participation in the
spiritist movement.