We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. What is the purpose of the communications of spirits?
B. All men are mediums?
C. What are the essential qualities of the mediums?
D. Which varieties common to all genres of mediumship?
Text for reading
277. There is no effective formulas to expel the deceiving spirits. Formula is matter; much more valuable is a good thought towards God. (Item 268, question 22)
278. Superior spirits no other signs have to do well to recognize the superiority of their ideas and their language. (Item 268, question 23)
279. The deceiving spirits contrafazem thinking, as set designers contrafazem Nature. Easily discover fraud through a close study. Spirits only trick that fooled. We must, however, have eyes of diamond merchant, to distinguish the true from the false stone. Now, who can not distinguish the fine stone of false addresses the lapidary. (Item 268, questions 24 and 25)
280. The deceiving spirits know well to whom they speak. There are simple and uneducated people harder to cheat than others, they have to know finesse. Flattering them the passions of man they do what they want. (Item 268, question 26)
281. Spirits can communicate spontaneously, or respond to our call, ie come by evocation. (Item 269)
282. Surprisingly, not infrequently, the readiness with which evoked one Spirit presents itself, even the first time. Dir would be that he was forewarned. It is, in fact, what happens, when with his evocation worry beforehand that he evokes. This concern is a kind of evocation antici ¬ pada. (Item 271)
283. Often, the evocations mediums to offer more difficulties than those dictated spontaneous, especially when it comes to getting accurate answers to detailed questions. For this, special mediums are required at the same time flexible and positive, and we have seen that the latter are very rare, whereas the links are not always provide fluidic instantly with the first Spirit which appears. (Item 272)
284. The mediums are usually much more popular for evocations of particular interest than for communications of general interest. We recommend that you do not access that desire, but with much reservation. The medium should avoid anything that could turn him into an agent of queries, which in the eyes of many people, is synonymous with the ledor "buena Dicha." (Item 273)
285. Among the causes that can prevent the manifestation of the Spirit, you are personal and some other, strange. Among the first must place himself occupations or missions that are performing and which can not move away, give in to our desires. There is also your own situation. Although the state does not obstruct absolute incarnation, may represent an impediment at times, especially when the incarnation takes place in the lower worlds when the Spirit is little dematerialized. (Item 275)
Answers to questions
A. What is the purpose of the communications of spirits?
We already know that the goal of Spiritism is the moral improvement of mankind. This purpose is enrolling communications of Spirits: these come instruct and guide men in the path of good and not the path of honor and fortune. God does not send them the Spirits to level the road material of life, but to prepare them for future life. (The Book of Mediums, item 303, paragraph 1.)
B. All men are mediums?
Yes, every man has one Spirit that drives them to do good, know when to listen. Never mind that some can communicate directly with him for a particular mediumship, the others hear only the voice of the heart and intelligence. The important thing is that his familiar spirit advises. Call it spirit, reason, intelligence, he is always a voice that answers your soul to them said good words. The inner voice that speaks to the heart of man is of good spirits, and it is from this point of view that all men are mediums, though not all are your college so ostensive. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, dissertation X, Channing.)
C. What are the essential qualities of the mediums?
The disinterest, modesty and devotion. God gave them this power so that help spread the truth and not to make it a trade, an instrument of worldly passions. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, dissertation XIV, Delfina de Girardin.)The disinterest, modesty and devotion. God gave them this power so that help spread the truth and not to make it a trade, an instrument of worldly passions. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, dissertation XIV, Delfina de Girardin.)
D. Which varieties common to all genres of mediumship?
Mediums are sensitives, natural or unconscious mediums and facultative or voluntary. The mediums are sensitive people may feel the presence of spirits by a general or local impression vague or material. The most distinguished spirits good or bad, depending on the nature of print. The natural or unconscious are the mediums that produce spontaneously phenomena, without any involvement of his will and most of the time without knowing it. The mediums are optional or volunteers who have the power to cause the phenomena act of his will, yet nothing could be spirits that refuse to, which proves the intervention of a foreign power. (Ibid., item 188.)