The priest François Brune
and reincarnation
For a certain group of Catholics, reincarnation does not exist, it is a farce, because Paul said: "It is certain that men die once and then immediately the judgment." (Hebrews 9.27).
Arguments like this can be seen in blog: which, maintained by a advocate of radical ideas of Catholic takes a special pleasure in denigrating the spiritists and Protestants.
The refutation of the doctrine of reincarnation is not, however, shared by all Catholic thinkers. We do not refer to simple goers masses, but the authors and theologians, for example, Father François Brune, author of "The Dead Speak on" published in Brazil in 1991 by Edicel.
In chap. VIII, p. 213-226 of his book, Brune weaves considerations around the subject.
Initially, he cites the thought of the Spirit of Pierre Monnier, French astronomer, who died in 1799 and was in life, a member of the Royal Society and also of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.
According to Monnier, God gives a second chance for those who refuse to practice love and allows them to return to Earth. It is reincarnation. According to him, reincarnation occurs, sometimes entire families, or almost. Parents, who dragged their kids in their unhappiness, ask to repair the fault giving birth again, the same children. It is often recommended as the quickest realization of spiritual evolution, which it is mandatory to achieve happiness toward which all and we only know that in the merger with God.
Besides declaring his support for the doctrine of reincarnation, Father Brune says that in the time of Christ, the doctrine began to be born, because, according to Josephus, the Pharisees believed in eternal torment, for the bad, and reincarnation aside for good. Also, later such doctrine would occupy an important place in Kabbalah.
An affidavit that nurtures the thought expressed by Pierre Monnier is given by the poet Silva Ramos in sonnet entitled "Linking redemptive" psychographic by the medium Chico Xavier and published the cap. 8 of the book "Astronauts from Beyond" in which the poet recounts the following story:
The gentleman leaving, says to the young lady:
"I am yours, you are mine! ... Wait for me, darling! ..."
Far, raises another home ... Wins, changes, forgets ...
She drowns in suicide the grief that devours her.
The castellan dies ... Sees the forgotten bride ...
Disembodied and distressed, it is a shadow crying ...
He asks another crib and wants to bring her now
In paternal arms to the field of another life! ...
The century has progressed ... Hey them again on stage ...
He the progenitor, she the little daughter
Growing up retarded, downcast, uncertain ...
Today, he is always her sweet page in everything
And the bride from another time is the sad and beautiful daughter
Clinging to her father in the trauma of madness.
Spiritism, as we have said countless times, based on facts, not on Scripture. However, for people who like to find in the Bible the foundation of their beliefs, this is what the evangelist Matthew recorded in chapter 17 of his notes:
"And his disciples asked him, saying: Why then do the scribes say that Elias must come first? And Jesus answering said unto them: Elias truly shall come first, and restore all things, but I tell you that Elias has already come, and you didn’t know him, but have done unto him whatsoever you listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer. Then the disciples understood that he spoke unto them of John the Baptist." (Matthew 17:10-13.)