We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. We can evoke the soul of an animal?
B. You can still evoke an embodied person?
C. You can ask questions about the future of the Spirits?
D. What is the kind of prediction that more should we suspect?
Text for reading
313. The questions that most dislike are the good spirits that are useless or made out of simple curiosity and to try them. They do not respond and then move away. (Item 288, question 3)
314. There are men endowed with a special faculty which makes them a glimpse of the future, and it is his Spirit who sees, because detached from the body. So there are times when God allows certain men reveal pertinent facts concerning things to come, if it is for good. (Item 289, question 12)
315. The spirits who like to predict someone's day and time when die, spirits are distasteful, they have no other purpose except to enjoy the fear they cause, but nobody should worry about it. (Item 289, question 13)
316. Unlike occurs in cases of presentiment of the time of death, because, most often, it is the Spirit's interested in coming to know this in their moments of freedom and guard when awakening, intuition than glimpsed. (Item 289, question 14)
317. None of us can be revealed about our future existences. Everything in this respect will not say some spirits of joke and it is understood: our future existence can not be determined beforehand because it will be according to prepare for our behavior on Earth and the resolutions we make when in erraticity. (Item 290, question 16)
318. The familiar spirits can favor us through the material interests of revelations, and sometimes do, under the circumstances, but it is certain that the good spirits never lend themselves to serve the greed. (Item 291, question 19)
319. They may be asked to clarify the situation spirits that are in the spirit world, and they give them willingly, when is the sympathy that dictates the order, or the desire to be useful to them, and not the mere curiosity. (Item 292, question 21)
320. Referring to a person whose fate is unknown, one can know if it is still same incarnate or not, since the uncertainty of his death does not constitute, for her, a need or a proof for those who are interested in knowing it. (Item 292, question 23)
321. The celebrities are not infallible earthly and feed sometimes systematic ideas, which are not always fair, and of which no death frees them immediately. The science is little land well before the celestial science. Only the latter have higher spirits science. The Spirit of a sage can therefore not learn more than when he was on Earth, since there is progressed as Spirit. (Item 293, question 25)
Answers to questions
A. We can evoke the soul of an animal?
No. The success of such evocation is impossible. (The Book of Mediums, item 283.)
B. You can still evoke an embodied person?
Yes, but it is necessary that the state allow the body at the time of the Holy evocation becomes detached. The Spirit of the living can also, in their moments of freedom, present without being evoked, it depends on who has sympathy for the people with whom you communicate. (Ibid., item 284.)
C. You can ask questions about the future of the Spirits?
No, because there are huge mistake in seeking to unravel the future with the help of spirits. If man knew the future would be careless of this, there is the reason why the future is unknown. If man makes a point of absolute knowing it, it is certain that you will get such a response from a madcap Spirit, those who revel in making predictions. (Ibid., item 289.)
D. What is the kind of prediction that more should we suspect?
It should be suspect all predictions which have no end of general utility. In this sense, personal predictions can almost always be considered apocryphal. (Ibid., item 289.)