God knows how to wait; do
not rush the atonement
We saw earlier that the conditions necessary to erase the traces of a fault and its consequences include - according to Spiritism - repentance, atonement and reparation. Repentance softens the obstacles of atonement and favors resignation, but only the repair, which is to do good to those to whom evil has been done, it can negate the effect, destroying its cause.
It is seen, in sight of the lesson above, it does not appear the word "proof".
Now, since the Earth is a world of atonement and evidences, what those two words mean exactly?
Evidence is the same as test. Having received learning in spiritual life or during it internship in corporeal existence, the Spirit will have to prove that assimilated what it learned. Constitute evidence wealth and poverty, beauty and ugliness, power and subordination, difficult life and easy life, born and grow up in a peaceful or violent place, living in a region toward peace or live in war-embattled region.
The proof is easy to perceive, independent of previous failures. Obviously, as we know it occurs in schools, if the student does not pass the final exams for year 1, he will have to repeat it, and he only goes to year 2 when he confronts and overcomes them. The late writer J. Herculaneum Pires once wrote that the evidence does not come in our way to kill or crush us, but to be overcome and assimilated.
Atonement is something different. It is a word derived from the verb atone, which means redeem guilt, endure, suffer, as a result of a wrongful act that was committed, either in this life, whether in past lifetimes.
Whoever kills a person availing himself of a sword, this will be the victim. Seeding is free, but the harvest is compulsory. Who hurts with iron with iron will be hurt.
These expressions are based on teachings given by Jesus and serve as examples of how it works in our lives the known law of cause and effect or action and reaction.
These expressions are based on teachings given by Jesus and serve as examples of how it works in our lives known the law of cause and effect or action and reaction.
The Earth is, and will be for some time, a world of evidence and atonement because the spirits who reincarnate here are long overdue and need these experiences.
On the topic atonement, reap in "The Spirits’ Book" three teachings that seem fundamental.
The first - the constant 262 issue – it tells us that God knows how to wait and not rush the atonement.
The second - expressed in 998 issue – it teaches us that the atonement is fulfilled during the bodily existence through the evidence that the spirit is subjected, and in the spiritual life, the moral suffering inherent in a state of inferiority of the Spirit. These sufferings undergone by the individual on the spiritual plane is that in many cases, determines which direction he decides to follow in the next corporeal existence.
The third - certainly the most important – it explains why the society in which we live sufferers classes are more numerous than happy ones.
Presented this issue to the higher spirits, here's what Kardec briefed on the issue of 931 works mentioned: "None is perfectly happy and what it considers happiness often hidden poignant afflictions. Suffering is everywhere. However, to respond to your thoughts, say that classes you call suffering are more numerous, for being Earth the place of atonement. When there transformed into abode of good and good spirits, man will no longer be unhappy there and it will be the earthly paradise."
The mistaken thought that came to Earth to suffer should therefore be replaced by another order of ideas, because we did not come into the world to suffer, not to enjoy, but to win.