We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. What Causes the contradictions that arise in spiritist communication?
B. Why did God allow the mystifications take place?
C. What a way to avoid the mystifications in practice of mediumship?
D. How can we prevent the occurrence of fraud in the manifestations?
Text for reading
367. The meetings carry a experimental utility that nobody would deny, given that they were led to the discovery of the laws governing the unseen world, and for many people, are powerful means of conviction. We argue, however, that alone fail to start anyone in science spirit in the same way that a simple inspection of an ingenious mechanism does not make known the mechanics who did not know the laws. If they were directed with prudence and method, would give much better results. (Item 326)
368. The briefings have very diverse character, because it is in them that we can draw from the true teaching of Spiritualism. (Item 327)
369. The briefings must satisfy several conditions. The first of these is that they be in full sense of the word, ie, just think of useful things to the exclusion of all others. We all need to understand that spirits whose manifestations are by nature very special wish. Not just because, evoke good spirits, it is necessary that the assistants are in favorable conditions, so they come in assintam. (Item 327)
370. The spiritist instruction covers not only the moral teaching that spirits give, but also the study of the facts, the theory of the phenomena, the search for causes, evidence of what is possible and what is not, in short, the observation anything that might contribute to the advancement of science. (Item 328)
371. The contest, spiritists meetings in any medium obsessed or fascinated them would be more harmful than helpful, they should not, therefore, accept it. The mediums obsessed who refuse to recognize that they are, resemble those patients who delude themselves about the disease itself and are lost for not submitting to a healthy regime. (Item 329)
372. Everyone who enters a meeting which brings spirits are friendly. As the number and nature of them, these acolytes can exert on the meeting on communications and influence good or bad. Perfect would be the meeting where all the assistants, possessed of equal love of good, I can only bring good spirits. (Item 330)
373. Considering that the collection of thoughts and fellowship are essential to any serious meeting, it is easy to understand that the excessive number of assistants is one of the causes contrary to homogeneity. There is no absolute limit to this number, but it is evident that the larger the number is, the more difficult it will be to fill these conditions. (Item 332)
374. Another no less important is the regularity of meetings. In all spirits are always present we could call regulars. We refer to those who are not everywhere and at all meddle, but to protecting spirits and those who see themselves more assiduously questioned. (Item 333).
375. Nobody thinks that these Spirits have nothing else to do but listen to what they want to say or ask. They have their occupations and, in addition, may find himself under unfavorable conditions to be evoked. When meetings are held on certain days and hours, they prepare in advance and is often missing, and there are those that lead to excessive punctuality. Note, however, that the requirement of strict punctuality is a sign of inferiority, as everything is puerile: Spirits of truly superior order does not show meticulous to that extreme. (Item 333)
Answers to questions
A. What Causes the contradictions that arise in spiritist communication?
The contradictions that arise in spiritist communication may be due to the following causes: ignorance of certain spirits, the knavery of inferior spirits who, through malice or meanness, say the opposite of what, elsewhere, said the Spirit whose name usurp; the will of the same Spirit who speaks according to the times, places and people, and may find it useful not to say everything to everybody, the inadequacy of human language to express the intangible things of the world, the inadequacy of communications that do not always allow Spirit to convey all his thought, finally, the interpretation that one can give a word or an explanation, according to their ideas, their prejudices or the point of view under which sees things. (The Mediums' Book, item 302.)
B. Why did God allow the mystifications take place?
God allows the mystifications to prove the perseverance of true believers and punish those who do Spiritism an object of fun. If this undermines their belief, because faith is not very strong. Who disclaims Spiritism because of a simple proof that disappointment does not understand and does not take you seriously in your part. (Ibid., item 303, paragraph 2.)
C. What a way to avoid the mystifications in practice of mediumship?
This is one of inconvenient easier to avoid. The way to get it is not required of Spiritualism but he can and should give you. Its purpose is to improve humanity's moral: if not departing hence, we are not ever cheated, because there are two ways to understand the true moral, one that can be accepted by all men of good sense. Spirits do not have to lead people on the path of honor and fortune, or to serve their petty passions. They come instruct humanity and guide her on the path of good. If not asked them anything frivolous or outside its powers, would not give any opportunity to deceiving spirits and it is concluded that anyone who is mystified has just what you deserve. (Ibid., item 303, paragraph 1)
D. How can we prevent the occurrence of fraud in the manifestations?
The best guarantee against fraud is notorious morality of mediums and in the absence of all causes of material interest or self-love that they could stimulate the exercise of psychic powers they possess, because these same causes may lead them to simulate the faculties that don't has been. (Ibid., item 323.)