We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.
The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. We must criticize evil when it occurs among us?
B. What is the best guarantee for testing whether a principle is the expression of truth?
C. What is the mission of the Spirits?
D. What is the purpose of life?
Text to reading
394. By order of God, the Spirits work for the progress of all, without exception. Do the same, you who are spiritualists. The atormenteis anyone with any insistence. Unbelieving, persuasion does not come except by your disinterest, if not for your tolerance and your charity towards all, without exception. The more modest ye go, the more you will succeed in becoming appreciated. (Chapter XXXI, section VI, St. Louis)
395. I'll tell you that ye shall possess firmness in your work spiritualists. I advise you that you study the heart and the spirit that you apliqueis yourselves, because, as St. Paul, you will be persecuted, not in flesh and blood, but in spirit. Fear Nothing: a test that will strengthen you, if you know how to surrender to God, and you shall see later crowned with success your efforts. (Chapter XXXI, section VIII, Channing)
396. Kardec entered in Item IX of the cap. XXXI a message, obtained by one of the best mediums of Spiritist Society of Paris was signed by Jesus name that he decided to not play well. "Not at all doubt that it can manifest itself - explains Kardec - but, if truly superior spirits do not, except in exceptional circumstances, the ratio inhibits us to believe that the Spirit par excellence pure answer to the call of the first it appears. "The same message would appear later, with minor changes, in ch. VI, item 5, d 'The Gospel According to Spiritism, signed by the Spirit of Truth, which has led many to assume that Jesus and the Spirit of Truth were the same person, thinking that's not supported by Kardec. In his book "Practical Instruction on the Manifestations Spiritualists", ch. II, referring to the allegorical name of the Spirit of Truth, the coder wrote: "I heard later from other spirits, he was a distinguished philosopher of antiquity." (Chapter XXXI, item IX)
397. All men are mediums, all have a spirit that drives them to do good, know when to listen to it. Listen to that inner voice, that good genius, who constantly speaks to you, and you reach progressively to hear your guardian angel, who from the heavens unto extends hands. I repeat: the inner voice that speaks to the heart is that of good spirits and is this view that all men are mediums. (Chapter XXXI, item X, Channing)
398. The human spirit goes marching convenient graduation picture experiencing all that fills the universe visible and invisible. All progress comes in its time: the moral elevation sounded for Humanity. (Chapter XXXI, item XI, Peter Jouty)
399. God instructed me to play a mission among the believers whom he favors with mediunato. The more they receive graces of the Almighty, run more dangers and these dangers are much greater when they originate from the same favors that God grants them. The powers enjoyed by the mediums earn them the praise of men. Congratulations, the flattery, behold, for them to choose. Quick forget the previous disability that they should always be present to mind, and do more, which only God should attribute it to their own merits. What happens then? Good spirits abandon them and they become the plaything of evil. I will never tire of recommending to you that you entrust to your guardian angel, to help you to be always on guard against your most vicious enemy, that is pride. Behold your main pick. (Chapter XXXI, item XII, Joan of Arc)
400. Mediums! take the advantage of this faculty that God has seen fit to grant you. Have faith in our Master's gentleness; always weighted in practice charity, be not weary of ever exercising this sublime virtue, and tolerance. Always be your actions in line with your conscience and you will have this as a sure means of centuplicardes your happiness in this life and passing preparardes yourselves to a life a thousand times even softer. (Chapter XXXI, item XIII, Pascal)
401. All mediums are undoubtedly called to serve the cause of Spiritism, the extent of his powers, but there are very few that do not get trap in the traps of self-love. The only major missions of elite men and God entrusted the same places, without their seeking, and in the middle position where they can provide effective competition. In the sphere modest and obscure where many find themselves placed, the mediums can provide great services, assisting the conversion of unbelievers, lavishing consolation to the afflicted. If there should leave, will be led by an invisible hand, they prepare the way, and will be put in evidence, so to speak, despite his. (Chapter XXXI, item XV, The Spirit of Truth)
402. Mocked the turning tables, never make fun of philosophy, wisdom and love shining in serious communications. Those were the vestibule of science. 'll Ever have for too muster yourselves that ye from your center seriously. What do physical demonstrations elsewhere if that is observed elsewhere, that is heard elsewhere: among you, understand yourself and love yourself. (Chapter XXXI, Item XVIII, St. Louis)
Answers to questions
A. We must criticize evil when it occurs among us?
Without a doubt, this is a right and even a duty. However, if the intention of the critic is really good, must issue its opinion with decency and kindness, openly and not in secret. That applies to meetings when they enter the wrong path. If people's opinion sensible and well-intentioned it is not then they should withdraw, because it is inconceivable that anyone who has no ulterior motive remains a society where things do not suit him. (The Mediums Book, item 337.)
B. What is the best guarantee for testing whether a principle is the expression of truth?
The best guarantee that a principle is the expression of truth is when it is taught and revealed by different spirits, mediums by strangers to each other and in different places, and when, moreover, is confirmed by reason and sanctioned by the accession of more. Only the truth can give the roots a doctrine, a system may well recruit some errant members, but because you lack the first condition of vitality, has no more than an ephemeral existence, that's why there's that worry him: he kill yourself by your own mistakes and inevitably fall before the powerful weapon of logic. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI item XXVIII.)
C. What is the mission of the Spirits?
The mission of the Spirits is not to resolve issues of science, nor save people the work of research, but rather make them better, because that is how humanity will advance really is. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, item XVII.)
D. What is the purpose of life?
God wanted the spirits to turn to the interests of the soul. The moral improvement of man, behold the end and aim of life. The Human Spirit follows a march necessary image gradation felt by all that fills the universe visible and invisible. All progress comes at a time: the moral elevation reached for Humanity, she will culminate in the days we live in, but watch, however, its aurora. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, item XI.)