The importance of Gospel on the issue of surveillance
In chap. 16 of the book In the Domains of Mediumship, the instructor Aulus attaches negligence to the main cause that leads many mediums to retreat from the started journey. According to him, free to decide about their own fate, the medium often prefers internships with undesirable companies, giving heed to corrupters elements who visit them up the breaches of negligence, and in the face of it, stumbles and stretches in laziness, in cupidity, delinquent sexuality or personalism destroyer, with what they becomes the plaything of opponents of well that soak their forces up and annihilate their best possibilities.
The described fact affects, as we know not only the mediums, but workers in general, which explains why so many people start and then abandon the job that could help them evolve spiritually.
Watch and pray, here's an old proposal, delivered by Jesus, which welcomed the spiritual doctrine and shows us how valuable measure for our own future.
Regarding the prayer, it is interesting to remember that the immortal and Allan Kardec himself advise us whether made daily, morning and night, and may also, at least once a week to devote to it a little longer, adding reading of some passages of the Gospel. Kardec suggested this idea in an article that we read on page 234 Revue Spirite, 1864, as translation by Julio Abreu Filho, published by EDICEL.
Kardec’s recommendation was certainly the embryo of a practice adopted by spiritists known as the Evangelical Worship at Home or simply Gospel at home.
The daily prayers and Evangelical Worship at Home done at least once a week are presented as important factors for the necessary monitoring than we think and what we do is observed.
There has much been written on the pages of this magazine, about the positive effects that flow from this practice. Even before the advent of the works of Chico Xavier, the Evangelical Worship at Home was already quite widespread among spiritist. As Dr. Bezerra de Menezes once said on a known message, our dead ones, in many cases, are invisible, but not absent, are disembodied, but not freed. And they are the main beneficiaries of the prayers that we do and the Evangelical Worship at Home we do in the privacy of our families.
It was said main, but not sole beneficiaries, since the results of the practice of Gospel at home extend beyond the walls of our house, as Joanna de Angelis clarifies on the message titled "Jesus with you," contained in chap. 59 of Work of Love, psychographed by Divaldo P. Franco, which we reproduce below:
"Dedicate one of the seven nights of the week the Evangelical Worship at Home, so that Jesus can sleep in your house.
Prepare the table, put pure water, open the Gospel, distend the message of faith, embrace family and pray. Jesus will come on a visit.
When home becomes a sanctuary, crime recedes to the museum. When the family prays, Jesus tarries at home. When hearts unite in bonds of faith, the equilibrium offer blessings of comfort and health pours wine for peace for all.
Jesus at Home is life to Home.
Do not expect the world to bring you the certainty of good invariant.
Expand your Christian home the light of the Gospel to the tormented world.
When a family prays at home, meeting the blandishments of the Gospel, the whole street gets the benefit of communion with the High.
If someone in an apartment building, straps into heaven the fellowship prayer in family benefits the entire building, which ignored lamp, burning in the wind.
Do not stay away from the directional line of the Gospel among your family. Remains faithful praying, studying with your children - and with those whom you love - and the guidelines of the Master, as possible, debate the issues that afflict thee to the clear light of the message of the Good News and examine the difficulties that disturb you facing the consoling inspiration of Christ.
Not demand the street at this night, except for the inevitable duties that you cannot postpone.
It takes you to the Home for the Divine guest there also might take.
And when the lights go down to the hour of rest, pray once again, communing with Him as He seeks to do, so that, on thee, thou may at home once a week for seven nights, take Jesus with you".