We continue with the methodical study of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" by Allan Kardec, the third of the works that make up the Pentateuch Kardecian, whose first edition was published in 1864. The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. Why Science and Religion was not understand until today?
B. What is the connecting link that is to unite science and religion?
C. What is the big aim of evangelical Christian morality?
D. What is the main point of Christ's teachings?
Text to reading
51. Moses led the way, Jesus continued to labor; the Spiritism will complete. (Chapter I, Section 9, an Israeli Spirit)
52. One day God allowed in his inexhaustible goodness, that man saw the truth pierce the darkness. That day was the advent of Christ's. But after living light, the darkness returned. So, like the Old Testament prophets, the Spirits began to speak and warn you. The world is shaken to its foundations; reboará thunder. Be firm! Spiritism is the divine order, for who sits in the very laws of nature, and be sure that everything is in divine order is _ and has been one useful purpose. (Chapter I, item 10, Fénelon)
53. The kingdom of Christ's, ah! past eighteen centuries and despite the blood of so many martyrs, has not yet come. Christians turn to the Master, that you want to save. Everything is easy to him who believes and loves, love fills him with joy unspeakable. Yes, my children, the world is shaken, and the revolution that rushes is morality rather than material. To each his mission, to each his work. (Chapter I, item 10, Fénelon)
54. The Jews had very vague ideas about the future life. They believed in angels, but did not know that men may one day also become angels and share the happiness of these. They thought that the observance of God's laws was rewarded with earthly goods, with the supremacy of his nation, with the victory over the enemies. The public calamities and defeats were the punishment of disobedience to those laws. Jesus revealed to them later that there is another world where God's justice takes its course, and it is this world that he promises to those who keep the commandments of God and where the good will find its reward. (Chapter II, item 3)
55. Spiritism came complete at this point, as on many others, the teaching of Christ's. With the Spiritism, the future life is no longer simply an article of faith, mere hypothesis; becomes a material reality, the facts show. (Chapter II, item 3)
56. God does not condemn the joys land; condemns, yes, the abuse of these pleasures at the expense of the soul of things. Against such abuses is that premunem who themselves apply these words of Jesus: "My kingdom is not of this world." (Chapter II, item 6)
57. I was queen among men, I thought penetrated as queen in the kingdom of heaven! What a disappointment! How much humiliation when, instead of being received which sovereign saw above me, but much above men I thought insignificant and which despised for failing noble blood! It was then that I realized the sterility of honors and magnitudes that are sought so eagerly on Earth! (Chapter II, Item 8, a Queen of France)
58. To earn a place in this kingdom, are required to abnegation, humility, charity in all its heavenly and practice kindness to all. Not if you ask here, what on earth you were, or what position ocupastes, but what good you have done, how many tears you wiped. You have to suffer to get to heaven, where the steps of a throne to anyone approaching. The only lead he the most difficult paths of life. Seek him, because the way through the briars and thorns, not among the flowers. (Chapter II, Item 8, a Queen of France)
59. The men rush to reach earthly good, as if they were treasure forever. Here, however, all illusions disappear and soon realize they only caught a shadow and despised the only real and lasting goods that they enjoy in the heavenly abode. (Chapter II, Item 8, a Queen of France)
60. Education given by the spirits there is that much different from each other are the conditions of the worlds, the degree of progress or inferiority of its inhabitants. In the lower worlds, that there is any material, passions reign supreme is almost nil and the moral life. In the worlds most advanced, life is, so to speak, all spiritual. (Chapter III, item 3)
Answers to questions
A. Why Science and Religion was not understand until today?
Science and Religion are the two levers of human intelligence: one reveals the laws of the material world and the other reveals the laws of the moral world. Having, however, these laws the same principle, that is God can not contradict himself. However, until today, Science and Religion could not be understood because, facing each things from his point of view exclusive, mutually repelled. Lacked that fill the void that separated them, a hyphen that approach. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter I, Section 8.)
B. What is the connecting link that is to unite science and religion?
That bond of union is in the knowledge of the laws which govern the spiritual world and its relations with the corporeal world , _ immutable laws which govern the movement of the stars and the existence of beings. One time proven by experience these relationships, new light has been done: faith addressed the reason, it found nothing illogical in faith. Materialism was won. However, as with everything, there are people who stay behind until they were swept by the movement in general, that crushes, if they try to resist, rather than follow. (Ibid., Chapter I, Section 8.)
C. What is the big aim of evangelical Christian morality?
The purpose of evangelical Christian morality, is to renew the world, bring the men and make them brothers, thereby making forth from every heart charity, love of neighbor and a common solidarity that will make the earth abode of spirits superior to that today live there. (Ibid., Chapter I, item 9.)
D. What is the main point of Christ's teachings?
The revelation about the future life can be considered as the axis of the teaching of Christ, because only it - the future life - is able to justify the anomalies of earthly life. Because of this, all its maxims relate to this great principle. In effect, without the future life, would be no reason for most of its moral precepts, how is it that those who do not believe in the future life, imagining that he spoke only of this life, do not understand them or consider them boyish. (Ibid., Sec. II, items 1 and 2.)