Religious intolerance and
its latest chapter
This week’s editorial, "Paula
Fernandes and religious
intolerance", analyses a
new chapter of this novel
called religious intolerance
against the spiritist
doctrine and its adherents,
an ancient persecution born
of prejudice and ignorance
that continues to occur in
the heart of Christianity.
The colleague Allan Filho,
of the spiritist movement in
Petrópolis, is our
interviewee this week. Known
for his musical work in the
spiritist field, which can
be viewed on the site,
Allan Filho speaks about his
experience and the presence
of music in the spiritist
movement. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
conclusion of the special
article "The Acelino
disaster, a lesson for all
of us," authored by our
colleague José Lourenço de
Sousa Neto, from Belo
Horizonte-MG. The first part
of this article was
published in last week's
On February 6th,
1832, Hippolyte Léon
Denizard Rivail married
Amélie Gabrielle Boudet in
Paris, later known as Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Kardec, as
told by Martha Rios
Guimarães in timely article
that is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
We begin with this edition
the sequential and
methodical study of the book
Panels of Obsession,
by Manoel Philomeno de
Miranda, psychographed by
Divaldo Franco and published
in 1983.