After the storm comes the calm. Is it?
Word originates from the Latin proverbiu, gives the name of the proverb the maxim or sentence of practical and popular character, common to an entire social group, expressed as succinctly and generally rich form in images. Proverb is the same adage, saying, example and chorus.
"House of blacksmith, skewer stick", "Bigger the ship, the greater the storm", "After the storm comes the calm", it is known sayings and frequently examples being used by people who live in Brazil.
According to journalist Ariel Palacios, the last quoted - "After a storm comes a calm" - it is also used in many Western countries, but in the skeptical Russia the saying is spelled differently, because the Russians prefer to say that "after storm... comes the flood", a thought, according to the journalist, was equally common to the Argentine people.
On the internet the proverb in question has already raised interesting comments and jokes.
Someone posted the question: "After the storm comes the calm?"
Someone from internet said, "So they say."
Another wrote: "It’s wrong, after the storm comes the flood ..."
The psychologist Fernanda Rossi posted on her blog on the subject, a beautiful text entitled "After the storm comes the sun."
Here is what she’s written:
"There are moments in life when situations become so complicated, so painful, that we tend to believe and especially feel that we’ll never get out of it. It comes grief, despair, fear, a multitude of feelings, which, if we do not take care, it covers us and brings even greater losses because we just act on impulse.
A professional colleague told me the other day that we have a black cloud within us, obscuring our thoughts and lead to behaviors which we regret later. However, if in the hour of pain we learned not to make decisions, expect the dust to fall, the excitement calms down, the chance of being assertive action is much greater. Waiting is agonizing, but to live the consequences can be even worse.
The Bible says weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. I understand this passage as a sign of hope, that there is no situation that does not pass. Life always goes around, well worth the wait." (Fernanda Rossi, in
In the spiritist middle is known a phrase written by André Luiz, through Chico Xavier: "After a problem wait for others."
Applying the understanding of André Luiz to comment saying that now, we could certainly rewrite it and say: "After the storm, wait for others," consistent with what occurs indeed in the world where we live. The residents of São Paulo Capital residing in areas of flooding will surely agree with us. The issue was the subject of the editorial in this magazine issue 137. Here is the link:
Clearly, the problems, the difficulties and vicissitudes of life do not occur by chance. Make them part of a process whose end is, yes, the calm, happiness, peace. But on a planet like this where we live, is pure illusion to think that after a certain point solution will live in peace and will face no difficulty in life.
A friend once told us: "In the end, everything will be alright." If it has not worked because the end has still not reached, but it will come one day, be entirely sure.