We continue with the methodical study of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" by Allan Kardec, the third of the works that make up the Pentateuch Kardecian, whose first edition was published in 1864. The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below.
A. What is the aim of the proofs?
B. What results stem from way we view life from the standpoint of Spiritism?
C. According to Spiritism, wherein consists the true unhappiness?
D. We must slow the atonement of our brothers in suffering?
Text for reading
93. Often the Spirit is reborn in the same way that ever lived, establishing new relationships with the same people, in order to repair the harm done to them there. If you recognize them people who hated, maybe you hate waking up again inside. Anyway, feel humiliated in the presence of creatures who were offended. (Chapter V, item 11)
94. At birth, brings with it the man who acquired; little you know what it was before: if you see punished, is that practiced evil. His current trends indicate bad he has left to correct in himself and that is what needs to focus all his attention. Good resolutions are made that the voice of conscience, warning him of what is good and what is evil and giving you strength to resist temptation. (Chapter V, item 11)
95. If we murmur in afflictions, if not we accept them with resignation and as something that should have earned if accuse God of being unjust, incur new debt, we will lose what we should reap the fruit of suffering. That's why we have to start over, as if to a lender that torment us, we pay a quota and we took again on loan. (Chapter V, item 12)
96. The calm and resignation obtained starting from the way we consider earthly life and trust in the future give the individual a serenity that is the best preservative against the madness and suicide. (Chapter V, item 14)
97. Unbelief, a simple question about the future, the materialistic ideas, in short, are the largest inciting to suicide as the cause moral cowardice. (Chapter V, item 16)
98. With Spiritism, with no more doubt, change the aspect of life. The believer knows that existence extends indefinitely beyond the grave, but in very different conditions, where patience and resignation that away naturally thinking about suicide: behold moral courage. (Chapter V, item 16)
99. Spiritism shows us his own suicide to inform us about the unfortunate situation in which they find and prove that anyone with impunity violates God's law, which forbids man shorten your life. The spirit thus has many reasons to oppose the idea of suicide: the certainty of a future life, in which will be much more happy the more unhappy and resigned there been on earth; sure you, shortening their days, arrives precisely a result opposite to that expected, which is liberated from an evil, evil for incurring a worse, longer and more terrible, that suicide is an obstacle to that in the other world, meet those who were the object of his affections, hence the consequence that suicide is contrary to their own interests. (Chapter V, item 17)
100. A few suffer well, few understand that only well-supported evidence may lead them to the kingdom of God. Discouragement is a lack in God and refusing consolation, since we lack courage. Prayer is a support for the soul, but not enough: it must be based on a living faith in God's goodness, that does not place heavy burdens on weak shoulders. The burden is proportionate to the forces, as the reward is the courage and resignation. More opulent than the reward will be painful affliction. We must, however, earn it, and that's what life is full of tribulations presents. (Chapter V, item 18, Lacordaire)
101. "Blessed are those who mourn" can be translated like this: Blessed are those who have occasion to prove their faith, their steadfastness, their perseverance and their submission to God's will, will hundredfold because they lack the joy on Earth, because after coming home from work. (Chapter V, item 18, Lacordaire)
102. Had you crying and suffer a lifetime, would that be compared to the eternal glory that has been reserved for the race with faith, love and resignation? Seek consolation for the evils in your future that God has prepared them and seek the cause in the past. You who most suffer, consider yourselves lucky the Earth. (Chapter V, item 19, St. Augustine)
Answers to questions
A. What is the aim of the proofs?
Not all suffering, supported in this world, denotes the existence of a particular fault. Often they are simple tests sought by the Spirit to complete its clearance and activate your progress. Thus, the atonement serves always proof, but the proof is not always an atonement. Evidence and atonement are, however, signs of relative inferiority, which is perfect because it need not be proved. It can therefore be a Spirit had reached some degree of elevation and willing to step up more, request a mission, a task to perform, in which both will be rewarded more if victorious, the more rude there been a fight. That is the purpose of the proofs. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter V, items 8, 9, 19 and 26.)
B. What results stem from way we view life from the standpoint of Spiritism?
The man may enhance or soften the bitterness of his evidence, according to the mode by which sees earthly life. The more he suffers, the longer the duration, it feels the pain. But he who sees life through the prism of spiritual gathering, a glance, a living body. He sees it as a point at infinity, his shortness understands and acknowledges that this painful time has passed quickly. The certainty of a near future holds the most blissful and excited and, far from complaining, thanks to Heaven pains that make you move. This way of looking at life
Results decreased the importance of the things of this world and the man feels compelled to temper their desires, to be content with his position, without envy of others receiving attenuated the impression of setbacks and disappointments that experience. It takes him a calmness and resignation as useful to the health of the body and the soul, whereas with envy, jealousy and ambition, themselves willingly condemns torture and increases the miseries and anxieties of its short existence. (Ibid., Chapter V, items 13 and 22.)
C. According to Spiritism, wherein consists the true unhappiness?
To judge anything, you need to see the consequences. So good to appreciate what, in reality, is blissful or unfortunate for man, we need to carry us beyond this life, because that's where the consequences are felt. Now all that is called unhappiness, according to the timid views human life ceases with the body and finds its compensation in the afterlife.
Unhappiness is the true joy is pleasure, is the turmoil, is the vain agitation, satisfaction is insane vanity that make silent consciousness, which compress the action of thought, which stun the man regarding his future. Unhappiness is the opium of forgetting that men earnestly seek. In this regard, he told us a spiritual friend: "Wait, you who weep! Tremble, ye that laugh, since your body is happy! The God is not deceived; flees not the destination, and the trials, the most ruthless creditor than the pack that misery triggers, you lurk the rest illusory to immerse you in sudden misfortune in the throes of true, surprising that the soul softened by indifference and selfishness. What therefore Spiritism clarifies and replace for you, in true prisms, truth and error, so singularly deformed by your blindness! Act, then, as brave soldiers who flee away from the danger, prefer risky fights fighting for peace. "(Ibid., Chapter V, item 24.)
D. We must slow the atonement of our brothers in suffering?
Yes Helping one another in our respective trials, this is our duty. All of us, without exception, we must strive to soften the atonement of our peers, according to the law of love and charity. (Ibid., Chapter V, item 27.)