Jesus’ teaching and the salvation of the world
In his first pastoral message on March 14th, speaking to the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel, the new Pope of the Church, Pope Francisco, asked all that the Church "walks" and "be built” on solid foundations, because otherwise, threatens to cease to be a church to be downgraded to a charitable NGO.
"Walk, build and spread Jesus’ words," it is the proposed challenge. "We can walk as we want, we can build many things, but if we not profess Jesus Christ, the thing does not walk," said the pope.
It could not be better to start the new papacy, which, accordingly, there is a remarkable affinity with what we have learned in Spiritism, since Kardec soon in the Introduction of The Gospel According to Spiritism, referring to the moral teaching brought by Jesus, wrote: "In light of this divine code, to own unbelief bends. It is land where all faiths can gather, banner under which all can put up whatever their beliefs, because it was never matters of religious disputes that always and everywhere originated from dogmatic questions. Although if it discussed, it would sects found their own condemnation, since mostly they cling more to the mystical part than moral part, requiring each one to reform them. For men in particular, that code is a rule of conduct that covers all circumstances of private life and public life, the basic principle of all social relations that are based on the most rigorous justice. And it is, finally and above all, the infallible roadmap for happiness to come, lifting a corner of the veil that hides us the afterlife." (the emphasis is ours).
Over the years, the importance of the moral teaching of Jesus and the subsequent evangelization of the human being were only in the middle spiritist reaffirmed.
Here are some examples:
What is the greatest need of the medium? - "The first need of the medium is to evangelize himself, before surrendering to the great doctrinal tasks, because otherwise, he can always bump into the ghost of personalism, to the detriment of his mission." (Emmanuel, in The Comforter, issue 387.)
Is there difference between indoctrination and evangelize? - "There is great diversity among both tasks. To indoctrinate, just intellectual knowledge of the tenets of Spiritism; to evangelize, we need the light of love inside. In the first, suffice reading and knowledge; in the second, must feel and vibrate with Christ. For these reasons, the counselor often is not only the channel of the teachings, but the honest evangelized will always be the reservoir of truth, able to serve the needs of others without depriving themselves of spiritual wealth for themselves." (Idem, idem, issue 237).
Should we, spiritists, practice spiritual charity only, or also
the material? - "The motto of the fundamental Kardec’ coding, formulated in the 'out of charity there is no salvation', is very significant for us to lose in-depth considerations. All service of disinterested charity is a divine strengthening the work of human brotherhood and universal redemption. It urges, however, that the sincere spiritualists, enlightened by the Gospel, seek to understand the doctrinal tenets of educational feature, recognizing that the immediate work of modern times is lighting inside the man, improving the values of heart and conscience. Within these imperatives, it is lawful enhance the excellence of educational plans of evangelization, to form a Christian-spiritist mind, aiming to come. We cannot disregard the material charity that makes of evangelical Spiritism a consolation landing for all the unfortunate; but we cannot forget that sectarian religious expressions also organized the building materials for the charity in the world, without forgetting the temples, rest homes, orphanages and monuments. However, almost all works have been distorted, in view of forgetfulness lighting by incarnate Spirits. The Roman Church is a typical example.
Lady of a considerable fortune and having built numerous of tangible social assistance works; it feels today that its buildings are only stones because, in its sumptuous establishments, contemporary man experiences the most painful disappointments. The works of material charity only reach its divine garb when put together the spiritualization of man, renewing his intimate values, because the reformed human being in Jesus Christ, we will have a transformed society on Earth, where the home, genuinely Christian, will be the asylum of all who suffer." (Idem, idem, issue 255.) (The emphases are ours.)
There was not, therefore, another reason why the always respected and beloved Dr. Bezerra de Menezes in message psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, which opens the book The Spirit of Truth, it says: "To extinguish the scourge of ignorance, which nurtures misery, to dispel the shadow of greed, that creates the illusion, to kill the monster of selfishness, which promotes war, to undo the worm of despair, which promotes the madness, and to remove the pond crime, which carries the misfortune, the only efficient remedy is the Gospel of Jesus in the human heart. Let us therefore valuable, extending the Doctrine that unravels the letter, the construction of the New Humanity, radiating influence and inspiration of the Divine Master, by the emotion and the idea, and the guideline, and the conduct, by word and example, and paraphrasing the concept unforgettable of Allan Kardec, around the charity, proclaim to the world's problems: Outside of Christ there is no solution."
The above considerations, signed by Pope Francisco and Kardec, Emmanuel and Bezerra, are clear evidence that the new Pontiff Catholic begins his mission assisted by Spiritual Benefactors who, under the direction of Jesus, really care about the destiny of man and the world in which we live.