We hereby continue the methodical study of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" by Allan Kardec, the third of the works of the Kardecian Pentateuch. The first edition was published in April, 1864. The answers to the questions suggested for discussion are at the end of the text below.
Questions for discussion
A. You shall never live in peace, if your peace is obtained by being indifferent to others' problems. Please, explain this.
B. What is the real meaning of the commandment "Honor father and mother"?
C. How many different kinds of families are there?
D. What causes the hatred and instinctive repulsion seen in some children?
Reading text
198. Love your neighbors; love them as you love yourself, because now you are aware that when you reject a miserable being, it is possible that you are rejecting someone that, in a previous life, was your brother, father, or a friend of yours. If so, imagine your despair when you recognize them in the spiritual world! (Chapter XIII, section 9, Sister Rosalie)
199. Always remember that, when you reject a miserable being, you may be rejecting a Spirit that was previously dear to you and who, at the moment, is in a lower position to yours. Here, in this world, I found one of the beggars, whom I had happily helped several times and now it is my turn to beg him to help me. (Chapter XIII, section 9, Sister Rosalie)
200. My friends, there are a thousand of ways of practicing charity. We may be charitable by means of our thoughts, words and deeds. Through our thoughts, by praying for the poor, who have been abandoned and died in such conditions that they could not even see the light. A sincere prayer that comes from our heart, gives them some relief. Through our words, by offering our daily neighbor good advice. As for those, who despair, and privation hardened their hearts, leading them not to blaspheme against God, just say: "I was like you. I suffered and felt miserable, but I believed in Spiritism and look how happy I am now". And to those, who are old and say: "It is useless, I am at the end of my life and will die as I have lived". Then, you say: "God is good and just to all of us, remember the last minute workers". To the children, who are already under the bad influence of their companions, and who go through life giving in to evil temptations, you must say: "God is looking at you, my children" and never get tired of repeating these loving words to them. One day, these words will germinate in their minds and, instead of becoming vagabonds, they will become good men. This is charity too. (Chapter XIII, section 10, a Protecting Spirit)
201. In His infinite mercy, God put a vigilant spark in our hearts, and it is called conscience. Listen to it, because it will give you good advice. So listen to it, question it, and frequently you will be comforted by the advice given to you. (Chapter XIII, section 10, a Protecting Spirit)
202. You have obligations regarding your brothers! Go and help them in their misfortune; specially offer your help regarding their hidden miseries, which are the most painful of all! Go, beloved ones, and have in mind our Savior's words: "When you clothe one of these little ones, remember it is Me that you are clothing!" (Chapter XIII, section 11, Adolf, Bishop of Argel)
203. Charity! This sublime word resumes all virtues, and it is you that will lead us towards happiness. By practicing charity one will reach infinite delight in the future and, while exiled on Earth, you will offer us consolation, a forecast of future joy, when we will be united in God's love. (Chapter XIII, section 11, Adolf, Bishop of Argel)
204. We must seek peace of heart, contentment of the soul and remedy for life's afflictions in charity. Oh! When we are on the point of accusing God, let us look down and see all the miseries there are to be relieved, how many poor children without a family, how many old aged without a friendly hand to close their eyes when death arrives. How much good to be practiced! (Chapter XIII, section 11, Adolf, Bishop of Argel)
205. Charity is in all worlds the eternal anchor of salvation. It is the Creator's purest emanation, it is His own virtue given by Him to all creatures. (Chapter XIII, section 12, St. Vincent de Paul)
206. Dear friends, every day I hear some of those amongst you say: "I am poor, so I cannot offer any charity", and yet each day I see you lack indulgence towards your fellow men. You forgive nothing and set yourself up as a very severe judge, without even asking if you would like the same done to you. Is indulgence not charity too? (Chapter XIII, section 15, a Protecting Spirit)
207. Could not the rich and happy woman, who does not have to occupy her time with household duties, dedicate some of her daily hours to useful work helping her fellow beings? Could she not buy clothes with the money that is left over from her pleasures, for those less fortunate than herself, who shiver with cold? Could she not make thick warm clothes with her delicate hands, or help a mother-to-be clothe her unborn child? If her own child goes without some ribbons and lace, at least a poor child will have something to keep it warm. By working for the poor and needy you are working in the vineyard of the Lord. (Chapter XIII, section 16, John)
Answers to the proposed questions
A. You shall never live in peace, if your peace is obtained by being indifferent to others' problems. Please, explain this.
Compassion is the most appropriate feeling to make us progress, overpowering our selfishness and pride, thus teaching us to be humble, charitable and to love one another! Compassion is what stirs our emotions when we lay our eyes on others' sufferings and makes us come forward and stretch out our hand to help them. We must never suppress these divine emotions. Do not copy those with a hardened and selfish heart, who turn and walk away from the miserable, because the sight of their miseries disturb their happy lives for a brief moment. Avoid being indifferent when you can help. Peace acquired at the cost of a guilty indifference is the same as the serenity of the Dead Sea, at the bottom of which lies a vast hidden mass of putrid corruption. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter XIII, section 17.)
B. What is the real meaning of the commandment "Honor father and mother"?
The commandment "Honor your father and mother" is a corollary of the general law of charity and love, since you cannot love your neighbor, if you do not love your father and mother. But the term honor contains an additional duty towards them: that of filial piety. Honor one's father and mother is not only to respect them, but it is to also to assist them in need, it is to provide them adequate rest in their old age, it is to surround them with care, in the same manner as they did to us in our childhood. (Ibid, Chapter XIV, sections 2, 3 and 4.)
C. How many different kinds of families are there?
There are two different kinds of families: Families bound by spiritual ties and families bound by bodily ties. The first ties are lasting and become stronger due to purification, and they perpetuate within the spiritual worlds through several migrations of the soul. In the second case, the ties are frail and weak as the physical body itself, and these ties fade with it and often dissolve morally already in the present life. (Ibid, Chapter XIV, section 8.)
D. What causes the hatred and instinctive repulsion seen in some children?
When a Spirit leaves this Earth, it carries with it the passions and virtues inherent to its nature and this Spirit may improve itself in space, or remain stationary until it wishes to receive enlightenment. Therefore, many of them are full of hatred, violence and an insatiable desire for revenge. Some of them, more advanced than others, are allowed to see a glimpse of truth. Therefore, they can understand the consequences of their passions and are induced to decide towards good purposes. They understand that to reach God there is only one password: charity. But there is no charity if one does not forget insults and injuries. There is no charity, if one does not forgive, or if the heart is filled with hatred.
Then, by means of an unparalleled effort, these Spirits are given the opportunity to watch those they hated while living in this Earth. However, on seeing them again, hostility arises in their hearts, causing anger that increases at the thought of forgiveness and resignation, specially at the feeling of having to love those whom may have destroyed their belongings, honor and family. Meanwhile, the hearts of these unhappy Spirits are disturbed. They hesitate and are upset by contrary feelings. If a good purpose is maintained, then they pray to God and implore that the good Spirits give them strength at this most decisive moment of their ordeal. Finally, after years of meditation and prayer, the Spirit has the opportunity of returning in a that is being prepared in the family of the one, whom he hated so much. That is when it asks physical body the Spirits, designated to transmit orders from their superiors, for permission to return to this Earth in the body, which is about to be formed. What will be this Spirit's behavior within the chosen family? It will act in accordance with the maintenance of its good purposes. The constant contact with those he previously hated is a terrible test, and most of the times this Spirit succumbs, specially if its willpower is not strong enough. Therefore, according to its good or bad purpose, the Spirit will be a friend or an enemy of those amongst which it decided to live. This is the explanation for the hatred and instinctive repulsion often noticed in some children, and which have no explanation at all. (Ibid, Chapter XIV, section 9.)