Spirits and sexuality
Central theme of the Marcus Braga’s interview, one of the highlights of this issue, the sexuality issue is one of the issues that frequently have raised doubts in our readers.
One of them for example, told us once, he does not understand the information that spirits do not have genre, since they communicate with us as a man or woman living so in spiritual cities, shown in the film Nosso Lar, based on homonymous book by André Luiz. As everyone knows, Lísias appears in the masculine form and D. Laura, his mother, the female form.
On the subject, let’s remember initially, some information from Allan Kardec’s work:
a) The souls or spirits can animate bodies of men and women. Souls or spirits do not have genre; affections that unite them are nothing carnal are based on a real sympathy and therefore are more durable. (Spiritist Magazine, 1866, pages 2 and 3.)
b) The sexes only exist in the body, they are necessary for the reproduction of material beings, but spirits do not reproduce each other, reason why the sexes would be useless in the spiritual world. (Spiritist Magazine, 1866, pages 2 and 3.)
The information we report do not solve the reader’s doubt when viewed in isolation.
After all, why should one present with the male form and others with the female form?
Understanding the issue requires to remember some explanations already published in this magazine.
In his book Life and Sex, psychographed by Chico Xavier and published by FEB 1971, Emmanuel shows us four pieces of information that may assist us in regard to the subject.
Here they are:
1st - When discarnate, it matters little to the Spirit incarnated as a man or a woman. "What it guides in selecting are the evidences to pass by." (The Spirits' Book, item 202.)
2nd - The pure and simple spiritual life is governed by essential elective affinities, however, across millennia and millennia, the Spirit goes through immense spinneret reincarnations, sometimes in a position of femininity, sometimes in conditions of masculinity, which settles the bisexuality phenomenon, more or less pronounced, in almost all creatures.
3rd - The man and woman can be so relevant, sharply masculine or sharply feminine without specifying absolute psychological.
4th - The Spirit, to be reborn among men, can obviously take a male or female body, attending to the need for private charges in certain action sector or the fulfillment of regenerative obligations.
The information provided by Emmanuel should add what Allan Kardec wrote about the same topic, as we see in the Spiritist Magazine, 1866, pages 2 to 4.
According to Encoder of Spiritism, souls can effectively animate bodies of men and women, as taught in The Spirits’ Book and the book Life and Sex.
It happens that the influence that the incarnate spirit body suffers does not fade away with the death, after the destruction of the material body, just as no one loses instantly land tastes and habits.
If the spirit has lived a number of existences in the same sex, it can keep for a long time, in the spiritual world, the character of the man or woman, the brand it was printed on it.
It is that way - because of this influence, which affects the bodily life to the spiritual life - it will perform on the spiritual plane, called the spiritual world, which explains there the existence of men and women, although they are disembodied. (Due to the subject we suggest reading the editorial titled "The sexual question, what must be avoided is promiscuity", published in this journal, issue 225. Behold the link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano5/225/editorial.html).