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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 327 September 1, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Chimpanzee And The Little Bird


A small chimp was happily hopping from branch to branch. From time to time he would stop when he found something he could eat.

Thus, he moved far away from his family, delighted with all he saw.

Suddenly, a major storm broke out which made him look for shelter in an opening at the top of a cliff on the banks of a great river. Waiting for the rain to stop, he was protected there.

At one point the monkey realized that the rain had stopped falling, but that the great river was rising increasingly, getting more violent and fast.

Watching the river, the monkey saw a little bird that had fallen into the waters and struggled desperately, unable to break free from it.

Full of pity, the little chimp quickly descended the cliff and went toward the river, concerned about the little bird.

At a certain place, he saw that ahead there was a tree with a branch that leaned over the river and, fast, jumped from branch to branch, moving forward. So when the small bird, dragged by the waters, got closer to where he was, he stretched his arms and held on to the branch with his tail, and leaning dangerously over the water managed to grab the exhausted little bird.

He took her to a safe place and they settled down on the grass. The little bird had to rest there from the immense struggle with the river; her little heart was racing and she was shivering with cold. Full of affection, the monkey covered her with leaves to keep her warm. Then he settled down beside her, taking care of her, waiting for her to wake up.

Hours later, the monkey saw the little bird began to stir. With joy, he watched her until she opened her little eyes.

- Hello! - he said.

The little bird jumped, startled to see the monkey so close, and cringed with fear.

But he reassured her:

- Do not worry, I'm a friend. I was the one who took you from the waters and brought you here!

At that moment the little bird remembered:

- Oh! ... It is true! I fell into the river! - she exclaimed, remembering what had happened.

She then explained to her friend:

- I went out for an air tour and moved too far away from my family. Suddenly, a heavy rain started to fall and it kept pushing me down. So, I ended up falling into the waters, and try as I might, I could not get out!

The monkey, happy, explained:

- Yeah! But I saw you in the river and realized that you were in trouble. So I looked for a way to help you.

- Thank you, my friend! If it weren't for you, I would have died.

- No need to thank me. My mother taught me that we should help each other. And that's what I did.
If I were in your shoes, I would also like someone to help me - replied the monkey.

- You're very kind. But now what? How will I find my family? - She asked.

- Well, now we have to ascend the great river. I also need to find my family - said the monkey.

So they made their way back while they talked. The little bird through the air and the monkey on the branches of the trees.

After some time, the little bird saw in the sky a flock of birds approaching. And, recognizing her family, flew towards them happily.

The bird mother, seeing her daughter with a monkey, found it strange, but the little bird explained:

- Mom, I fell in the river and he saved me. He's my friend!

The mother thanked the monkey and said:

- Listen, my boy, on our way here, we saw a bunch of monkeys. They must be your family, right?

- Yes! Thank you for the info. May the Lord help you on your return trip.

- Thank you, boy. From now on, we are your friends. I will never forget what you did for my daughter.
May the Lord be with you too.

Thus, the monkey soon found his bunch and delightedly embraced his mother.

He told her what had happened and she said to her son, happy to see him well:

- Thank God, dear. I was worried about you, thinking you could have fallen into the clutches of a dangerous animal.
You know how the forest is dangerous!

Looking up, she saw a flock of birds that passed by, chirping.

The monkey mother waved her hand, sure it was the family of the bird that her child had saved.

- See, Mom? We are all children of God and we can be friends with each other, forming a single large family.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 22/07/2013.)


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