Prayer in spiritist meetings
It was not common in the early days of Spiritism prayer at the spiritist opening meetings. It is not known when the practice of prayer has become part of the practice sessions, but it cannot be ignored that the Spirit of St. Augustine was one of the first spirits, or even the first to suggest it.
In chapter XXXI of The Mediums' Book, the subchapter titled "On the Spiritist Societies", Kardec addressed the issue, inserting the important message here signed by St. Augustine.
Here is the text of the message:
"Why do not you begin your session by a general invocation, one as prayer, fitted to the gathering? Because, you get to know, without retraction, you only have frivolous communication, good spirits only go where they are called with fervor and sincerity. It is what the men who still do not understand enough. It is up to you, therefore, to set an example, that if you want, you will be able to take one of the columns of the new building.
We notice with pleasure your work and help you, but under the condition that also from your hand, you help and show yourself to the task that you have been called to play.
Build, so a beam and be strong and evil spirits shall not prevail against you. God loves the simple-minded, which is not to say fools, but those who renounce themselves and without pride, for it forward.
You may become a focus of light for humanity. Know, therefore, distinguish the wheat from the chaff; sow only the good grain and preserve you to spread the chaff, so that this will prevent that germinate and be responsible for all the evils resulting therefrom; likewise, you will be responsible for bad doctrines that may disseminate.
Remember that a day may come where the world has placed eyes on you. Do, consequently, nothing to cover the brightness of the good things that come out of your midst. That is why we recommend you to ask God to assist you."
According to Kardec, been asked to tell a recipe of general prayer, St. Augustine answered:
"You know there is no absolute recipe. God is infinitely great to give more importance to words than to thought. Now, do not believe suffice pronounce few words, so that the evil spirits depart. Keep above all away from service one of these trite recipes that are recited for the sake of conscience. Its effectiveness lies in the sincerity of feeling that is said; it is mostly in the unanimity of intention, because the one that do not associate its heart cannot benefit from it, or do what others can benefit. Drafted it therefore unto yourselves, and subdue it to me, if you will. I will help you."
Nowadays, after 152 years since the publication of The Mediums’ Book, it is not difficult to understand the reason of the transcribed recommendation above, since the value of prayer and high thinking is something well known in spiritist midst.
Indeed, André Luiz tells us ("Missionaries of Light", ch. 5): "The prayer, meditation high, uplifting thinking rebound the atmosphere, purifying it." "The high thinking sanctifies the atmosphere around and there are electrical properties that the common man is far to imagine."
Corroborating this understanding informs Emmanuel ("Thought and Life," cap. 2 and 26): "The prayer drives recondite heart energies, releasing them with images of our desire, through the living force and plasticizer of the thought, images that ascending the Higher Spheres, touching the visible or invisible intelligences that surround us, for which commonly we receive the answers of the Divine Plan."
There was not therefore without reason Kardec established that prayer should not miss serious spiritist meetings, in those who sincerely want the contest of good spirits and should be said both at the beginning and end of the meeting, a guidance he consigned in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Ch. XXVIII items 4 to 7.