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Year 7 - N° 335 – October 27, 2013

São Caetano do Sul, SP (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Davilson Silva

Unprecedented case of dematerialization  

Admirable psychic phenomena take place under the joint action of magnetic or spiritual range, with the electric range or material scope. Our theme deals with dematerialization and rematerialization of an object through a strange device from the Beyond, a fact which has been witnessed by a group of people. The object was expedited to another space-time of existence and brought back in a unique way.

Exactly, my dear reader! “ No useful organisation becomes materialised on Earth, without the initial rays from High Above”, and “ Earth humanity, made up of millions of beings, is united to the invisible humanity of Earth which in its turn integrates millions and millions of creatures” (1). And nothing happens according to divine laws? 

How does this link take place? Ah! Everything only depends on the mediumistic trance, or anomalous state of conscience in different degrees of mediumship through intellectual manifestations or physical effects, between the corporeal and the extra-corporeal space. To make a summarised and superficial commentary such as this regarding such process whose vibration beyond our innate aptitude, acts outside the space-time reference of our environment, without putting aside its molecular integrity.  The legitimate physical effects phenomena has to do with the firm presence of a magnetic field and an electrical field. 

The electric current stems from the brain, is founded in the human nature; the magnetic effect exerts upon it in an effective and great influence: one does not work without the other.  The nervous system, a very special set of cells, determines its production such as a power plant. 

The magnetic field, then, leads to effect the stimuli intimately associated to the electrical current of the nervous system. In this manner, together with the functions governed by the human brain, there is the psychic factor, or animistic, preponderant factor of this referred field. It can be affirmed that the nervous stimuli connected to the electrical current exclusively governs the life of the body; whilst the magnetic field, the principle of earthly existence, the Soul. 

A series of extraordinary productions in the field of phenomenological experiences have already been proved under such points of view. But concepts and facts about the theme still generate controversies and, many stubbornly try to denigrate them, deny them. Many contradictory arguments, due to spiritual ignorance, have established obstacles: on one hand, atheistic scientists, on the other, religious dogmatists.  There was even in the Middle Ages, "guidelines manuals" with references to the ectoplasm which, as we know, it is the origin of the phenomena of physical effects and its various stages. 

Persecutions, confinements and deaths 

“These manuals labelled psychic people and mediums as witches, and they were subject to penalties imposed by the Holy See to confinement in dungeons or death upon a pile of burning wood, under the aegis of the "Vicars of Christ". Many were persecuted, jailed, burned alive, had their property confiscated. The essential point of the human creature will always be the one of spirit, so spirit manifestations, ostensibly or non-ostentatious, have never ceased and will never cease ever. 

And one of the strongest manifestations of which the spirits allow themselves to be perceived is (as the name already implies!)  "materialization". .  Materialization conveys what is most obvious about the survival of Discarnate Beings, some of which became noteworthy for their authenticity and unusual beauty, marvelling spectators on public roads or in homes or in spiritist centres or laboratories. 

Intellectuals, scientists took the phenomena seriously in search of the truth. Names such as the criminologist Cesare Lombroso, the physical chemist William Crookes, the philosopher Ernesto Bozzano, the mechanical engineer Alberto de Rochas, the medical doctors: Aksakof Alexander, Charles Richet, Enrico Morselli, Gustave Geley, Hereward Carrington and Paul Gibier, the psychologist Julian Ochorowicz, the writer Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous French astronomer Camille Flammarion and many others, some of whom even wrote books about the nature of these facts inherent to the human being. 

But a fact worthy of note as many others of phenomenal occurrences of all times and places, subject to observation, is that of a banderole. Strictly speaking, dematerialization and re-materialization itself is not something so unprecedented.  (2) However, the occurrence which we are dealing with is very interesting, more duly for its uniqueness than for the consequences of the phenomenon that raise other explanations.(2)The case took place in the First Congress of Groups of Fraternity, in em São João da Boa Vista, SP (Brazil). 

In January 1954, the writer Dante Labbate actively participated in this conference and decided to suggest a banderole commemorating the successful event in the municipality of São Paulo. According to Labbate, the "simple gift" would be a means of expressing gratitude and affection on behalf of all his companions who in that year amounted to more than 50 groups established in three Brazilian states. 

Something unexpected happened 

The author tells in his book, Luminous Materializations, Cosmic Laws in Action, (3) that he wished to offer a gift to the Mentors of the Fraternity Movement with which he and his companions kept close bond. In committee, his idea was accepted by all.Days later, at the meeting of materialization of the spiritist centre founded by his father, Jerry Labbate, something unforeseen and curious happened... 

The author of the materialisations and those who watched it were stunned. “”The spirit guide, Joseph Gleber, on coming out from the mediumistic booth completely materialised, as if it was a human, greeted everyone and said that he knew of the “gift wish” , Mr Labatte himself had not revealed anything to anyone on that day, nor place or time.  

The Spirit was happy with the toast and said: “ Myself and the other companions felt flattered and we are taking the gift with us to our community in Astral City (Nosso Lar)”. “ I assure you that we will bring it back to you on the occasion of the second congress, to be organised by you. “We will bring it back, autographed by some ministers of the Astral Colony”. Afterwards, the spirit Gleber returned to the mediumistic booth where the medium had remained in trance. 

Gleber, on returning to the mediumistic booth, a brief “ noise of machine running” was heard by all. One of the most admirable mediums of physical effects and materialisation of all time was inside the mediumistic booth: Fábio Machado (4). Continuously, a spirit entity named José Grosso (5) , materialised in the same form that the other spirit mentor, appeared before the selected assistance to inform. The spirit entity explained that the reason for such “noise” was due to “equipment” which had just finished “de-materialising the banderole”. 

Materialisation in Caratinga, Minas Gerais State, Brazil 

In the following year, everyone prepared themselves for the second congress, and Caratinga was chosen as its host as per general agreement. .   On the last day of the event, at 8pm, a materialisation meeting took place at the headquarters of the Spiritist Group of Fraternity in Caratinga. 

“The spirit entity Gleber exited the mediumistic booth, walked in front of the audience of 200 people and said: I wish peace of Jesus to be with you all. My brothers, my companions, with great honour and joy I pass to your hands the banderole that I took with me to the Astral city (Nosso Lar) a year ago. ” I bring it back as a sign of gratitude, fulfilling the promise from that occasion. I bring it signed by some ministers and workers from Nosso Lar. We plead to the Father and to Jesus to cover you with blessings.” 

The banderole was given to the ruling manager of the Group Joseph Gleber situated at the city São João da Boa Vista, which was the city that hosted the first congress. Passed from hand to hand, everyone could examine the precious banderole, an extraordinary fact of a phenomena that had never taken place before and never been catalogued in the registers of Metapsychics, Parapsychology and Spiritism. An important fact: besides the signature of Spirits who were intimate to those people, the signatures of the ministers Clarêncio e Veneranda ; who are both from this spirit colony; were also there. 

I feel that the case of the banderole gives yet more strength to the series of books by authorship of the Spirit André Luiz, so much known to the spiritist studious, especially the first one, Nosso Lar which was dictated to the incomparable medium Chico Xavier; a literary work that like the phenomenon confirm that it is not a type of fictional literature (this goes for those who do not know the work or to those who provide themes of doubt).

As for the fate of the banderole, according to Mr Labatte, the present president of Brazilian Spiritist Federation, Mr Nestor Masotti, has said that the banderole is still found in São João da Boa Vista, It is slightly weathered by time, but it is there. 



1) Words from "nurse and visitor" Lysias, the "health care services", from spirit colony “Nosso Lar”, which are contained in Chapter 24: The striking appeal,  of the book Astral City (Nosso Lar), Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), dictated to by spirit André Luiz to medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.

2) See chapter. 18: Iolanda, In the Land of Shadows, of E. D'Esperance, FEB.  A fantastic English medium and researcher Theodore H. Hart-Davies, best known as Elisabeth D'Esperance, narrates a case of dematerialization and re-materialization of a certain piece of female adornment during one of her meetings, fact that, in our opinion, does not compare to the one here stated.

3) See chapter 63: The de-materialised and re-materialised banderole, of the work cited above, Fonte Viva Publisher.

4) The medium Fábio Machado managed to produce numerous phenomena of physical effects, culminating with exceptional materialization of human forms and objects, including witnessed by Chico Xavier. Some people has even witnessed the dematerialization of Machado himself in meetings of physical effects.

5) The same Spirit Joseph Grosso is also quite familiar to us. For us, he is a dear fraternal friend, one of the spirit mentors of our institution and one of the spirit coordinators of our private meetings of physical effects.

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