The good man respects in others sincere convictions
There is who says:
- I do not believe in God.
- I do not believe in Spirits.
- I do not believe in the spiritual world.
- I do not believe in reincarnation.
People have them right to think like that, because as we know very well, faith is an individual thing which is not transmitted and it cannot be imposed to anyone.
What it is not right to anybody is the right to recriminate the belief or faith from others, because everyone is free to join or no to this or that religion, however, absurd it is. The cult freedom is an enshrined right by Federal Constitution.
It was seen at this week, at the same day, among the chapter of faith, two facts which have called our attention. The first was a reader’s manifestation of a journal in town where he declared himself atheist. He took this opportunity to harshly criticize people who believe in God – for him, a nonexistent being – to which cling to the slightest signal of difficulty.
The other fact of nature diametrically opposed was showed to us throw television, when an young woman who had seen her dream of getting married completely broken, she put herself together and ended up her deep pain according to the Psalms of David. We refer to the known Psalm 23 thus expressed:
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leaded me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Psalms 23:1-6)
It was written at a time well before the advent of Jesus, it impressed us the beauty and depth of this psalm and well it conveys when pronounced by a fervent soul.
This simple episode proves how important it is to respect the beliefs of others, especially since this is one of the qualities of the good man, as Allan Kardec noted in a famous passage that integrates cap. XVII of the book The Gospel According to Spiritism, partially reproduced below:
The good man is good, humane and benevolent to all, without distinction of race or belief, because in every man sees his brothers.
He respects in others all sincere convictions and not released anathema to those who do not think like him.
In all circumstances, take charity as a guide, taking for granted that who harms to others with malicious words that hurts with his pride and his contempt to a susceptibility of someone who does not back the idea of causing suffering, an annoyance, although slight, when you can avoid missing the duty to love our neighbor and does not deserve the mercy of the Lord.
No feeds hatred, or bitterness, or desires for revenge, the example of Jesus, forgives and forgets offenses and remembers only the benefits, knowing that he will be forgiven as there is forgiven.
It is indulgent to the weaknesses of others, because he knows that also needs to have forgiveness and it is present this Christ’s sentence: "Someone shoots him the first stone that shall be found without sin."
Never rummage delights in the defects of others, nor yet in evidence them. If it is forced to, always looks for the good that can mitigate the evil.
He studies his own imperfections and works tirelessly to combat them. All efforts he employs in order to say, in the next day, which in him brings something better than the day before. (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter XVII, item 3.)