Reincarnation and its
illustrious supporters
Although it is opposed by many of the modern followers of Christianity, the idea regarding to reincarnation goes back to the highest antiquity and had illustrious supporters, like Pythagoras, that he drew between Hindus and Egyptians, Socrates and Plato. Incidentally, since the time of Socrates - who lived some centuries before the advent of Christianity -it was known as the doctrine of choice of the evidence, we can check on Plato in his allegory of the zone of Necessity, in which the well-known philosopher imagines a dialogue between Socrates and Glauco.
Reincarnation is, as we have said many times, one of the fundamental principles of Spiritism. Its goal is very clear: as all spirits aim to achieve perfection, God provides them with the means to achieve it, giving everyone the chance to make new stocks in the body that could not be done on the first opportunity. No one comes back to Earth scene by punishment. On the contrary, reincarnation is a blessing, especially when it is distressing, on the spiritual plane, the situation of the guilty Spirit.
The thesis of the existence of successive lives is present also at the heart of the great religions of the East, not only in the work of prominent philosophers, as the mentioned.
Coming from India, this idea spread worldwide, and before having appeared the major developers of historic times, it was already formulated in the Vedas. The Brahmanism and Buddhism inspired in it, Egypt and Greece have also adopted it and it is seen that, sometimes covered by a more or less obscure symbolism, lurks everywhere the idea of successive lives.
According to the classics of Spiritism, the means of the most complete proof of reincarnation is undoubtedly the memory of past existences.
Sometimes this happens spontaneously in infancy, a fact that gave rise to the expression extra cerebral memory, object of research by experimenters who became known worldwide as teachers Hemendra Nath Banerjee and Ian Stevenson. Stevenson has left us a classic in the field, the book 20 cases suggestive of reincarnation.
Currently, one of the renowned researchers for similar cases who suggest reincarnation is Carol Bowman, to which we have referred in this magazine recently, as the reader can see by reading the editorial titled "Ivanova, Carol Bowman and successive lives." Here is the link:
The recollection of past lives can also be caused. Léon Denis, in the work The problem of being, of fate and pain, reports several memory regression experiences where the sujet alludes to past lives lived on Earth. Among the reports contained in that work, it is worth to highlight the experience narrated during the Spiritist Congress in Paris in 1900 by Spanish experimenters. One of them, Fernandes Colavida, Group Chairman of Psychic Studies in Barcelona, said he had magnetized a particular individual, who besides he regressed to childhood and youth, he told how his life was in the Spiritual and four previous incarnations.
It is seen at the sight of it, that memory past life regression came not with Morris Netherton, a parent of TPL - therapy of lives or past experiences – that there is, by the way, numerous followers in Brazil and abroad.