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Year 7 - N° 339 – November 24, 2013

Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


Jorge Hessen

Spiritism and the decomposition and sustainability of nature

When we clear forests, change the courses of rivers, land submerged areas, and destabilize the climate, we are destroying the foundations of a natural safety net extremely sensitive. We need to be alert to experts' warnings, because it is already too clear that it is only a matter of time for the predictions of terrible consequences to start to affect brutally our lives and especially the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Earth is like a living organism, with mechanisms to self-regulate its functions. (1) In recent years, the United States of America went through the worst drought in over a century. Large extensions of land in Russia also did not have enough rain. Even the seasons of monsoons in India were deeply affected. In South America, rainfall index has remained below the historical average. (2)

Why so much ingratitude towards Nature, which works tirelessly for us, offering us unlimited resources? Let us remember that Nature suffers and "reacts" to aggressions. In Southern Brazil, floods and cyclones have emerged more frequently often accompanied by great tragedies. In the United States, the "tornados" shake the structures of American society. In Europe and other parts of our planet, we have observed hotter summers, causing fires in several forests, without precedent in history.

Current studies show that "climate changes have led to death of some 300,000 people per year, due to starvation (3), diseases, or natural disasters. This number will rise to 500,000 within 15 years." (4) It is estimated that climate problems affect 325 million people every year, and that within two decades, this number will double to the equivalent of 10 % of the world's population today. Kardec questioned Spirituality about this matter: "Why does Earth not always produce enough to provide what is necessary for man?" He received an answer that well exemplifies what we are living today: "It is because the ungrateful man despises it! However, she is an excellent mother. Often, man also accuses Nature of what is only a result of his own incompetence, or imprudence. Land would always produce whatever necessary, if only man would be contented with that." (5) 


The "renewable" resources that are consumed and their influence on the environmental balance cannot be relegated to matters of a minor nature, especially taking into consideration the wasteful use of water and other natural resources. It is not risky to say that in the days to come this source will be the most obvious cause of war on the planet.

Indeed, there is a serious problem to consider, we are misusing drinking water. It is known that in Brazil almost half (yes, precisely 50%) of the volume collected from the sources does not reach the taps of our homes. In the middle of its route, there are leaks in pipelines, measurement errors, and deviations caused by illegal connections. This survey is authored by ISA (Socio-Environmental Institute), organizer of the campaign "Keeping an Eye on Watershed," which is intended to alert the population to the rational use of water. This situation is truly alarming. This resource is becoming increasingly scarce.

It is important to emphasize that, according to current researchers the loss of water in the Brazilian capital is of 6.14 billion liters per day, 2,457 Olympic swimming pools every 24 hours. This is the equivalent to 45% of the water taken from the sources. The United Nations recommends the use of 110 liters per capita per day. 


Let us learn, therefore, to save water in the various situations of everyday life. While bathing we should close the tap while we are washing ourselves. When we brush our teeth, first wet your toothbrush, and when you rinse your mouth, use a glass of water instead of the running tap. When washing our hands, face, or shaving, let us also be rational. Check for the leaks on the toilette's outlet valve, see to its maintenance, and have it repaired as soon as you see any problem. When washing the dishes, clean the leftovers first, wet the sponge before soaping it. Only then, open the tap for the final rinsing. To wash dishes also requires discipline. Let some dishes accumulate before you wash them, because thus we are using this precious liquid rationally. After we have filled the laundry tub, there is no need to soap the clothes and we can make use of this water to wash the yard. Therefore, we shall be saving not only water, but electricity too (for those who use a washing machine). As for the gardens, let us wet the plants using a watering can, instead of using the hose. To clean up the sidewalk, just use a broom. 


It is urgent to build a critical mentality to establish new behaviors, with an eye on sustainability. We must give place to new models of coexistence, based on fraternity, and love of nature. There are various types of waste, difficult to quantify, but identifiable by researchers within building, basic sanitation, civil service, and so on.

Many of us have witnessed on Brazilian roads, the waste of grain transported by trucks, which may seem "insignificant." However, this waste represents a significant loss to the governmental safe, which could be avoided were it not for the disregard of the authorities, not supervising the transport of these products through our highways. As if it were not enough, there is still the serious problem of stocking grain, improperly done en several warehouses in the country, how to monitor more closely the transport of such products . As if this is not enough, it still results in great losses for the nation. Until when will this go on?

Approximately, one third of the food produced in Brazil goes to waste, with no chance of recovery. The process of loss of products begins immediately after harvest, in the countryside. Many foods are boxed carelessly and in inappropriate containers. In unusual situations, we also witness waste. How often do we see in some restrooms users wiping their hands, and using towel paper in excess, when only two sheets are enough? It is an "insignificant" deed, but the waste of collective material shows lack of education and respect for others. A full citizenship should be exercised throughout small deeds, which considering the overall population, make a big difference. There are countless small actions, which could be taken into consideration, such as open taps, lights on, garbage in the streets, environment, and rivers pollution, and so on. All this can be avoided, if family citizenship was included together with family education. 


Nature has responded to our indifference. Many communities suffer with earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, and so on. Chance is not part of the statutes of God. Then, collective catastrophes have their reason for being, considering that; life returns to us what we give it. In fact, before we reincarnate, under the weight of collective debts, we are told in Spirituality of the risks to which we are going to be subject, the ways in which we can repay the debt. However, the fact itself is not determinative because it depends on several circumstances in our lives for its fulfillment, since the law of cause and effect allows flexibility when love governs life.

The one who takes pleasure in walking through the shortcuts of evil and indifference regarding life will be brought back to the right path by the law itself. The past often determines the present, which in turn determines the future. By saying "who hurts with iron, with iron will be hurt," Jesus confirmed the law of action and reaction, or cause and effect, widely taught by Spiritism. However, one should note that not all suffering is atonement. In item 9, Chapter V, of The Gospel According to Spiritism, Allan Kardec states, "One must not believe, however, that all suffering in this world is necessarily an indication of a certain fault, but it is often simple tests chosen by the Spirit for purification and to hasten his progress." (6)

Naturally, the Law is for all of us. Emmanuel states that, "When we return from Earth to the Spiritual world, and are aware of our responsibilities, we lift our past debts and pray for the precise means to redeem them properly. Moreover, before we reincarnate, under the weight of collective debts, we are told, in the afterlife, of the risks to which we are going to be subject, the ways in which we can repay the debt. However, the fact itself is not determinative, because it depends on several circumstances in our lives for its fulfillment, since the law of cause and effect allows flexibility, when love governs life" and " love covers a multitude of sins" (7), so we can redeem past debts, by practicing Good.

Thus, those who are victimized by natural phenomena, those who are considered a disturbance of the elements, they do not go through this due to unforeseen circumstances, since "everything has a reason and nothing happens without the permission of God." (8) It is true! Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters are inevitable and are part of the dynamics of nature, but that does not mean we cannot do anything to make us less vulnerable. As complex as are the challenges to be faced, because of man's carelessness, we increase the desire to harmonize ourselves with nature and let us adjust ourselves with the Laws of God, recorded within the conscience of each one. 


Undoubtedly, the climate and the environment have great influence on all of us. Climate consists of several elements, namely: temperature, rain, humidity, wind, air masses, and atmospheric pressure. These elements are influenced by several other factors, such as, the position of astronomical and geographical region or country, the configuration of the territory, the altitude, and the relief of the land, weather phenomenon, and so on. Emmanuel in his answer warns, "The environment in which the soul is reborn many times is the atonement with powerful influences on personality. It is essential that the enlightened heart cooperates for its change to good, improving and increasing the material and moral conditions of those living in its area of influence." (9)

Currently, Science is radically transforming the way we live in Nature. The technological invasion is so evident especially with the use of smartphones, for example, we can access the Internet, send and receive e-mails, text messages, watch TV, listen to music, download movies, take pictures, use GPS and obviously, make a phone call. There is no doubt that computers save us from routine tasks, allow us to do shopping and banking without leaving home, also help us to maintain contacts with individuals or corporations through e-mail, voicemail or videos and even make friends. So what?

Despite all this technological resources, unfortunately, we still suffer the contrasts of this sovereign science, computers, telecommunication, and at the same time, we deal with a lot of indifference to environment. On the other hand, it seems not so bad, considering the Law of Evolution, the need to destruct Nature "weakens in man, as the Spirit overcomes the matter." (10). Indeed, the awareness of environmental protection grows with our intellectual and moral development. 


It is urgent that we create a critical mentality, which would establish new behavioral paradigms having as scope the sustainability of human life. Society must format new models of coexistence, supported by fraternity and love. The lack of perception of interdependence and complementary among individuals generates, more and more, the imbalance in the environment. The scientist, Stephen Hawking, in his book "The Universe in a Nutshell," declares, in a curious way that "A butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo, can cause rain in Central Park in New York." (11) He explains that: "It is not the flapping of the wings that causes the rain, but the influence of this small movement on other events elsewhere is what can eventually lead to influence the climate." (12)

The Brazilian Spiritist Federation, along with the Spiritist Centers could and should contribute so that the Spiritists become aware of the need to preserve natural resources, "studying and discussing this issue in the light of Spiritism; developing campaigns and events aimed at improving social and environmental conditions; using for printing, such as books, magazines, single piece messages, and so on, recycled paper and inks that reduce environmental impact, using more the electronic mail to reduce the use of paper, ink, etc.; by publishing works that analyze these matters under the Spiritist perspective; stimulating research in fundamental works of Spiritism to improve the understanding of the  need to care for the planet and support actions and campaigns to raise environmental awareness; providing, through training, the inclusion of environmental issues in the light of Spiritism in the educational activities of Spiritist childhood and youth evangelizers, as well as the ESDE facilitators, within the BEING, promoting an environmental ethic rooted in brotherhood professed by Christ, and in the broadest sense of the universal family that we can grasp within Spiritism". (13)

While the painful changes of these moments of moral ruin are announced, together with the sinister tinkling of the coins, echoing in the stock exchanges, the spiritual forces come together for the great reconstruction of the New Age. The moment arrives in which all human values will be revised, so that, with the new creative energies, a new model of the world triumphs over the destructive burden of the insane consciences, which are presently in the school of life. While this happens, the teachings of Jesus did not pass and will never pass. 


In view of the environmental impacts, let us always remember that the message of Christ is the great construction of human redemption in favor of nature and society, which will penetrate all of human consciousness, as once it penetrated the consciousness of Vincent de Paul, Sister Dulce, Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Chico Xavier. In the suffered struggle of civilizations, Jesus is the torch of the principle and in His sacrosanct hands rests the fate of the Earth. We cannot forget that He is the Way that leads us to the enlightened concepts of Truth, where we received the glorious seeds of wisdom that will dominate the coming centuries, preparing our earthly life to heights of universal love in the deepest respect for nature.

From the above mentioned, we understand that Nature "is always the divine book, where the hand of God wrote the story of His wisdom, the book of life which is the school of the spiritual progress of man, constantly evolving with the effort and dedication of its followers. In Kingdom of Nature, the vibration of God pulses, as the Divine Verb of Infinite Creation, and in the endless picture of the work of experience, all principles, as all individuals, schedule their sacred acquisitions and values to immortal life." (14)


1. Theory, which claims that the planet Earth is a living being. It was presented in 1969 by the British researcher James E. Lovelock, as the Gaia Theory, also known as the Gaia Hypothesis. It states that the earthly biosphere is able to generate, maintain, and regulate its own environmental conditions.

2. Available at http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/2012/10/121016_alimentos_crise_dg.shtml

3. At least 56 countries are in a "serious" or "very serious" situation due to its food shortages, such as Eritrea, Burundi, and Comoros, according to the 2013 Global Hunger Index presented in Berlin. The Global Hunger Index, which reaches its eighth edition this year (2013), is the result of a work prepared jointly by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) of the United States of America, and the Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe NGOs, in Ireland and Germany, respectively. Available at "http://www.efeservicios.com" www.efeservicios.com access 13/10/2013

4. According to the Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF) Report, an institution with headquarters in Geneva.

5. Kardec , Allan. The Spirits' Book, Rio de Janeiro, FEB 2001 Edition, Question 705.

6. Kardec, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism. Rio de Janeiro, FEB 2001 Edition, Item 9, Chapter V.

7. I Peter, 4:8.

8. Kardec, Allan. The Spirits' Book, Rio de Janeiro, FEB 2001 Edition, Question 536.

9. Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Comforter, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: FEB 2001 Edition, Question 121.

10. Allan Kardec. The Spirits' Book, Rio de Janeiro, FEB 2001 Edition, Question 733.

11. Hawking, Stephen. The Universe in a Nutshell, Sao Paulo: Mandarin Edition, 2nd Edition (2002).

12. Idem.

13. Bertoldo Helena da Silva. Interview for the The Comforter magazine "It is urgent to develop educational activities that preserve the environment," available at http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/194/entrevista.html access 10/16/2013.

14. Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Comforter, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel,  Questions 27, 28 and 21, Rio de Janeiro, FEB 200 Edition.


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