Jesus in our lives
In this issue before Christmas and is the last one of the year, we would not fail to highlight, as we have done previously, how important the presence of Jesus is in our lives.
Spiritual ruler of the planet, which managers diligently since the beginning of our orb, the Master is not, as some think, absent from the problems and major decisions regarding the development of the world and us who inhabit it.
Many facts could be reminded to show how Jesus' action on behalf of people in our country is exercised.
Gerson Simões Monteiro, in this Special issue, refers to one of them, portrayed by poet Francisca Clotilde in a beautiful poem psychographic by medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.
The other fact we are told by André Luiz in chapter 1 of his book Workers of Eternal Life – Obreiros da Vida Eterna - a work published in 1946. We refer to the statement that the instructor Albano Metelo did and André noted in such work.
Albano Metelo told to the group of spirits who heard his personal experience in search of enlightenment itself, who once sought to achieve it hastily. The Light fascinated him and therefore he broke all ties that retained him down whilst starting his upward journey. Earlier, he was injured in sharp thorns of the road and experienced atrocious disappointments. However, he overcame the immediate obstacles, earning, joyful a little eminence. Looking around himself, he startled, although and in an intense way the terrifying vision of the valley: suffering and ignorance ruled in full darkness. Disputes, hatred, selfishness and vanity prevailed, creating suffering everywhere.
Metelo came to think he was happy in front of the position that distanced from many troubles. But more he boasted himself he noted that in one night the valley was invaded by effulgent light. What a merciful sun has visited the dark den of pain? Angelic beings had got down, swift of radiant spires, flocking to the lower areas according to the power of attraction of the blessed clarity. Then it was asked: "What happened?" A spiritual messenger replied: "The Lord Jesus is visiting the erring in the darkness of the world, freeing enslaved consciences."
It served as a great lesson. Where it marched his Spirit, carefree of the immense human family? Why sicken before the valley, if Jesus worked helpfully, so the Light from above could penetrate the bowels of the Earth? How to climb alone, organizing an exclusive heaven for his soul, woefully oblivious of the values of cooperation that the world lavished him with generosity and abundance?
Albano Metelo then stopped and turned back in his own steps because, as the spirits penetrate the domain of heights, are printed in his mind and heart the sublime laws of brotherhood and mercy, as it occurred with the main guiding of Humanity, who spared their own greatness but by the ability to return to the den of ignorance, to exemplify the love and wisdom, renunciation and forgiveness to neighbor.
The story transcribed should serve as a meditation on the days leading up to Christmas 2013, when the Earth is facing troubled times, marked by conflict everywhere, including Brazil, where the population is stated, mostly, adherent of Christianity.
Street riots, crimes which do not cease, robbery in broad daylight, violence in football stadiums, widespread corruption in all or nearly all levels of government, without speaking in the wars that persist in many countries - this is the portrait of a society that, despite the efforts of Jesus and the spiritual benefactors, remains indifferent and oblivious to the Gentle Nazarene teachings bequeathed to us a little over 2,000 years ago.