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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 358 – April 13, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Tears Of Repentance


Cyrus loved to play in his house's backyard. He would spend hours in the welcome shade of a large tree distracted with his toys.

The shade of the tree was a cool and pleasant place where the sunlight was softly filtered, and where many times he would even fall asleep with his head resting on its powerful roots because he was tired from playing.

The tree was a beautiful mango tree and produced tasty fruits, which Cyrus would pick with his own hands whenever he got hungry.

Despite all this, Cyrus was a boy full of whims, and one day he began to despise the tree, wishing to cut it down.

He approached his mother and said:

- Mom, I want you to hire someone to cut

down the mango tree.  

Surprised, his mother replied:

- Why, dear? You have always liked it so much!

Stamping his foot on the ground, the boy replied:

- Well, I don't anymore. It takes a lot of space, makes lots of shade and is in the way in the backyard.

Startled, the woman considered:

- Think about it, my son. Trees should be preserved because they are very helpful and take years to grow and produce fruit. This mango tree gives us delicious mangoes and on its welcoming branches birds make their nests, and...

- It's no use, mom! - interrupted the capricious boy. - I want it cut down.

When his father arrived home from work, he was informed of the child's requirement. A new dialogue was established to try to make him give up the idea.

All for nothing. Every advice and pondering, argument and reprimand was useless. Cyrus was adamant.

He screamed, cried and complained so much that his parents, though considering the absurdity of his desire, decided to do his bidding.

After all, he was an only child! And his parents would do anything he asked.

The next day, with a bitter heart, his father had the beautiful tree cut.

Cyrus was happy. He smiled at every blow to the trunk. After a while, the man finished the job. Only a stump remained of the beautiful mango tree.

Cyrus was satisfied and went to play.

However, the very strong sun hurt his eyes and the heat was excessive. Within minutes he was tired and all sweaty. He decided to go inside.

His mother, who was watching from afar, said:

- Aren't you going to play anymore, Cyrus?

Disappointed, the boy replied:

- I'm tired. The sun is very hot today.

- Would you like something to eat? - said his mother, lovingly.

- Yes, mom. I would like to eat a mango.

- Ah, my dear, we have no mangoes. Have you forgotten that the mango tree was destroyed? The ones we had left over were given to the gardener!

Annoyed, Cyrus sat on the steps of the kitchen door, watching the yard that seemed so strangely empty now. He observed many birds that seemed to fly aimlessly, with no place to stay.

Cyrus remembered that he had seen several nests on the branches that were cut and understood that those birds had lost their houses. He also noted that they were hungry and looking for crumbs on the floor to eat.

With each passing day, Cyrus was getting increasingly regretful of his decision. He did not play in the backyard anymore. Everything had gotten boring; he did not have a tree to climb on, and the sun was merciless and burned everything.

One day, sighing, he approached the stump, now dark and withered, and embracing what was left of the mango tree, he gave vent to his grief. In tears, he said:

- I am very sorry, my friend. You do not know how much I miss you. I did not know you were so important to us, and now everything is boring. I do not have your shade to play under and the sun burns me. The birds were left wondering what to do, like me, and went away in search of other welcoming branches. Ah! If I could go back! Now I understand why they say that it is necessary to take care of the environment, and

preserve trees. Without you, everything is barren and ugly...
Cyrus wept and wept, embracing the remains of his old companion.

His tears of repentance, however, dampened the parched trunk and a few days later, as he approached it, Cyrus had a big surprise.

In the middle of the trunk, fragile green shoots emerged as the hope of a new life at its core.

Full of joy, Cyrus realized that the miracle of

life was repeating itself, and that the tree would again grow, with God's blessing!


Aunt Celia



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