A chat with the composer Zé
Henrique Martiniano
“Spirit resources” is the
theme and title of our
editorial, which highlight
the importance of not ever
forgetting prayer, the
Gospel at home and the
magnetic pass, as mainly
resources in face of
changings at material and
spiritual character that we
pass in our life.
The musician and composer
from São Paulo Zé Henrique
Martiniano speaks about
musics that he wrote, having
lyrics poems from Augusto
dos Anjos, a poet who
contributed with the known
work Parnaso de
Além-Túmulo; the first
book psychographed by Chico
Xavier. The interview which
was granted to our fellow
Orson Peter Carrara is one
of the highlights from this
Another spotlight is the
Special wrote by the
companion Davilson Silva,
from São Caetano do Sul
(SP), named “Undo human
creature in decades what God
did in millennia”, what
among other issues, it is
discussed why some
earthlings provoke
environmental destruction
from its own planet where
they need to live, they and
their descendants from this
and next generations.
Divaldo Franco was in one
more divulgation of Spirit
Doctrine in Rio Grande do
Sul, where he reached, from
15th to 20th
April, to many doctrines
appointments in the cities
Santa Cruz do Sul, Soledade,
Ijuí, Erechim, Vacaria and
Flores da Cunha. Wrote by
Paulo Salerno the reporter
is also one of the
spotlights of this edition.
It is concluded at this
edition the methodic study
of “Heaven and Hell, or
Divine Justice, according to
the Gospel”, by Allan
Kardec, which first edition
was published on 1st
August 1865. Following
studies called Kardecian
Pentateuch, the next issue
to be studied is “The
Genesis”, by Allan Kardec.