Should be done everything
to be happy?
The question above was one of the themes of philosophy dissertation exam conclusion equivalency of high school in France that gives access to the university. So, type of exam known as our Enem - National High School Exam.
To answer such questions like that it is necessary first to explain what is to be happy, what we mean by happiness.
Many readers of this journal will recall Jerome Mendonça, nicknamed The Laying Giant, who returned to the spiritual home on November 26th, 1989. (1)
Blind, quadriplegic and confined to an orthopedic bed, still Jerome held a remarkable work in the field of social work and the dissemination of Spiritism.
Endowed with unalterable good mood, he charmed with his words and his example of active resignation, everyone who heard him.
Once a reporter asked him what happiness is. He responded, "Happiness, for me, lying so long in this bed unable to move, would be able to turn aside."
Happiness, as everyone knows, depends on the point of view with which we face life and the conditions in which we live.
A man lost in the desert under a blazing sun, nothing is worth more than a glass of water.
As a young man fighting for getting into college, appear on the approved list is priceless.
To the young girl who truly loves a guy who also loves her, nothing beats joining him in marriage.
And so the examples succeed in this relentless pursuit of the human creature to be happy.
The theme happiness has been treated in many spiritist works and has been already mentioned, this same space, some of them.
With the title of "Happiness is not from this world", the Spirit of François-Nicolas-Madeleine, who had been on Earth Cardinal Morlot, wrote the following message:
“I'm not happy! Happiness was not made for me! It usually exclaims the man in all walks of life. That, my dear children, it proves, better than all possible arguments, the truth of this maxim of Ecclesiastes: ‘Happiness is not from this world.’
Neither wealth nor power, nor even the joyful youth are essential conditions to happiness. I'll tell you more: not even met these three conditions as desired, because has incessantly heard, within the more privileged classes, people of all ages complain bitterly about the situation in which they find themselves.
Faced with this fact, it is undisputed that the working classes and militants with such eagerness envy the position of which seem favored of fortune.
In this world, no matter what you do, each one has their share of toil and misery, their share of hardships and disappointments, where you can easily archive to the conclusion that the earth is a place of tests and atonement.
Thus, those who preach that it is the only abode of man and only in it and in one only existence it is what fulfills you achieve the highest degree of happiness that your nature behaves, it deceives themselves and deceive those who listen to them, as it is demonstrated by ordinary experience that only exceptionally this globe has necessary features to complete the happiness of the individual conditions.
In general thesis can be said that happiness is a utopia whose conquest generations are launched successively without ever getting reach it. If the wise man is a rarity in this world, the absolutely happy man has never been found.
What constitutes happiness on earth is so ephemeral thing to one who does not have the guide its pondering, which for a year, a month, a week of complete satisfaction, all the rest of existence is a series of sorrows and disappointments. And mark, my dear children, I speak of the blissful on Earth, those who are envied by the crowd.
Thereafter, if the earthly abode is peculiar to evidence and atonement, the assumption that it must be somewhere, more favored homes, where the Spirit, although still trapped in the material flesh has in all its fullness the joys inherent in human life. This is why God has sown in your whirlwind, these beautiful planets superior which your efforts and your tendencies will gravitate yourself one day when you find yourself sufficiently purified and perfected.” (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter V, item 20.)
As it has already mentioned, once proposed by Kardec to the spirits the following question: "Can a man enjoy full happiness on earth?" They replied, "No". It was justified then the answer explaining that corporeal existence on a planet like ours was granted to us as test or atonement. They added: "His, however, depends on smoothing your ills and being as happy as possible on Earth" (The Spirits' Book, issue 920).
On the subject, we suggest the reader to read the editorial below, published by this journal:
1) Happiness in the world we live on
2) Is it possible to be happy in this world?
(1) To know more about live and work of Jerônimo Mendonça click at: