A hundred years later and the world has not learnt yet
It was recorded last month the first centenary of the start of World War 1, a conflict whose initial trigger was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian empire, it occurred on June 28th, 1914 in Sarajevo, today capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is obvious that Europe was not in a conflict of this magnitude because of the death of Franz Ferdinand. Numerous factors foreshadowed that something was about to happen, as several analysts added later as the immediate causes of the conflict:
• colonial disputes;
• economic competition, especially between the United Kingdom and Germany;
• nationalist movements as Pan-Slavism and Pan-Germanism;
• French revanchism in the face of defeat in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.
The conflict, which ended on November 11th, 1918 with the victory of the Allies, involved the major world powers, which initially were organized in two opposing alliances: the Allies on one side and the other Central Powers, headed by Germany and the Austro-Hungarian and the empire. The United States entered the conflict later, positioning itself next to the UK and France.
After four years of war, here are some of its salient results:
• about 9 to 15 million dead;
• 30 million wounded;
• nations devastated;
• strengthening of aggressive nationalism;
• economic instability in several countries;
• increase in unemployment in Europe.
These results, along with other factors of economic and ethnic nature, were the main causes that - 21 years later - would lead to the 2nd World War, which started in 1939, whose results were even more devastating.
Let’s remember these facts only to record that the world, despite many deaths and destruction of dreams and entire families, it has not learnt that war is never the solution to human problems. If it was a solution to something, the Earth would be a paradise, something which it is not, and it is far from being, in view of the violent conflicts that are reported every day on TV and the mainstream press, which are not exclusive any continent and whose end only God knows when it will.
157 years ago Allan Kardec asked the instructors of spirituality: "From the face of the earth someday will the war disappear?"
They replied: "Yes, when men understand righteousness and practice the law of God. At that time, all people will be brothers." (The Spirits' Book, 743)
Comprise justice...
Practice the law of God...
Yes... That day is far away.
We will have to reincarnate and disembodied several times to be able to enjoy it, which it is, unfortunately, a shame.