Suicide and its harmful consequences
There are not those who do not mourn the deaths that occur every day resulting from homicides and wars. In fact, its number is alarming and as we know, an absolutely unnecessary fact, since the existence on Earth already brings with it many difficulties that would be great that at least those caused by men no longer occur.
The number of victims of wars and murders, however, is smaller than the number who voluntarily kill himself, about one million people a year, according to the latest report published by the World Health Organization, which we refer to in the editorial of issue 279 - Suicide: total and useless option - the reader can read by clicking this link:
Several reasons answered, certainly for the causes that lead a person to kill himself.
It is assumed that prior knowledge of what happens to the one who kills himself he would be able to prevent the fact. We have doubts about it, because there are times when the person is so disturbed that not even think about the consequences of his act. He just acts, seeking to get rid of a supposedly greater evil, for later, when he finally awakens in spiritual life, bitterly lamenting the unfortunate gesture.
Based on the teachings brought by people who passed through suicide, we can say that the disappointment would be the first consequence of such acts, which there is no change - rather complicated - a situation that the person wanted to escape.
Two other consequences, much more serious, concern the effects of the harm caused to the physical body by the Spirit which leaves life by suicide and, later, the difficulties he will encounter when he can finally enjoy an existence in the world called normal.
In the book Action and Reaction, by Andre Luiz, psychographic by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier and published in 1957 by the FEB, Sânzio minister, referring to the subject, said these words:
"Let’s pictured a coward man facing the fight getting into the suicide at forty years old of his physical body. This man enters the spiritual world suffering the immediate consequences of the unfortunate gesture, spending longer or shorter time, according to the mitigating and aggravating his defection, to recover cells from perispirit vehicle, and, whenever appropriate, when he makes merit the prize of a fleshly body in the Human Sphere, among the evidences that will be repeated, it naturally includes the extreme temptation to suicide in the precise age at which he abandoned work that he should stand because the destructive images that filed in his mind will unfold before him, through the phenomenon that we call `reflex circumstances', giving rise to emotional imbalances which will put him logically in touch with the unbalanced forces that it will adjust him to the temporary way of being.
"If this man has not amassed resources and educational reformers in him, through the practice of fraternity and study in order to overcome the inevitable crisis, hardly escapes from suicide, once again, because temptations, nevertheless strengthened by outside us, it begins in us and it feeds from ourselves." (Action and Reaction, Chapter 7, pages 93 to 95).
The birth organic mutilations have, as we know, their cause in the past acts. If someone attacks the brain itself, teaches Emmanuel, it will be needed to redo it, at least two body existences. "When we perpetrated determine crime and installed the blame on us, we engender the chaos into of own soul, and returning to Greater Life after disembodiment involved in the shadow of guilty process, we naturally suffer the unfortunate results of own unhappy acts", here's what Chico Xavier, under the inspiration of his mentor and guide, said on the night of May 7th, 1974 in a solemn session of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás, as the reader can verify in the work Chico Xavier in Goiânia, published by GEEM Publisher.