The collective deaths
and their causes
It has been 18 days that the nation followed in disbelief the unfolding air disaster in Santos (SP) in the morning of August 13th, in which seven occupants of the crashed aircraft perished, among them the former Governor Eduardo Campos, from Pernambuco, candidate for president.
The collective deaths always cause commotion and raise innumerous reflections in all, for example, the fragility of human life and - for many people – a real mystery that makes people so young leave our plan, while elderly leaded to a hospital bed, with no hope of cure, remain here.
The episode has raised, as we predicted, an old question that has just reached us:
- What's in Spiritist literature on collective deaths?
Who first dealt with the subject, so as we know, was Emmanuel in a written in 1940 and published the following year by FEB Publisher. That is the question that was proposed to him and his response:
250. How does collective ordeal occur? - In the collective ordeal it appears the call by incarnate Spirits, participants at the same bandwidth, with reference to criminal and dark past. The mechanism of justice, in the law of compensation, then works spontaneously, through the representatives of Christ, that summon minions in the debt of the past for redemptions in common, which is why often called "painful accident" the circumstances that bring together the most disparate creatures in the same accident, which causes them death of their physical body or the various mutilations, within their individual commitments. (The Comforter, psychographed by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.)
In 1957, chapter 18 from the book Action and Reaction, also psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, André Luiz has reported to the issue. It is described in the book the case of Ascânio and Lucas, what the instructor Druso says:
"Thirty years ago, I enjoyed the conviviality of two benefactors, to whose selflessness I much own in this landing light. Ascânio and Luke, respected assistants in the Upper Sphere, integrated us to the team of valuable mentors and friends... When I met them in person, they had already spent several glosses in supporting suffered wayward brothers. Scholars and ennobled, they were indefatigable companions in our best achievements. It happens however, after long decades of struggle in fraternity sanctifying fighting, sighing for the highest spheres tickets, so that it expanded the ideals of holiness and beauty, it did not show the necessary specific condition for the ringed flight. Fully engrossed in the excitement of teaching the right path to similar, they did not plan any dive in the past, so that’s why may times when we have caught astonished in the splendor of the peaks, there is not always availability for any survey the mists of the valley... Thus, they began to desire the rise, feeling something disenchanted by the lack of support from the authorities that they cannot recognized the essential merit." (Action and Reaction, psychographed by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.)
Druso said so it is called both for the exam, Higher Plane technicians will re-conduct them to the memory to more distant periods in time. Several observation sheets were extracted, then, the mnemonic field in the manner of x-ray current medical services in the world and, through them, important conclusions emerged afloat.
Ascânio and Luke had, in fact, extensive credits acquired in nearly five successive centuries; however, when the gradual hearing reached the fifteenth century, something came and imposed them sorrowful meditation: "Snatched at the file memory and hurt them deeply in spirit, after the magnetic operation to which we have referred, it reappeared in the document set scenes of ominous offense committed by both, in 1429, shortly after the release of Orleans, when formed the army of Joan of Arc. Hungry for influence with the gun’s brothers, they did not hesitate to kill two fellows, casting them from a high fortress in the territory of Gâtinais on filthy ditches, getting drunk in the honors that they earned it, later tortured remorse beyond the grave."
At this point, respondents wished to pursue the quaint survey responded negatively, preferring to settle the debt before new immersions in the past. Ascânio and Luke begged, thus, the return to the men’s field, which they would rescue the aforementioned debt. How they could choose the kind of trial, in view of the moral resources conquered the intimate world, they chose to work in the field of aeronautics, whose evolution offered their lives.
It was two months - said Druso - that the two friends had disembodied, due to an accident aircraft accident, suffered thus, at their request, the same mortal fall that inflicted the fight comrades in the fifteenth century.