When silence does not help
We have read in the Journal of Londrina 09/11/2014 a daunting news about the increasing number of suicides in Londrina, whose incidence has increased 52% in the last five years, that percentage was even higher - 57% - at the age of 20 to 29 years, which, incidentally, is the largest number of cases.
It was transcript testimonials in the article to which we refer to, from two health professionals.
Said Ivan Capelatto psychotherapist, Campinas (SP), in an interview to the journal: "What we have found in the studies is the disappointment with family, with friends, with the person itself, because it started to get very difficult to belong to this postmodern society. There are suicides which goal is to hurt the other, but there are suicides that are the intolerability to live."
The diagnosis coincides with what we have learned in spiritual doctrine about the challenges we all face in reincarnation experience, especially on a planet that has as basic features, serve as evidence of the world, atonement and reparation.
It is a heavy burden from the past, the need for repair and coping with situations we choose before returning to the earthly scene. That is why we find in the common experience people who overcome their obstacles and a portion of those who cannot overcome the vicissitudes inherent in the chosen reincarnation project.
The suicide issue has been examined in this magazine on numerous occasions, for example, the editorial editions of 279 and 377, in which the different doctrinal aspects relevant to the subject were reminded, especially with regard to the consequences for the one who decided to end its existence(1). We repeat: "to end its existence," not end its life, because this is never extinguished, whether or not we coated a fleshly body.
In an interview to Journal of Londrina, Ivan Capelatto not only talks about causes, but suggests some preventive measures. "To make prevention - he says - we need to start showing the children values such as affection, caring for each other; parents should spend more time with the children, make children bear the displeasure, always putting a limit like 'no, it cannot now.' They need to feel they should pursue a dream, pursue a relationship with life."
The other expert was quoted in the article is the psychologist Karen Scavacini, São Paulo (SP), Master of Public Health in the area of Promoting Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Karen believes it is possible to prevent suicide from the moment that sheds light on causes, risk factors, warning signs and prevention factors.
Among the risk factors, says psychologist lack of meaning in life and the feeling of hopelessness. As prevention factors, it mentions self-confidence, sense of personal worth, family and friends support, sense of belonging, good relationships, ability to ask for help, good food and good sleeping.
In light of Spiritism, we believe it would be worthwhile to include in these measures the practice of prayer, the exercise of the good, the Gospel at home and, in particular, faith, hope and full confidence in God, which, as everyone knows, you only want the well for his children.
Interestingly, experts argue, too, that it takes the theme of silence, contradicting an old policy adopted by the general press, which always avoided giving prominence to the issue, understanding that this could contribute to increase cases.
Silence is really useful in many situations, but it seems clear that, when it comes to suicide prevention, it certainly does not help.
(1) Here are the links that takes the interested reader to this magazine’s issues which suicide was discussed:
Suicide: fool and useless option - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano6/279/editorial.html
Suicide and its harmful consequences - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano8/377/editorial.html