A chat with Waldehir
de Almeida
In this week’s editorial,
"Politicians, great care is
required!" alludes to
the corruption scandals that
have been unveiled in recent
weeks in our country and
warns about its mediate and
immediate consequences.
Waldehir Bezerra de Almeida,
our interviewee today, talks
about his latest book, in
which the mediunic practice
and its complexity are the
main topics. Result of
intense research, the work
was published by FEB. Born
in Recife-PE, the colleague
resides in the Federal
District, where he currently
chairs the Spiritist Group
House on the Path in Guara
II. The interview is one of
the highlights of this
Another highlight is the
special article "The
Spiritist phenomenon through
the ages", authored by
our collaborator Enrique
Eliseo Baldovino, living in
Foz do Iguaçu-PR. In his
article, Baldovino reminds
us that spiritist phenomena
are as old as the world,
just as Gabriel Delanne
stated in his book The
Spiritist Phenomenon.
Thiago Bernardes focuses on
one of the most remarkable
episodes of the period when
the Spiritist doctrine was
codified: the Act-of-Faith
of Barcelona, which occurred
on October 9th,
1861, when, by order of the
local bishop, several
spiristist works sent by
Allan Kardec to a bookseller
of that city were burned.
The article is one of the
highlights of this edition.
On this date - October 19th
- passed away in 1909 in
Turin, Italy, Cesare
Lombroso, author of the
classic Hypnotism and
Mediumship. Native
to Verona, Italy, where he
was born in 1835, Lombroso
was a psychiatrist,
criminologist and
anthropologist of renown in
his time, not only in Italy
but worldwide.